

Lin Ye was a cardiothoracic surgeon at Starlight Hospital. She was sitting in her office when her pager rang. Wen Shao Feng, the emergency doctor, spoke in a rush, "Doctor Lin, we have a traffic accident patient. His heart rate is very slow while his blood pressure is dropping significantly

Lin Ye quickly grabbed her white coat and rushed to the Emergency Department with her pager still in hand. As she entered the bustling trauma bay, her eyes immediately found Wen Shao Feng, his face etched with concern. The room was a symphony of controlled chaos, with nurses hooking up IV lines, respiratory therapists readying oxygen masks, and technicians preparing to take X-rays.

Wen Shao Feng gestured toward a curtained-off area where the patient lay. Lin Ye swiftly moved toward the bed, her eyes locking onto the man's pale and sweaty face. She could see the deep worry lines on the foreheads of the medical staff surrounding him. Taking a deep breath, Lin Ye jumped into action.