
out of sight

boss! I am afraid he will kill you in your sleep later just by that action alone!"

Cindy wanted to laugh. This Arianna was truly simple minded and she also probably watched very many movies.

She smiled at her, "It is okay, I don't think he is that bad!"

Arianna still had fear on her face, "If you need me to call protection for you after this then you do so, I know we will not be able to defeat him but we still have to try!"

Cindy wanted so badly to tell Arianna that it was fine, that Alexander would rather die than hurt her but she could not voice it out because it was not time yet!

She calmly turned around before she could say another word; Alexander had already lowered his head. Cindy gasped and the next second she felt cold lips on her own.

Everyone was shocked at first and someone's face did not look too good!

Paul Jobs' face looked so bad that he almost looked like he wanted to swallow someone!