
My Roleplay Server (Dropped)

Given the chance to reincarnate in a world with two wishes, who would say no? Especially when you could live a life you've always wanted. This is supposed to be a relaxed story about a man fulfilling the dreams he couldn't in his first life. There will still be drama and more adult things, but overall it will be pretty chill. The action of the story will come in when he finishes making the server. As of right now, 4/6/2022, it's looking like this is going to be a slower-paced novel. Hopefully, in the future, I can get the pacing downright. This is my first released story, so feel free to give me all your constructive criticism. I do plan on finishing this story. Please point out any mistakes you see. This novel is also on Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Sloth_Incarnate · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs


Sorry for not posting yesterday, I won't give you all an excuse cause I know you don't care.

Anyways, should I do a longer chapter (2500+) every other day or a shorter chapter (1200-1500) every day from now on? I wanna cement it now, while the novel is still in its early stages.

Comment here for a longer

Here for shorter

Votes made only today, 4/22/22 will count.


Kam made his way to the address that Issa sent him. It was a small place, called Love's Motel, that was a block away from the convention center. The place looked a little worn down, and he was honestly surprised that it was still standing. It was in an up-and-coming part of the city and with the location being so close to the convention center, it would be a surprise if they weren't bought out by a bigger company soon.

He shrugged it off and walked to the room number that Issa had sent him.

"Room 203, Alright this is it," He checked the room number plate on the door and confirmed it. He knocked on the door and waited.

"Coming!" he heard Issa's voice from the other side of the door. He then heard quick footsteps approach to open the door.

"You're Here!" Issa cheered when she saw Kam at the door. She lunged into his arms and squeezed hard.

Kam was stunned for a second before a small smile appeared on his face hugging her back. He made sure to get a good squeeze of her ass while he did so, causing Issa to smile.

"Where else would I be?" he asked as they hugged.

"With someone else, idk" Issa innocently said as she let go of him and gave him room to enter.

Kam gave her a weird look after that sly statement but decided to ignore it. Instead, he asked her what was on his mind.

"So your playing dress-up today?" he asked referring to her outfit.

Instead of normal clothes, she wore a red bodysuit with red knee-high boots each fitted with what he assumed were red dragon scales. Her thighs are bare, something he particularly likes, but on her left thigh is a large cut made of makeup that seemed to stretch up to her left cheek ending just underneath her eye.

She has two large bone necklaces that hung down just above her cleavage. Kam could tell the outfit wasn't complete as over the shoulders he saw a few more red accessories, particularly a deluxe wide blade that sat up against the wall.

"It's not dress up! It's called cosplay!" she said as she turned around and walked into the room. Kam was not embarrassed to take a look at the back of the so-called cosplay.

Kam closed the door behind him as he entered the room. Issa with a fake pout made her way to the bed and lifted a garment bag that looked to be filled with stuff.

She gave Kam a large smile "And you're gonna be joining me!"

"Umm, I didn't consent to this." Kamara held his hands up in the air as he backed away.

"Yes, you did. When you agree to go you signed up for it. You even sent your measurements over. Better learn to read the fine print next time. Now enough arguing I need to get you dressed and then get myself together." Issa commanded with a smug smile, not giving Kam any room for arguing.

Kam sighed and acquiesced 'maybe cosplaying will be fun' he thought to himself as he walked to the bed and started taking his clothes off.

About an hour later the two of them were dressed and ready to go.

Right now Amy was wearing what she had on before, but now she had red dragon-scaled gauntlets that looked like dragon claws. On her back, she strapped the heavy sword Kamara saw earlier, he had found out it was made of cardboard and paper mache.

Around her waist, she has strapped a large red scarf, that just so happened to cover up her ass. The only other thing added to the outfit was a red mask that covered the right side of her face, red contacts, and a white wig that she has put up in a double bun on the back of her head.

Kam on the other hand was dressed much simpler. He now had on a wig of long white hair that flowed down to the middle of his back. A blue half-mask that covered the top half of his face with blue contacts. Issa had given him a black tunic and trousers to wear and a blue chest piece to go on top of the tunic.

Along with blue pauldrons, gauntlet, and greaves. All in the same dragon scale design as Issa's. For a weapon, he was given a cardboard sword that was strapped to his waist. And lastly, he was made to put one bone necklace on.

"Ok, you have me dressed up now. Could you tell me who I am supposed to be?" Kam said as he looked at himself in the mirror. He had to admit that he liked what he saw, it was a new experience for him to dress up as someone else. But he thought it was pretty cool, especially since he felt he looked badass. It would be better if he had any inkling of who this character is though.

"You've never played Dragonflight!?" Issa practically screamed as she looked at him with anticipation.

"Umm, no. Should I have?" Kam slowly said not too sure why she had just shouted.

A large smile once again appeared on Issa's face "Absolutely, it's just the best game ever. You really should- actually no, we should play it together. I want to be there for your reaction."

"Yeah sure, I guess." Kam non-committedly answered, "You still haven't told me who I'm dressed up as." he reminded.

"Oh, sorry I just got excited. Dragonflight is just my favorite game ever." she apologizes

"Hmm" Kam gave her a pointed look

"Oh shit sorry, You are currently cosplaying as Nilzri, Lord Of Ice. The last Ice Dragon Rider of the Cozar clan. He is basically the villain of the story, but not really. It's just a difference in opinion, but if you ask-" Issa began to ramble with her hand on her chin.

"Issa!" Kam interrupted as he shook her out of her stupor

"Hmm?" Issa looked up at him

"You gotta snap out of it," Kam said, he was starting to get annoyed with her. Issa noticed this and got embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I just get excited about the game and zone out a bit" she apologized.

"It's fine, just relax a little bit. This is all kind of new to me, just give me some time to properly adjust. Ok?" he said as he pulled her into a hug.

"Okay," she replied as she leaned into him.

"Alright, anyway who are you cosplaying as? " He asked making sure to use the right nomenclature this time.

When Issa heard this she smile and a light flashed in her eyes and she took a proud stance. She then continued in a slightly deeper and guttural voice "Well thank you for asking. Well, I am the Great Red Dragon Rider Cane, The Gifted. She is only a side character in the story that you meet for a few seconds but the lore behind her is so deep that-" she caught herself before continuing "You will learn once you play the game."

Kam smiled and then thought "if I'm the villain and your the cool side character, then who is the hero?"

Issa's pondered before replying "They aren't the most interesting in comparison. Anyway, are you ready to go, we need to get in line before it gets too long? We have VIP tickets so it won't be as long, but still."

"yea, I'm ready"

"Great," Issa then held out her hand for him

Kam held her hand and the two began to make their way down the block to the convention center. As they walked they received a lot of stares from the civilians who had no idea what was going on and an equal amount of cheers from people who did have some idea about what they were doing, even if they had no idea who the characters were. A few people even stopped them to ask for pictures, which Issa quickly acquiesced to. Kam originally wanted to stay out of them, but after some persuasion from Issa he joined in.

After too many pictures, according to Kam, the two of them made their way to the Aline Convention Center, where they joined the VIP ticket line and after a twenty-minute wait entered the convention.

From there the two of them spent at least seven hours walking the floor of the convention center attending signings, meet and greets, and signings. Kam didn't know anything about anything while he was there so he mostly followed Issa's lead on everything. But he did have a good time and enjoyed the atmosphere of the place he made a mental note to learn more about the games, anime, and cartoons of this world on a deeper level.

While they were visiting booths Kamara would sometime see some art and action figures that he thought were particularly cool. Again he had no context, but he thought the designs were cool, so he brought them. He figured he would cheek these shows and games out first since he had already brought the figures.

Also while they were there Kamara and Issa participated in a cosplay tournament, both solo and as a duo. Issa ended up taking the victory in the solo tournament and they took second place in the duo tournament, losing out to a two-person group that had somehow built a mecha, that fitted the both of them inside. Kamara was truly shocked, he wanted to use his powers to see how they did it, but refrained and just enjoyed the moment for what it was.

The last thing the two did before they left was go to a photo booth and take some photos. They took normal ones and then took some rather risky photos within the booth. Issa made sure they didn't go too far, she didn't want to be on the news because she was having sex within a photo booth, and it wouldn't be helpful to her career. Or at least it wouldn't be helpful in a way she wanted.

By the time the two had left the convention they both had multiple bags filled with goodies. Kamara had spent over 10,000 credits with ease, greatly surprising Issa, who herself had spent over 5,000. She would've never guessed that he had that type of money. She knew he wasn't broke by how easily he paid for their hotel room, but she didn't think it was to this extent. It eased her mind a lot about how he would react when she would tell him her profession.

The bags that Kamara had were not even everything he brought, some of the stuff was either too large or too expensive to take within even a backpack or duffle bag. Fortunately, the people who set up the convention had foreseen something like this happening with the expensive items so they had a company that would come and delivers the items specially to the houses of people like Kam. It was an expensive thing but anyone who needed it probably had the money to pay for it.

Once they left the event the two decided to go back to Kamara's place to watch a movie. He didn't have much going on in his house right now, but he had a projector in his office that he could use, and if he cleared out some of the boxes they could make a nice pallet to lay on. He planned to order a pizza for them to eat since they hadn't had anything since lunch. It wouldn't be much, but it was something.

50 PS= 1 extra chapter

(168 before 12am CST)

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