
My Second Alpha Mate

"Please don't reject me... please Goddess no... I don't wanna die a painful death..." Sylvia, dumbfounded, thought to herself as her inner wolf Lexa and the majestic blueblack-haired inner wolf simultaneously acknowledged each other telepathically as "MATE". 23 chapters 1 side story

Fire_Garnet · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 3 - Alpha Positioning

The sun warmly kissed Sylvia's face the next day and she immediately sat up.

Today's the day!

She fixed herself after taking a warm bath. She brushed her beautiful long light ash hair and let it down in soft curls. She wore a light yellow dress paired with light sandals. Her overall look compliments her pale skin.

Sylvia heard her brothers laughing downstairs. She immediately ran down the steep steps and jumped into her oldest brother's arms, who heard her heavy stomps and stood by the foot of the stairs to greet her. Lucas, the one studying engineering, almost lost his balance when he caught her. He securely carried and hugged her though. Sylvia was giggling with her arms around his neck.

"I missed you!" She said and kissed his cheeks.

"Hey, how's our baby?" Lucas lovingly stared at her.

"What about me?" Maine, the second brother who is studying medicine, easily slipped Sylvia from Lucas' hold and carried her into his arms.

"I missed you too Maine!!!" Sylvia kissed his cheeks too.

"Get down you Snowlily, your brothers just got here. Let's eat breakfast. Your mom already set the table." Mr. Burgi interrupted them but immediately hugged his daughter as soon as she got down from Maine's hold.

Mrs. Burgi looked at her family as they sat at the table. She held her husband's hand.

"I miss this." She felt teary.

"Awww Mom come on. We'll try to get home as frequently as possible okay? My exams are almost over so I may come back during weekends again. So sorry." Lucas said apologetically.

They talked about a lot of things during breakfast. After that, they made their way to the village's center where the ceremony for the new Alpha will commence. The brothers are two steps behind Sylvia and Lanie, and behind them, their parents chatting with Lanie's parents.

Sylvia is holding hands with Lanie who is wearing a light orange version of Sylvia's dress, which compliments her orange hair neatly tied in a bun. They even wore the same sandals. They don't look alike, but at least they're twinning their attires.

At exactly noon, the formal Alpha positioning happened. It was witnessed by all as the new Alpha kneeled one last time to his father. As he stood up, his father, bowed down to Eric and he faced the whole village. Everyone acknowledged him as the new Alpha and bowed to him respectfully.

The gathering became lively as the event started various games for all ages. The wives continuously brought out food and drinks for everyone to enjoy.

Eric is currently discussing something with his Beta, Caden Alpen, a well-built man, best friend, and the same age as the new Alpha. They're both in their first years pursuing higher education, majoring in electronics.

Suddenly he caught a whip of fresh essence of honey chocolate and caramel vanilla. It was so deliciously delicate that he had to follow the trail of scent that gets stronger as he moved to where it is leading him to.

Meanwhile, Sylvia and Lanie were chatting at the table near the desserts. Sylvia saw Eric from afar approaching their table. Confusion painted faintly on his face.

A sudden jolt stopped Lanie who was eating the caramel vanilla cupcake in her hand.

At the same time, a sudden jolt suddenly stopped Eric from walking.

Sylvia's line of sight covers Lanie sitting in front of her and Eric's direct path toward them. These sudden stopping of both her favorite people are confusing to Sylvia and she felt fear creeping into her heart.

Something's gonna happen... I can feel it.

Lanie stood up. She followed the intoxicating scent of vanilla and sandalwood. As she turned around, she saw Eric who started walking towards her. She also approached him slowly.

Once they're almost only a foot apart, they both said...
