
My Second Alpha Mate

"Please don't reject me... please Goddess no... I don't wanna die a painful death..." Sylvia, dumbfounded, thought to herself as her inner wolf Lexa and the majestic blueblack-haired inner wolf simultaneously acknowledged each other telepathically as "MATE". 23 chapters 1 side story

Fire_Garnet · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 8 - Weekends

8 am, Saturday. Sylvia didn't go back to the village for the weekend. Why? Because she found it tiresome. Now she understood why her brothers didn't like doing so. The back-and-forth travels are exhausting. It's been 4 months and she's been home for like 7 times only. Higher education is time-consuming in itself.

She's staring at the ceiling while in bed in her pajamas. Thinking of how she will spend her 2 days of rest.

Knock knock knock...

'Huh? Brothers...? Didn't they leave early today?'

She opened the door and find André outside.

André is looking super cool and handsome in his casual white shirt and ripped jeans. Adding to that effect is the way he carries his backpack on one shoulder. Nothing fancy about it, he just looks cool in everything. He wore a small stud on his right ear. His expression was mysterious as always. He smells of sandalwood tinged with a dash of sweetness...

'Ah so good.. but wait!'

"You! Why?" Sylvia frantically looked outside for witnesses. She pulled him immediately inside. She closed the door immediately.

"Are you nuts? You know you're not allowed in the women's dormitory!"

"Annnd you pulled me inside anyway." He removed his shoes first. He looked around and approached her small dining table. Pulled a paper bag from his backpack. Inside was a pack of apple strudel from a famous bakery outside the University.

"Well, I'm scared that the dorm manager finds a man in my room and gets punished or something." She looked at the dessert he put on the table and gasped.

"Wowwww you remembered! How did you get this?!"

"Okay first of all your reaction is kinda bipolar. Are you scared, concerned, happy, or hungry...? You need to decide no? Second, of course, I remember your favorite dessert because you always ask the cafeteria lady if they have one every single day. Third, I asked my beta to get me one. Fourth, not that you are a woman yourself, you're like a child here, pure and innocent, but the dorm manager is from my pack. She wouldn't dare defy me. Any other concerns or questions?"

Sylvia already has apple strudel in her mouth.

"Ah? Mm mm" her muffled no was barely heard.

"I just showered, let me borrow your bed." He said as if saying he was clean. He lay down without waiting for her answer. He pulled out a book and started reading. His calf crossed over the other.

She finished her dessert and drank some water. She asked him if she wanted water and he said yes. She went and got a water bottle and put it on the bedside table near him. After a while, he opened the water bottle and drank.

It's been four months since they became a weird couple of friends. Friends being the operative word. They do not talk much. They just read or study silently. They sometimes talk about personal stuff but very rarely. They thrive in silence; both of them. She still doesn't get why he chose to be with her. His pack gave up getting him to join them in groups when in the university. She can see the fear in their eyes once he looked at them. He doesn't like being asked twice, that's for sure.

She pulled out a book as well and read beside him. They silently read, immersed in their own worlds for a couple of hours.

Sylvia's eyes went heavy and she slowly put down the book in her chest. She closed her eyes. Her head slid sideways towards André's shoulder. He didn't mind, he lowered his position a bit so she can snuggly fit and make her position comfortable. Her silent breathing indicates she's asleep. He removed the book carefully from her chest.

It's nearing lunchtime. André is wondering how he can slip out of Sylvia's snuggled face in his neck.

Sylvia fussed a bit. Her left arm moved to his waist, hugging him. He put his right hand in her hand and started rubbing it with his thumb.

'Ok, that's it.' He thought.

"Hey, sleepyhead...I'm not your stuffed toy."

Sylvia jolted! She pulled away but his hand is stronger and gripped her tightly.

"Relax, it's me. You fell asleep while reading." His grip relaxed. She relaxed too and dropped herself into the bed; on her side.

"Mmmm, I'm sorry.. you're just so comfy...". She closed her eyes again.

"My little sister says the same." He stood up and drank from the bottled water.

"What time is it." She stretched and yawned.

"Almost 12. What do you want for lunch?"

"Let's go to the food street outside the university? So we can just walk right?"

"Yeah okay." He agreed.

...And off they went after she changed into her favorite sun dress.

They had a hearty lunch. Surprisingly, André led her to everything. The day is turning into a date. She sat on one of the benches outside the food street while waiting for André who bought ice scream from a stall a few meters away.

'Nope nope nope! Stop assuming Sylvia. Wait for your true Alpha!' Lexa whispered.

'Yeah yeah yeah, I know... he's just confusing me a bit. I know a lowly omega like me—'

'Shush! Stop that! You are an omega. Period. He's friendly. Maybe a bit too comfortable with you though. But I do like him like Eric. Just don't be hasty.'

'I'm not, it's not like I will go into a relationship with him without knowing if he's my mate or not. I'm still traumatized you know. Heartbreak for an omega is both figurative and literal.'

Suddenly, Sylvia realized, André was standing in front of her already with cheese and chocolate-flavored ice creams in his hands. She took the cheese-flavored one.

"Having a chat with your wolf? You're carrying an animated expression when you do that" He said casually.

"Yeah... oh I do?"

"Yes. You look a bit mental but hey to each his own."

"Eh? That's mean." She pouted.

"It's cute though. At least for me." He licked his ice scream. Sylvia turned away and closed her eyes. There's a small fire starting... a tiny one from her core...

'Oh no...'

'Sheesh this guy's a flirt and you're falling.' Lexa commented.

'Lexa, please. Not helping.' She retorted.

'Just stating the obvious. While we're at it, ask him about his wolf.' Lexa challenged her.

"Ahmm my wolf is asking, how about your wolf? Is he chatty like mine?" Sylvia silently thanked Lexa in her heart for thinking of this question.

"No. He's quiet and takes his position as Alpha's wolf very seriously. Troy, that's his name by the way, rarely scolds me too. If we need to talk, we talk normally at night. If we need to discuss something immediately, I find a quiet place so we have clear minds. He's a wise one. I like him very much." André said seriously.

"Well mine's——". Lexa interrupted her.

'Ask him if his wolf Troy will agree to run with me tonight in the forest just outside the University.' Lexa suggested.

André looked at her because she stopped talking. He saw a bit of melted ice cream in her fingers. He bowed a bit and licked her fingers slowly... while looking at her eyes.

Oh Goddess... the small fire from her core is now a burning sensation. Lexa began laughing at Sylvia.

'You horny mutt...' Lexa just confirmed what she was feeling.

She felt embarrassed. She blushed. But André casually went back to licking his ice cream.

"Ahmm my wolf Lexa would like to ask your wolf Troy if he'd like to run in the forest with her tonight." She said. André didn't respond. Must be talking to his wolf.

"He says sure." He said after a while. He is now eating the cone.

"Tell him to have a little patience with my Lexa. Pretty much like how you are to me." She said.

"You're not a bother to me though. Don't worry, Troy is a gentleman like me. Let's wait till it's midnight for the run?"

"Okay. You're right. What about our dinner? Shall we cook?"

"I can cook. Mom's a hotel chef. I picked up a few things."

"Oh wow, what a treat. Thank you then!" She giggled. André must have been pleased. He flashed a very quick smile at her. He offered his hands to her to help her stand. Her heart skipped a bit. Her expression must have betrayed her.

"Falling for me little one? Come on. Let's go to the market and buy some ingredients."

"Shut up!" She turn beet red and slapped his hand. She stood and walked ahead leaving him. Feigning anger to hide her embarrassment.

'Little one? Little one?!!!' Sylvia was more embarrassed than angry. Lexa was rolling in laughter.

André smiled genuinely this time. Sylvia turned, supposedly to glare but then saw his smile. She melted again. Finally. Who knew he could smile like that?