
Small Box

When i take off my head module, it's already past afternoon. I tried to open Fiend Home again, but nothing happened.

'What happened?' i thought to myself. Did the story was just end like that? I shake my head, denies the possibility.

My stomach growl, asking to be fed. I only bought two donut to eat for my breakfast. I don't have time and loose my appetite to eat it after got fired. Now that im hungry, let's eat it now.

I quickly got up and went to the living room. I grab a plastic bag filled with 2 donut. I brought them to kitchen and fill a cup with water. In the kitchen, there are only 2 chairs and a table. That's it. Actually, there were supposed to have 5 chairs but 3 of them got sold off. My financial was barely support me so i had to do what i had to do.

I put both the plastic bag and the cup on table. Just i want to take a bite of a donut, a ring sounded on my front door. Who ring the doorbell? Did i order something before? I don't remember well.

I hurried to the front door and peeked at window to see who. Not a single person was at the door. I opened the door to see if some kids playing doorbell. You never know if there are new residents moved to this area. Those naughty kids likes to playing prank on their neighbors.

I checked left and right. Maybe they already run away. I chuckled. Just i want to close the door, i notice there was a small box in front of my door. It's packaging was weird. I grab it then looked left and right again. Making sure somebody dropped it here. Its impossible to be dropped so perfectly in front of my door.

I take it inside and close the door then lock it. Just to be safe if somebody were to rob me. You never know, it might be robber new tactics to fool us. There are already so many ways robber to fool us and take advantage. In news, police give advices and warnings to always be careful.