
My Second Alpha Mate

"Please don't reject me... please Goddess no... I don't wanna die a painful death..." Sylvia, dumbfounded, thought to herself as her inner wolf Lexa and the majestic blueblack-haired inner wolf simultaneously acknowledged each other telepathically as "MATE". 23 chapters 1 side story

Fire_Garnet · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Side Story - Pups

Have you ever wondered how inner wolves were born?

Saturday morning.  Sylvia eyed her Alpha rudely.  These days, André irritates her in the most possible ways.  André just got back from outside bringing in the dried laundry and some pastries he got from the bakery.

"What? What did I do?"  André noticed Sylvia's irate demeanor towards him.  He was folding the laundry and lining them up on the bed.

"What kind of fold is this?  It will eat up space in our drawer don't you think?  And this," Sylvia raised the jacket, "why would you fold this when you know this should be on a hanger?"

André felt hurt.  Sylvia recently is becoming ruder as the days passed.  Everything he does seems so wrong.  Her reactions are becoming graver too even on the smallest things.

We're only 7 months into the marriage.  Is the honeymoon phase over?

"I— I'm sorry baby.  I'll do better."  He said visibly upset and eyes becoming red.  He started to redo the folded clothes on the bed.

"Haaaah...". Sylvia sighed.  Not noticing her husband's hunched-back and gloomy aura.  She went to the table and looked at the paper bag containing the pastries André bought.

"What's this?!," Suddenly Sylvia felt her stomach turned over the smell of apple strudels and hurriedly ran into the sink.  She has started to hate some smells now, except her husband's.  She cannot sleep without inhaling his scent.


André heard her vomiting and went to her.  He gently rubbed her back.  He was silent.  Aiming not to irritate her anymore.  He was still upset but also worried about why his wife is now sick.

Once done.  She gargled fresh water a few times before clinging on to André, indicating she wants to be carried.  She silently cried while burying her face in his neck.

"I'm..., I'm dizzy..."

"Shhhh... maybe it's time to visit a doctor?  You've been dizzy lately too.  Maybe you ate something.  I'm sorry.  I will be more careful in preparing our food."  André embraced her tightly.  He lay her down in the bed.

"I'm sorry for being in a bad mood always. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Shhh it's okay.  But tell me, you still love me right?"

Sylvia cried and whimpered.  The fact that André asked this question means she is becoming a horrible person to her husband.

"I love you so much.  I'm sorry.  Let's go to the doctor today."

André called a nearby clinic and set an appointment.  They got to the clinic at half past 1 in the afternoon.

"I have an idea of what's all of this about but I want to confirm the lab results first.  Please return later and I will prioritize you so we can discuss.  For now please get plenty of rest, stay away from strong smells, and always have someone accompanying you because your dizzy spells are unpredictable."

After the consultation and a few blood tests, they went to a nearby hotel to rest.  They will have to return later to get the lab results.  André feels like a change of environment can improve Sylvia's mood.

True enough once they got to the room, Sylvia lay on the bed and raised her arms wanting André to join her.

She kissed him lovingly and clung to him for comfort.  They lay in a warm embrace.  Soon after, Sylvia is already fast asleep.

They returned to the clinic after a few hours. After waiting for a few minutes, they were assisted into the doctor's office.

"I knew it.  You must have been busy with university and marriage life that you missed the sign.  Congratulations, you are 7 weeks pregnant.  Please discuss with your wolves once you confirm it through ultrasound.  Actually... wait, I will make a call if my friend from Ob-gyne is still here."  The doctor excused himself and came back after a few minutes.

"Ok, where were we? Ah, so my friend is still here, I suppose you want to have a consultation with her.  She is an Ob-Sono meaning she can also perform the ultrasound if needed. So, would you like to proceed to her now?"

The two made an appointment immediately and were seen by the Ob-gyne.  She immediately went under ultrasound and the two were given the greatest news of the day:

"Oh wow! See? One.. two... three," while showing the image on the monitor, "Congratulations! You're having triplets!"

The couple were stunned and cried tears of joy upon hearing the news.  They embraced tightly.

"Carrying multiples have a different approach in terms of prenatal care.  For one, there are routine screening and diagnostics tests to be performed and your visits are far more frequent.  If you chose me as your medical provider for this journey, I will take care of you.  For now, I will give you these baby books and reference materials.  Let's discuss your vitamins and other starting supplements alright?"

Before leaving, the doctor also mentioned talking to their inner wolves, "You should talk with them and share the good news."

The newly confirmed parents were overwhelmed and smiles were plastered on their faces.  Their spirits are high so much so they are not sure how they got back to the hotel where they will be staying for the night.

"Daddy, I am truly sorry.  Must have been pregnancy hormones.  But I know I hurt you.  It's no excuse but please be patient with me."

"Of course baby, we're in this together.  I was so busy loving you, I forgot this can and will eventually happen.  Thank you, baby, we are having triplets.  I am so happy."

They had a conference with their inner wolves. Lexa was particularly happy and kept on intertwining with Troy who was also very happy.

"I noticed the doctors kept on mentioning to us to talk with you about this pregnancy, what is that about?" André asked the wolves.

"From whom do you think the inner wolves come from?" Troy asked.

"Oh, are the inner wolves dependent on how many were conceived?" Sylvia asked.

"No, it's the other way around. Just as much as you two were busy loving each other, Lexa and I have had our own mating rituals a few times in the past weeks when we went for runs. So, the three spiritual pups we conceived have to go to three werewolf pups."

"Hahaha, we are all horny mutts here then?" André suddenly burst out laughing.

Sylvia, hit his shoulder while blushing... "Sh—shut up!"

"Heh, sorry sorry, I was just so happy. I already have three lineages awaiting coming to fruition before I turn 40. Wow!"

"Anyway, thank you our inner wolves. Your spiritual support keeps us in line and makes our life better in ways we couldn't have imagined."

After a while, they cut the connections with their inner wolves and prepared for bed.

That night, the couple made sweet, slow passionate love in the hotel.


After careful consideration and planning by the medical team, the caesarian procedure for the triplets was scheduled for the 32nd week. Since the infants will be delivered prematurely, they will need special care and will stay at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for a while. They are having one girl and two boys.

Once fully healthy, the couple was able to bring them home where their family and friends awaited in celebration of their arrival. 

André and Sylvia, together with their three pups, Eve, Anton, and Steele are a picture of a healthy, loving, Alpha/Luna family. With a promise of great and strong lineage from Coldridge Furs pack.

The End

Thank you so much for reading!