
My Second Alpha Mate

"Please don't reject me... please Goddess no... I don't wanna die a painful death..." Sylvia, dumbfounded, thought to herself as her inner wolf Lexa and the majestic blueblack-haired inner wolf simultaneously acknowledged each other telepathically as "MATE". 23 chapters 1 side story

Fire_Garnet · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 22 - Marked

Smut warning!!!


"Now where were we? I believe you have something to say to me."

"Uhmmm... happy birthday?"


"Oh hahaha! That works too baby. But shouldn't you be acknowledging that I'm your mate too?"  André said, still hovering over her.

He slowly removed his hand from the back of her head and he slid off to the side so he won't be on top of her longer than it should.  Attempting to steer clear of temptation.

"We kissed already..." She said, embarrassed of the way she behaved earlier.  Dumbfounded and all.  She must have looked stupid. She covered her face with her hands.

"True... true... but I'd still love to hear it."  He gently kissed her hands and removed them from her face.  He looked into her eyes sincerely.

"I love you so much my Luna. The line, we can cross it now.  I've long suppressed these feelings for you.  The Moon Goddess must have heard my solemn prayer that day in the temple.  I'm so glad.  The heaviness in my heart has been lifted."

"I was your prayer then?"  Her innocent eyes filled with tears.

"Yes, baby.  I was scared you might take Alvaro back and leave me heartbroken."

Sylvia pushed André to lie down.  She pressed her full weight over him. She fits just right. His hand automatically slid on her back, keeping her in place. She outlined his face, touching the delicate handsome features which can tempt the coldest of hearts. She slowly breathed these words, seductively... intimately...

"I, Sylvia Burgi of Grayfang Banes, Omega, the werewolf of the Silver Wolf Lexa, accept André Weiss from Coldridge Furs as my one and only fated mate."

She leaned closer, parting her lips a bit, and her tongue brushed lightly on his lips. He slid his tongue inside her mouth, twirling with her hot tongue, gently sucking, pushing, and pulling.

"You smell so good baby..." he started kissing her again. This time he pulled her and put her under him again. His hardness pressed into her thighs. He started kissing and licking her neck feeling her pulse raging as he slightly pulled her hair. He earned arousing moans from her. His hands caressed her neck down to her breast and felt a tiny hardened bud through her clothing.

He looked at her face. He is now facing a different crossing line.

Damn, can I cross this line and make her mine now...?

"Alpha.. my Alpha... make me yours... Please...". She pleaded, her consciousness engulfed by passionate, carnal desire now that André made her aware of this different type of hunger.

André's sense of reason snapped. His yearning took over.

She parted her legs and he slipped in between her. He outlined her breast and put his mouth over the fabric and teased the peak earning more moans from Sylvia.

He kneeled on the bed. Sylvia's legs spread apart on top of his thighs. She's not going anywhere in this position. He removed his shirt revealing his sculptured body. He slowly unbuckled his belt, while looking deeply into Sylvia's eyes. Sylvia's hands moved to remove her blouse but André stopped her.

"I'm the one who's gonna undress you...". He whispered in her ear. He kissed and licked her earlobe.

"I... I feel something down... down there."

André stopped.

She must be feeling... wet..?

"I'll take a look later baby..." He went back to kissing her mouth passionately. He proceeded to unbutton her blouse revealing her thin lace bra. His kisses trailed down her chin, neck, and eventually her chest. Teasing her, kissing just her mound.

Sylvia's hand moved his head towards the center of her breast, wanting him to focus on her tiny bud. André gently slipped his index finger to push the cup and release the beautiful peak. His hot mouth covered it, sucking it gently. Then he used his tongue to play with it inside leaving a mess of saliva, increasing the slippy feeling sending shivers to her whole body.

He pulled her so they can sit on the bed, ending with her straddling her. He removed her blouse and unhooked her bra while repeatedly licking and kissing her neck. Unconsciously, her hips began to move back and forth, enjoying the sensation it brings to her lower body.

"Haaaah... baby...". He then enjoyed her tiny buds playing simultaneously between his mouth and fingers.

"Alpha... please..." She moaned.

He lay her to bed and slowly unbuckled her belt while kissing her stomach. Once he removed her pants, he stared at the beauty in front of him only in her lacy undies.

"You're so beautiful baby... my goddess..."

He pulled his own zipper down and slipped his pants off revealing his hardened state despite being restricted by boxers.

Sylvia slightly gasped at the sight.

André went back to kissing her stomach. Trailing down to her core where the undies are already in a messed up state. He licked the wet undies and smirked.

He slowly removed her undies and delicately licked her sopping wetness. He held on to her thighs, caressing them as he French kissed her there. Sylvia is no longer holding back her moans. She held on to his hair, doing more pulling towards her as if wanting more.

After what felt like forever, he put his shirt under her. He removed his boxers and his member popped out proudly.

"Baby I'm gonna put it in. It's gonna hurt but hold on to me okay?" He kissed her after she nodded.

He gently slipped inside her, stopping, adjusting, then moving again.

Her innocence was tenderly ripped and she welcomed him with her shivering body while she embraced him tightly. Tears fell when her sensibilities are torn between hurting and enjoying the pleasure which is slowly enveloping her consciousness. The proof of her innocence dripped along her skin down to the shirt he placed under her earlier.

André's rhythm escalated. She held onto him, calling him to go faster, harder, pleading to be pleasured more. He kissed her mouth and went down to her neck. At the height of their passion, he marked her by biting her neck deeply. Sylvia's eyes widen at the shock. André thrust his hardest and did a long low growl in her ear indicating utmost pleasure. They reached a blissful peak leaving them breathless.

He lay there with her head in his chest.

"I love you, André. Happy birthday." She rested her hand on his chest, still pounding heavily.

"I love you too. You're my greatest gift baby."