
My Salvation

Lia Brown, a 20 year old girl, goes on a family trip to her hometown during summer vacation . Wanting to escape from her loud and bothersome family members, she goes out where she bumps into a handsome looking boy on the street. Next thing she knew, the same boy was helping her when she fell victim to some vicious prank. A long time passes without her seeing him again, only to one day bump into him again. She thought it was all a coincidence, but little did she know he kept watching over her for months in secret. Noah, her secret observer, failed to understand the reasons behind his attraction to her and had finally decided to get to the root of it as he approached her. His friend complained, "But she's a human." The werewolf alpha showed no intention of backing down as he strode forward, trying to unravel the secrets surrounding her that only he could feel.

P_Mitra · Masa Muda
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8 Chs

The Tangled Web

Lia's heart pounded in her chest as she and Noah delved deeper into the treacherous world of espionage. The revelations from her parents' journals had opened a Pandora's box of secrets, weaving a web of deceit that spanned decades. They were determined to untangle the truth, no matter how perilous the journey.

Days turned into nights as they followed lead after lead, their investigation taking them across borders and into the heart of danger. They sought out contacts within the intelligence community, cautiously sharing what they had uncovered, while keeping their true intentions hidden from prying eyes.

One evening, as they sat huddled in Noah's apartment, surrounded by maps and surveillance photos, a realization dawned upon them. "There's a pattern," Noah mused, his finger tracing a series of locations on the map. "All these seemingly unrelated incidents, they're connected. It's a trail, leading us to something bigger."

Lia's eyes widened, her mind racing to connect the dots. "You're right. It's like someone has been orchestrating these events, manipulating the past to control the present. But why?"

Noah's expression hardened, determination etched across his face. "We're getting closer to the truth, Lia. And someone doesn't want us to find it. They're trying to silence us."

The gravity of their situation settled over them like a heavy cloak. They knew they were treading dangerous waters, but their resolve remained unyielding. They had come too far to turn back now.

Days turned into weeks, and their pursuit of the truth led them to a hidden safehouse in a forgotten corner of the city. The air hung heavy with secrecy as they cautiously entered, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The room was filled with files, documents, and evidence, a labyrinth of information waiting to be unraveled.

As they meticulously sifted through the evidence, a chilling realization washed over them. The person behind the web of deception was someone they had least expected, someone close to them. A name surfaced amidst the chaos, a name that sent shivers down their spines: Adrian Blackwood.

Adrian Blackwood, a prominent figure in politics, had always been seen as a beacon of integrity and honor. But the evidence before them painted a different picture. Lia's parents had been entangled in a dangerous game, manipulated by Adrian Blackwood and his allies.

A mixture of anger and betrayal fueled their determination. They had to expose the truth, to bring down the man who had shattered their lives and countless others. But they knew the road ahead would be fraught with danger.

Their investigation took them to a remote estate, a fortress of power where Adrian Blackwood conducted his clandestine operations. Armed with the knowledge they had unearthed, Lia and Noah infiltrated the compound, their every step cautious and calculated.

They moved like shadows through the labyrinthine hallways, their senses heightened. Lia's heart raced with adrenaline as they neared the heart of the operation. Their mission was clear: gather evidence to expose Adrian Blackwood's crimes and put an end to his reign of deception.

But their presence had not gone unnoticed. As they approached the final door, an alarm blared, its shrill sound piercing the silence. They exchanged a brief, determined glance before bursting into the room.

What they found inside shocked them to the core. The room was empty, devoid of any trace of Adrian Blackwood or his operations. It was as if he had vanished into thin air, leaving behind only remnants of his dark deeds.

Lia's fists clenched in frustration. "How is this possible? Where is he?"

Noah's voice was filled with resolve. "We've come too far to give up now,

Lia. We'll find him. And when we do, justice will be served."

The tension hung heavy in the air as they left the compound, their minds racing with unanswered questions. Their quest for the truth had taken an unexpected turn, but they were more determined than ever to unravel the secrets that had haunted their lives.

Little did they know that their every move was being watched, and the web of deception they were entangled in was far more intricate than they could have imagined.

Lia and Noah found themselves thrust into a perilous game of cat and mouse, their pursuit of the truth leading them deeper into a web of danger. With each step they took, the shadows grew darker, and the stakes grew higher.

As they continued their investigation, they discovered a trail of breadcrumbs left by Adrian Blackwood, taunting them with cryptic messages and veiled threats. The lines between reality and illusion blurred, leaving them uncertain of whom they could trust.

One evening, as they met in a secluded café to exchange their findings, Lia noticed a figure lurking in the shadows across the street. Her instincts screamed danger, and she quickly motioned for Noah to follow her. They slipped out the back door, hearts racing, determined to lose their pursuer.

The chase led them through narrow alleyways and dimly lit streets, their footsteps echoing against the cold pavement. Lia's breath came in ragged gasps as fear mingled with adrenaline. They darted around corners, their senses on high alert, desperately trying to shake off their relentless pursuer.

Finally, they found temporary refuge in an abandoned warehouse. They huddled in the darkness, their hearts pounding in their chests. The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of their own heavy breathing.

"I never imagined it would come to this," Lia whispered, her voice barely audible. "We're being hunted, Noah. But why? What does Adrian Blackwood want from us?"

Noah's eyes burned with determination, his grip on her hand tightening. "He's afraid of what we know, Lia. We're getting too close to exposing his secrets, and he'll stop at nothing to silence us."

The realization hung heavy in the air, fueling their resolve. They couldn't afford to back down now. They had to face the danger head-on, armed with the truth and the unwavering strength of their bond.

As they cautiously ventured out of the warehouse, they realized they were not alone. The sound of footsteps reverberated through the desolate streets, growing louder with each passing second. Lia's heart raced, her mind racing for an escape plan.

In a moment of desperation, they spotted an old fire escape ladder clinging to the side of a nearby building. Without hesitation, they climbed, their fingers gripping the rusted metal rungs. The ladder groaned in protest, adding to the tension of the moment.

They reached the rooftop, breathless and on edge. Lia's gaze scanned the surroundings, her mind racing to find a way out. A maze of neighboring buildings stretched before them, offering both potential hiding places and treacherous obstacles.

Noah's voice broke through the silence. "There's a narrow ledge connecting the rooftops. We can use it to make our way to the adjacent building. It's our best chance."

Lia nodded, her trust in Noah unwavering. Together, they ventured onto the precarious ledge, their hearts in their throats. Each step was a calculated risk, their balance teetering between life and the abyss below.

As they reached the midpoint, the sound of shattering glass shattered the night. Gunfire erupted, echoing through the city streets. Bullets whizzed past them, the danger intensifying with every passing second.

Fear gripped their hearts, but they pushed forward, fueled by adrenaline and an unyielding determination to survive. Each stride brought them closer to the safety of the adjacent building.

With one final leap of faith, they landed on the neighboring rooftop, their bodies crashing against the hard surface. Pain seared through their limbs, but they didn't have time to dwell on their injuries. They had to keep moving.

Lia and Noah sprinted across the rooftop, their footsteps thunder

ing in their ears. Their pursuers were relentless, their presence a constant threat. They navigated through obstacles with a mix of agility and desperation, their minds focused on one thing—escaping the clutches of their enemies.

Finally, they reached the edge of the building, a dizzying drop separating them from the street below. Lia's heart pounded, her breaths coming in shallow gasps. It was a do-or-die moment, a test of their courage and trust in each other.

Noah's gaze met Lia's, his eyes filled with unwavering determination. "Hold on tight, Lia. We're jumping together."

In that fleeting moment, they sealed their fates. They leaped into the void, their hands intertwined, their hearts beating as one. Time seemed to stand still as they plummeted through the darkness, defying the shadows that sought to consume them.