
My Second Alpha Mate

"Please don't reject me... please Goddess no... I don't wanna die a painful death..." Sylvia, dumbfounded, thought to herself as her inner wolf Lexa and the majestic blueblack-haired inner wolf simultaneously acknowledged each other telepathically as "MATE". 23 chapters 1 side story

Fire_Garnet · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 9 - Midnight Run

After doing a round in the fresh market nearby, the two went back to the dorm. They received some weird looks from some dorm students along the way. They are total opposites, hair of blue-black and ash gray...having a foot difference in height... It is also well known that André is an Alpha. By the way, she looks, she's more likely an Omega. So their being together and getting along pretty well is a bit unusual.

André casually went inside the women's dorm. They once again settled in the bed; side by side with their hands clasped in their tummies. They're weird that way.

"Hey, why don't you have a girlfriend?" She asked, not moving and just staring at the ceiling.

"Because it's a waste of time if she turns out not to be my destined Luna."

"Oh... that makes sense..." Sylvia now realized why people tried to stop her and Eric from entering into a relationship when she was fifteen.

"Hey, why are you not asking me about mine?" She asked him who seemed disinterested in her past.

"Well, like I said, you look like a child. It didn't occur to me that you will have a relationship with the way you look." He said, without an ounce of care but not sarcastic too.

"Uwaaah, am I that ugly? Is that why I was rejected before?" She suddenly remembered her first Alpha.

"You're not listening. I said you look like a child. Innocent. Fragile. I was thinking people should treat you like delicate china. I mean, I would. Okay instead of whining, tell me your story." He propped himself up with his left elbow, turned to the side, and faced her.

"Long story short... the new generation Alpha of my pack was my boyfriend of 2 years but it turned out his Luna was my best friend. A few months before I graduated, I found my true Alpha, but he rejected me." She didn't tell him any more about the intricacy of Omega pairing.

"Oh... you okay? Where is he now, the one who rejected you? That must have been painful."

"I'm good. He rejected me because I'm an Omega. He said I'm weak and he needs a strong Luna by his side to lead his pack. He is also at this University. But it's fine you know. He saved me from pain too, at least."

"Don't tell me it's... Alvaro? I mean he's the other Alpha near our age here."

"Yep, it's him."

"But you know, I heard from my father that sometimes, Alphas reverse their decisions. I mean there are cases when the rejected mate tries to win their hearts or something."

"Hahaha, I won't do that. I wanna be treasured you know. Besides, because I'm weak thanks to being an Omega, the effect of his rejection was close to a heart attack that I fainted. Now when I see him, he's just a normal person in a sea of students. Nothing special and nothing to do with me."


They settled for a movie, then continued reading a book before finally deciding to prepare cooking for dinner. He really is a good cook. After which, they watched a movie again, waiting for midnight to arrive.

When it's already 11:30, they set off toward the forest. The university set up around 10 bigger-than-usual stalls so the werewolves can undress and turn in the privacy of said stalls during runs.

'As usual, I will cut off connection during my runs okay?' Lexa whispered to her.

'Alright. Don't flirt too much with Mr. Troy. He's a gentleman I heard.' Sylvia teased.

'I never flirted with Eric's wolf. You know that. Shut up now. My pads miss the feel of the damp earth. Let me take over.'

'Okay enjoy!'

Sylvia removed her clothes and set them inside the cabinet inside the stall. She started shifting.

Slowly her skin grew a long thick silver-white coat with soft thick underfur. Lexa's long strong legs emerged. Her white fangs erupted and her eyes ice-blue like Sylvia's.

Meanwhile on André's side:

'I won't bother your run with Lexa. Have a good run.' André assured Troy.

'Alright. I also wanna talk to her about her Omega. I will resume the connection once we're back.' Troy whispered back and waited for André to finish undressing before taking over.

Troy emerged slowly from the stall. His silky blue-black fur is long and soft which softly bounced as he walked. His long legs carry the same blue-black fur, giving him a solid majestic Alpha wolf presence as he approached Lexa who seemed to have been under a trance, staring at him.

Lexa's fur shined and reflected continuously, dazzling under the moonlight like a fine jewel.

"You...". Troy's voice came out as a low growl. He stopped a meter away. He's trying to find the right words as this beauty in front of him continued to bewitch him.

Lexa took one step back, she felt intimidated by the big wolf in front of her. She gave out a soft whimper.

"Relax. Ms. Lexa, a name meaning defender of humankind." He stepped closer.

"Hey..." He cooed. Waited for Lexa to relax.

"Are you not aware that you are a Silver Wolf? Legendary wolf of ancient times. The said inner wolf of the Moon Goddess herself."

Lexa moved closer. "R—Really? I didn't know... I just thought I'm rare just like my Omega. Only Sylvia's mother knows about my form because she guided us during transitions when she was young."

"Your omega, she's small and emotional. But in reality, she's not that weak as opposed to other omegas. Probably because you are a strong inner wolf. I can sense she likes my werewolf, am I right?"

"Why do you ask? Let's run!!! I miss the smell of earth and the feel of damp soil on my pads." Then she ran at full speed.

He ran after her at full speed. It only took him a few seconds and they were running at full speed in the terrain of snow-covered leaves. They slowly stopped near a cliff and rested.

"My omega's first boyfriend was our pack's Alpha whose Luna turned out to be Sylvia's best friend. It broke her heart. Before entering the university, she found her true Alpha. We were rejected harshly. She had to accept because the pain was so unbearable that she fainted soon after." She started narrating while looking over the vastness of the area below the cliff.

"We heard that from this morning. From what I know it was said that the 2nd rejection is fatal for an omega. Were you aware of that?"

"She knows and she really did not mention it maybe because she doesn't wanna be pitied. She's leaving it to fate. You asked me about her feelings. Your guess is as good as mine. However, she doesn't want to enter a relationship because of what happened before. I have to agree with your werewolf when he said it's a waste of time once the one you're with, turns out not to be your fated pair. But you know, my Omega's resolve is amazing. I love her and I really want her to be happy."

"Indeed. We all want that for our werewolves. Since you don't know anything about being the Silver Wolf, I suggest you go to the Temple of the Eclipse at the center of the Mystic Valley. The priestesses from the temple will help you get an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the matter."

"Okay, I will ask Sylvia."

"I don't know much but given the uniqueness of your Omega and your reverie as a Silver Wolf, the Alpha and Wolf who rejected you both made the biggest mistake of their lives as an individual and pack.

Have more confidence, you are so beautiful under the moonlight and I bet even at the touch of the rays of the morning sun."

"Thank you for that, Mr. Troy. If I didn't know better, I would think you are flirting with me. Let's go back." Once again, she ran ahead not waiting for an answer.

So I'm the flirt now huh... Shall I wish to Moon Goddess to make them our destined mates? My werewolf really likes her as much as he tries to suppress it. I want my werewolf to be happy too...

They went back an hour and a half later. Connections were back. They turned back into their human forms. André walked with her to the dorm. Both were silent. Both were tired.

"Get in. I will leave once I hear you lock your door."

"Okay. Thank you. Bye..."

Once in the privacy of their rooms, both inner wolves said to their werewolves:

"We need to talk."