
My Scarlet Stone

A girl attends school along with her sister but misfortune befalls her once again she cries why, why again With creatures running around at night and with the people causing such troubles hiding in the shadows will this girl be able to live her life the way she wants to, Will she be able to keep what she cherishes safe or will she lose everything *Chapters are really short*

Tamaki_RedHeart · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Hunters Hunting Stones

The sun began to rise vanquishing the night, The light of the morning sun pierced threw the window of Quo, Waking her up, Once Quo had woken up she shuffled to her sisters' room waking her up so that they won't be late for school. As the sisters were eating breakfast Lucy asked "Quo, What's going on in class for you today" to which Quo explained that it was just a regular day for her hunter training and all, Quo then changed the subject asking Lucy if she had packed for her field-trip. Lucy growled "Agh, Do I really have to go?" Quo smiled at her sister of course you do and she proceeded to tell her sister not to cause any trouble while on the trip once the two finished their breakfast they began making their way to Vansule Academy. Arriving at class Quo took her seat sitting with her friends Skit and Grace, Good morning said Grace with a smile, and with Skit on the other side of her smiling not saying a word and just waving just then the teacher walked in and the class began.

Once classes were over Quo began making her way home as her sister was away on her school trip, As Quo was walking home she stopped and turned to her left looking off into the distance and with that, she changed her destination. Arriving at a cemetery Quo walked up to a specific spot where the tombstones read Thomas Lu and Yuri Lu and Quo broke down in tears unable to say a thing.

Waking up early the next day Quo stopped and realized that it was the weekend and that her sister wasn't home so there was no need to wake up early. "Quo, Quo Lu!" yelled a voice from outside the voice belonging to Grace. Quo made her way downstairs asking both Grace and Skit why they were there and Grace replied "Well I know my friend pretty well and I know that you were going to stay in bed longer and after that, you'd be going out hunting again all alone, So why not go now all three of us" Suprised Quo asked, "It's too dangerous and I know your families won't be happy hearing how their children are out hunting Stones, Beside why would you anyways?" Grace smiled "Well, We are friends aren't we, And you are in trouble are you not that's why you go hunting Stones, I just wish to help out a friend that's all and SKit here feels the same way" Quo began turning red as she chuckled happily "You guys are crazy you know that" Grace replied "Well it can't be that hard, You'll be there to teach us, After all, you've been doing in for three years now right" and with that Quo let them into the house.

Quo looked over at Skite and asked him if he was also sure that he wanted to be here and if Grace didn't just drag him here and he nodded gesturing to her that he did want to be here. As they stood outside the Creeking forest the three took deep breaths and stepped in with their heart racing not long after entering they encountered a Stone an animal that is now unrecognizable as it was infected by a vampire causing it to change into a Stone a large creature with a stone exterior and the size of the creature usually depends on the animal's original size but the one thing they all have in common is their stone hearts which are extremely hard to Peirce let alone getting threw their stone exterior. But fortunately, Quo managed to save up leading all three of them to carry a sword that can easily cut threw the stone but not by much meaning it would take longer to kill one than it would be using a professionally crafted one.

The reason Quo hunts these Stones is for their stone hearts which once pierced turn from a cold greyish stone color to a crimson red making them valuable but dangerous to try getting if not trained properly.

I yelled out to both Grace and Skite to get ready and to be careful as the Stone was charging in, As we all managed to safely dodge it we all simultaneously jumped in attacking it in its weak spots that we learned about in class, Unlike the others, my attack seemed to have done more damage as all of its attention was now on me and it looked really mad. I began running as it was charging toward me I eventually tried jumping out of the way but I tripped over a tree root I tried getting up but I somehow got my foot stuck in between the roots and the stone was getting closer my heart raced as I knew I was going to die I shut my eyes prepared for the end, My eyes now closed I wait but nothing happened just then I was being hugged followed by lots of sobbing, When I opened my eyes I saw the Stone lying dead shattered and Grace hugging me tight crying no stop drenching me in tears and snot she cried "Quo are you alright? Your not hurt are you?" I comforted her telling her I was alright and asked her If instead of crying she could at least help me get my foot out. Grace seemed to finally have calmed down and once she was calm did I ask her what happened while my eyes were closed, Grace then stood up and puffed out her chest proudly I slayed it she yelled she then proceeded to explain to me what happened and what I got from it was that she threw her sword at it hoping to grab its attention but instead of getting its attention she miraculously hit its weak spot with the sword managing to also pierce the heart killing it.

I smiled "Thank you" and with that little incident we only hunted a few more and then made our way back to my house with the five crimson hearts, Grace then asked me "So when will be going out again?".