
My SI Stash #88 - Powerlust by Drogoth (DxD)

-Daily dose of SI DxD fics~ (`・∀・´)

*SI as Issei Hyoudou, First SI crack fic I've read that has got IssexAika as the pairing

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sypnosis: It's settled. The females of this world makes no sense… When I took over Issei Hyoudou's body I immediately set myself up to become the pinnacle of strength to gain some leverage against supernatural... But now that I've somewhat succeeded, every girl suddenly wants to jump my— "Kuroka... could you please leave my joystick alone while I try to take a piss?" SI smut-W-plot crackfic

Rated: M

Words: 37K

Posted on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13343309/1/Powerlust (Drogoth)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (*´ー`*)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

Speech: "What"

Thoughts(3rd POV) / Inner speech: 'What'

Telepathy: "What"

Demonic/Distorted voices: "What"

Ddraig Speech: [What]


That'd probably be the most suitable term I'd come up for the emotion whenever a person gets possessed by an intense, insatiable desire to attain power and control… be it physical strength of one's body or political standing within the society...

In my case I'd be leaning more towards the former of the two. I mean that kind of crap was practically mandatory for me to achieve, considering the world and the body I'm now residing in… A world with a hidden society where basically Power and strength are all that truly matters if you wish to gain any form of acknowledgment within their social hierarchy or make your voice heard and I can bet your damn ass that there's no way in hell I'd ever accept the role of some lowly fodder if I have the ability to do otherwise!

Needless to say my newfound tenant (well over decade long now), teacher, bestie, parent figure and most of all my partner; has been in full hearted agreement with my determination to gain enough power so I'd get some leverage against the supernatural, so he did everything he could to help me with my goal. Anything to increase my chances of survival around here… especially with my foreknowledge on the upcoming events that lies beyond the horizon.

Speaking of which; Say hi Ddraig!

[Who are you even talking to?]

And thus my 13 years long training montage began.

I don't bother you with the details, because let's be real; nobody fucking cares what people do during training montages! All you need to know is that time passed, I trained under the tutelage of my aforementioned tenant to the brink of collapsing each day, shit happened and Ta-daa! Saitama 2.0 at your service!

Well Saitama who had been nerfed to hell that is, considering I still can't jump up to the moon and back on a whim nor can I obliterate people out of existence by simply flicking a wrist at them… Not just yet at least, despite the level of power at my disposal that has actually been given Y Ddraig Goch's stamp of approval!

[Seriously who are you talking to!?]

Although there was this one tiny little side effect that came to me as a result by the end of it all once I've somewhat reached my minimum goal… No, no I didn't lose my hair like Saitama did, if that's what you've been thinking (and I know you did!) and thank God for that, because my mom would've gotten an heart attack if I looked anywhere near like that lolicon baldie who's one of the two retarded friends the canon version of Issei had.

Anyhow my situation regarding the side effect was a bit more… complicated…

Ugh, what would be the best way to put it….

Well… in layman's terms...


I basically became a chick magnet… And I'm not even joking...

On cue, I momentarily decided to cut off from my monologuing to look down towards my lap to meet the spectacled, golden eyes of the perpetrator behind these lewd sound effects.

Aika Kiryuu, my classmate and… kind of a sexfriend of mine... And we're both now more or less skipping classes to have some fun at the empty infirmary… yes, the dirty kind...

In other words… Aika (still fully clothed) is currently giving me a head, while I was seated on the edge of one of the bed with Aika herself kneeled right between my legs, eagerly bobbing her head on my shaft.

*Sluuurp~~!* And damned if she wasn't doing fine job at it~!

I let out a pleasured grunt in response, when I felt her tongue doing magic around the tip of my admittedly impressive sized shaft.

Speak what you wish about the idiot who was the original owner of this body, Issei in fact was quite bloody gifted below the belt region. Luckily not one of those AV worthy monstercocks (or dragoncock in my case) that'd also count as a third leg, but it was definitely way above the average. That being solid (HA!) eight inches in length and nearly three in diameter. All in all, definitely the kind of tool that gets the work done.

Although the reason for such endowment could easily be just a part of the side effects I've mentioned about earlier… More about it will be explained soon I promise, but first I gotta show some appreciation to the girl servicing me with such enthusiasm.

I grinned down at her and gave her head a loving caress. "Good girl, Ai-chan."

It seems my praise got a reaction out of the girl as her eyes were practically sparkling at me, before she went down to town on my cock with further fervor all the while she reached with one of her hands to fondle my nutsack, while her free hand reached down under her skirt and panties to give her lonely mound the stimuli and attention it desperately needed.

Mhm! Oh yeah, a good girl indeed! Damn, gotta love these hentai physics this world seemingly had, for how it allowed Aika to take in my entire length down her throat without any apparent discomfort of choking or pain in her jaw.

Anyhow where were we… ah right, the chick magnet part!

There is actually an interesting story behind all this.

But before I get to the heart of it; allow me to get one thing straight; first of all you must understand that while my physique did go through some major changes such as vast increase in muscle density and strength (which luckily retained the shape of a swimmer instead of a bodybuilder) along with the massive increase in dragonic energy (which is more due to Ddraig's influence, which we'll be returning to shortly), my face however remained the same, Average. If you noticed the capital A back there; then yes, that was intentional.

What you all need to know is that I don't exactly consider myself all that particularly attractive, both in the past and with the current face I wear, and like I said; I'm practically the mascot of everything average one could find in a male individual's physical appearance (not that I have low esteem or anything just stating facts through personal experience).

To sum it up as briefly as possible; the reason on why these girls are suddenly all over me now isn't exactly for me having a good outer appearance (although having a decent face with a body of an Adonis, DOES somewhat help), but it is more due to the physical changes that occurred within my body.

In other words it was less out of physical attraction and more about primitive, instinctive bodily behaviour that gets triggered whenever a person comes within the certain proximity around me.

You see, back in my childhood, back when I first met Ddraig in my mindscape I offered my heart to him basically in a heartbeat (pun not intended). AFTER Ddraig ran me through some hellish body conditioning so I'd become physically capable to handle the transformation without lethal repercussions. This was so I could get a massive boost in power and rid myself of all and any limitations I still had in a human, mortal body.

Then with my threshold of power increased way beyond human levels, the intensity of my training too increased.

Now you all may be asking; what does that has to do with anything with how I attract ladies to myself like moths to flame?


You see, giving up my heart to Ddraig basically turned me into a miniature dragon in human form, but doing so understandably had made some major changes in my physiology.

My skin for example; instead of a epidermal layer, it now consists of microscopic-sized scales. My bones are denser than diamond. My lungs have evolved to the point I can now hold breath for dozens of minutes (ability to breath fire still remains to be seen though). My muscles are powerful enough to bench lift a truck without an effort. My eyesight would make even an eagle froth from jealousy.

And that's just the gist of the upgrades my body got thanks to Ddraig's full cooperation in turning me into greatest powerhouse there is.

However what also changed is the way my body emits pheromones now… That's the biggest side effect I was talking of, which is also something I cannot turn off by will. The moment I hit puberty, I began to emit pheromones so strong they started to affect the people around me… Especially the females...

Shortly put; females who inhale my pheromones, arouses the primal part inside their brain to be invoked, causing them to see me as potential mate.

For males however… well they'd either back off submissively or becomes far more aggressive with me...

According to Ddraig, this was because of my new dragonic heritage acting up. Apparently all dragons have powerful pheromones that oozes out of their body on constant flux to instill domination upon others and to attract mates, the stronger the dragon the stronger the effects of pheromones are. Though the thing is, dragon pheromones should be only affecting the species of their OWN kind. However for reasons unknown to both me and Ddraig, in my case whatever the organ or gland it is that is responsible to my rogue pheromone production, has actually mutated to affect females of ALL species that are sexually compatible with me… Meanwhile making most males of all species hate me with passion...

Most people would consider this specific "side-effect" a blessing and to very big degree I actually agree with it, considering how I'm practically drowning in pussy now, compared to my last life where I literally felt like a man dying of thirst every day...

And to be honest I'd be a one massive hypocrite if I were to ever ridicule Issei for his perverted ways, considering I was no better in that regard, except for the fact that I was NOWHERE near as open about my desires as Issei has been, so I suppose I can tip a hat in respect how Issei was even capable of such honesty.

Though while the pheromones makes finding a girlfriend for me easy as all fuck (pun totally intended), it isn't without its drawbacks unfortunately… Sure it's a bummer that finding any bromance is going to be difficult as all hell with how the pheromones affect any male, but that's not the part I'm mainly disturbed by…

You see, the pheromones affects all species of all ages… ALL. FUCKING. AGES! And believe me while this whole pheromone bullshit can be awesome at most times; it is however KIND of a massive turn off when some senile grannies you walk past on the streets are starting to give you bedroom eyes as well!

UGH! Just the mere thought of it is enough to make me want to hurl my guts out!

*Sluuurp!* *moan* Ah! Good girl Ai-chan! I can always trust you to banish such thoughts away and bring me up to the full mast again~!

Anyhow! I can only thank all the Gods out there that there ARE certain limitation on what my pheromones can influence and cannot.

First; the species has to be at least humanoid in shape, anything that I'm sexually compatible with, physically I mean.

And the second, THIS is the important part; my pheromone can only influence females that has at least gone through puberty or the… menstrual cycle…

So that considered there hopefully won't be any FBI knocking on my door anytime soon...

Which then brings me to my next issue that still boggles the heck out of me… It's the fact for how… easy the females in this world were… Well admittedly I am kinda (read: completely) cheating with that, but meh semantics, right? Anyhow what I'm trying to explain is just that back in my original world, I can tell you with 100% certainty that literally NONE (or at least the vast majority) of these girls would've ever given me the time of day.

But now that I've reached the certain threshold in strength that I've been aiming for ever since I got here; every girl here all of sudden wants a piece of me and are practically throwing their undergarments at me for just walking past them in the hallways or even at the streets… And no I'm not exaggerating, believe it or not, that shit actually happened a few times in the past to my utter incredulity…

Pheromones or not, you'd think people at least have some form of self-control on their impulses…

So far I'm fully aware how the pheromones affects humans and for Youkai species (especially those with animal traits) it seemed particularly quite bloody effective… this is based on a past experience I've had which will be explained on a later date.

Meanwhile as far as Devils, Fallen Angels and Angels go however, it still remains unclear how they'd react towards the extended exposure due to the lack of encounters I've had with any of them and I've only gotten like a few passing glances at the Devils here, since it's only been about a month since I've started my term here in the Kuoh Academy as a 2nd year student once it finally went co-ed.

I do not wish to sound like a misogynistic pig when I'm mentioning all this, but what can you do when you live in a world that's practically ran with hentai logics with me replacing the guy who was originally meant to be this world's harem protagonist?

The answer?

Just roll with it.

Speaking of which—

As I felt my limit at its peak, I instinctively placed my hands around Aika's temples, getting a surprised look out of her before I brought her closer (making her nose brush against my pelvis) with a low growl.

"Ungh! Cumming, Ai!" With that I shot my load right down her throat, to which she first sputtered out in surprise before she started swallowing it all with a gleeful moan, before she placed both of her hands around my buttocks to keep my entire length in her moist cavern down to the hilt.

I let out a hiss each time her tight throat constricted around my shaft whenever she gulped down my seed.

After a solid 20 seconds cumming non-stop down her gullet, I finally calmed down and let go of her head as I leaned back to catch my breath, feeling the high of my last orgasm.

And as soon as I let go of her, Aika too slowly pulled back until my cock slipped out with quiet pop. She then cupped her mouth and tilted her head back, but not before she made sure our eyes met and then—


She swallowed the last of my seed in single loud gulp, before she sighed out and opened her mouth to show me the proof of her "clean" mouth.

Damn that was hot!

"G-gochisousama(1), Ise-kun." Aika said in a lewd tone as she trailed her lips with a finger for any leftover sperm left on her face, before she licked those clean as well.

It's honestly amazing how I initially considered her as one of the uninteresting, plain girls of the series, but now here I am and frankly can't get enough of her.

With a grin I reached down and picked the spectacled girl up by her armpits, who let out delighted squeak as I brought her up to my lap, so she was basically straddling me.

I then brought her in for a heated kiss (ignoring the leftover taste of myself in her mouth), getting loud moan from the girl, who snaked her arms around my neck as she reciprocated the action, just as I as well brought my own hands down to her slim waist and up to the nape of her neck in turn. Before we both closed our eyes to enjoy the sensation.

As we simply sat there and made out without worries, I slowly trailed down the hand resting on her waist down to her firm ass and gave it a loving squeeze, making her jump slightly in my arms, letting out a squeak. But instead of breaking the kiss; she responded by gyrating her hips against mine, getting another growl out of me as I felt myself getting hard as rock again.

After a while we both reluctantly broke away from the kiss, with Aika panting for air as we stared at each other's eyes.

"You know Ai-chan?"

The said girl tilted her head to the side in curiosity, her face still rather flushed from the session. "W-what is it Ise-kun?"

I reached up to her face and gingerly removed her glasses from her face, getting a bemused raise of an eyebrow at my efforts. "You ever considered contacts or wearing your hair straight?" I suddenly asked of her as I inspected her pink rimmed glasses.

Aika's eyebrows this time jumped past her hairline. "What's that about all of sudden?"

I grinned up at her, though I doubted she could even see that far without the glasses, so I gently placed them back on over her eyes.

"It's just... has anyone ever mentioned how beautiful you look without your glasses on? It sorta gives you this vibe of… much more mature beauty. And having your hair down would no doubt add to it."

Hearing my compliment Aika became beet red, before she averted her gaze from mine, murmuring quietly something to herself, though with my keen senses I heard it loud and clear. "Darn gigolo, making me fall even harder for you..."

Hearing that I blinked, before I let out a small chuckle as I looked at the girl who was still shyly averting her gaze away from mine.

"Judging by your reaction, I take it compliments such as this doesn't come out often?"

This time her expression became almost melancholic, but she nodded in silence regardless.

Noticing this my gaze softened by considerable degree before I reached up with my left hand, cupping her right cheek and gently turned her head so that we were face to face again.

"If that's truly the case then—" I leaned in and stole her lips again in a chaste kiss, getting a displeased moan from her for cutting the liplock short. "Then as many times as it takes—" Again a kiss, getting another moan (this time in approval). "I will tell you—" Kiss (moan~!) "You-" Kiss. "are" Kiss. "Always" Kiss. "Beautiful to me." The last time I kissed her (packed with tongue) however, she all of sudden squealed into my mouth while her body began to shake uncontrollably on my lab, at first I became concerned, but that was until I felt the increasing moisture around my crotch.

Aika had reached an orgasm.

This girl is REALLY not used to being called beautiful, eh?

Once her orgasm finally settled she fell over with her head against my right shoulder, panting heavily.

"You okay Ai-chan?" I asked, still somewhat amused for the reason of her out of blue orgasm.

She then gripped on my shoulders and leaned back in a lightning-like movement, then all of sudden she practically ripped off her black corset, throwing it aside, before doing the same for her blouse by ripping it open on the front, revealing her yellow brassiere to the world for me to see.

I blinked at this, before I averted my eyes from the fine twins she had, to meet her eyes with a nervous look.

"Uhm, you know, while I love the enthusiasm; the next class starts in—" Aika suddenly took a fierce grip on the collar of my shirt, before she pulled into an equally fierce, lustful kiss.

As soon as she broke it. Her expression became something that I could only call the lust incarnate… which says a lot coming from the guy in Issei's body… "Fuck the class and start fucking me instead!" With that she lunged in again for a heated mouth-to-mouth action packed with an intense tonsil hockey match. Oh and don't forget all the dry humping she's doing.

Well if she puts it like that, who am I to disappoint?

After the sexy time I had with Aika, we returned to classroom… 3 hours late and got heavily reprimanded by the teacher for being late (again).

And now… School hours has ended and was on my way back home, just about a mile away from the academy grounds.

"Say… Ddraig?" I vocally called out to my tenant, if anyone were to walk by and hear me talking to myself they'd no doubt think I'm a crazy person… Well if they were male that is...considering how females tended to act around me nowadays…

[Yeah, partner? What is it?]

"... Should we go and raid the Heaven?" I nonchalantly asked in the fit of boredom. As I looked to my left to gaze at the sunset as I was crossing a bridge.

I could actually feel the ancient entity inside me raising an eyebrow at my out of blue inquiry. [Not that I mind nor particularly care, but what for?]

"I'm bored..." I stated with lopsided pout.

[... You're willing to become an enemy of a whole faction, just to satisfy your boredom?] Ddraig inquired in perplexed tone, but there was a undertone of amusement in his voice.

"... I could grope Gabriel's tits while at it if you wish?" I offered.


I chuckled at Ddraig's full 180 response, making myself legitimately consider if I should just proceed with the idea of invading Heaven to simply kill some time, despite it being said as a joke at first. But as soon as I reached the other end of the bridge—

"A-anoo?" I was cut off by a feminine voice few steps to my right, earning my attention enough for me to turn and face the speaker.

I blinked when my eyes caught the sight of a familiar raven haired beauty.

"A-are you by chance Issei Hyoudou?" She asked me in a bashful tone, although I could easily tell it was faked. Both due to my foreknowledge about the canon and my personal inner bullshit radar that I had on at all times.

Yes I knew this person all too well and just what exactly she's after.

"Yes, that'd be me." Regardless, I responded politely.

No need to be rude afterall.

The girl began fidgeting in her place, while biting her finger in a fit of nervousness. "Uhm, my name is Amano Yuuma and I… I was just wondering, are you seeing anyone right now?" She gave me a shy side-glance.

I gotta hand it to her, despite being a murderous bitch inside that facade of hers, she sure as hell is one heckuva actor.

"Nope, not really." Which is technically true at least officially speaking. Since I'm quite certain pretty much each girl I've had an affair with so far, have been alright with the "friends-with-benefits" package. Although I admit, I've been far more intimate with Aika (along with few others) much more often as of late, compared to the rest. However Aika had made it rather clear that she'd be all for the idea of becoming one of my girls if I ever decide to build a harem… Well officially that is...

Back to the (secretly murderous) brunette however. Hearing my answer she "beamed" at me in pure (faux) happiness.

"That's splendid!" She then had the decency to look sheepish and blushing a bit, when I raised an eyebrow at the way she put it. "Ah! N-not that there's anything to celebrate about being single! I-it's just, I mean—!" She then took a deep breath and slapped her cheeks twice to focus, before she basically jumped up to my face, causing me to instinctively take a step back from how she suddenly invaded my personal space.

"Will you be my boyfriend!?" She then asked all of sudden.

I blinked. Straight to point I see.

"Uhm, okay?" I went along with her ploy, though it sounded more like a question.

The girl gave me another beautiful smile, before she leaned back with a bashful blush smearing her face. "YES! T-then how about a date at Saturday? Say around..." She placed a finger on her jawline in apparent thought. "Nine in morning, by that street clock in front of that Maid cafe downtown?"

I gave her a lopsided grin, before nodding. "Sounds good, see you on Saturday then?"

"Perfect! Yes until Saturday then Issei-kun!" The girl exclaimed before she leaned forward again to give me a peck on the cheek that was almost even convincing, if I didn't know beforehand what she had in store for me upon the date. Then with that she left, giving me a wave over her shoulder, leaving me alone there on the bridge.

Huh… that happened… And boy was that one one-sided chatter...

[Indeed. I take it this is the part where… what did you call it again? Ah right, where the events of "Canon" begins, right?]

'Eeyup, this is literally the starting point where everything slowly begins to escalate.'

Still, time sure has gone by fast… to be honest I've nearly forgotten all about the starting events of the canon.

[I admit, when you first explained me what we should be expecting from the future; I was understandably rather sceptical about it, even with the memories you shared, but with that crow's appearance, consider any lingering doubt I may have had good as dead now.]

'Good to know, also how do you think I'd fare with Whitey?'

[If everything does go the exact way your memories serve; with the way you are now, I can assure you'd wipe the floor with him easily.]

I smiled wide, when I felt the amount of pride in Ddraig's voice that he had towards me.

'Thank you. Although we probably should still give it a benefit of a doubt and keep an eye out on any further changes, considering what we so far have encountered… no matter how minor they may be...'

[I fully agree. You may have grown far more powerful compared to your predecessors, but overconfidence is what killed most of my former hosts after all.]

I inclined my head to Ddraig's words, before I paused and started smirking when a mischievous thought occurred me.

'Speaking of changes; do you think Vali has gone through the whole "Rule 63" ordeal as well?'

[Why you're asking?]

'I mean, I don't know about you, but what's the better way to fuck our rival up than have it done literally from the back?' I rhetorically inquired my dragon tenant with a shit eating grin plastering my face.

[HAHAHA! That's exactly why I consider you my favorite host! HAHA!]

I too started chuckling along with my partner, before I set off again towards my home. But before that I looked towards the direction the girl had run off to one more time, and allowed myself to smirk in anticipation for what is to occur later this week.

Now then I hope you at least make things interesting for me during our date…





AN - Well that's a wrap. I hope you liked it!

Daaamn, it's been quite some time since I've last wrote anything lemony. Like… 2 years (?) I think, last one being from Worgen Of The Ardent, but that being said don't be too surprised if that stuff comes out rusty for a while.

Funny fact; this idea came to me out of random on my way driving home on Friday, so this one got written over weekend. :3

Target of next chapter: Raynare

(1) Gochisousama = Thank you for the meal.

Follow me on twitter/euwleague~ @N177013

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aweirdweebcreators' thoughts