
A Day With Issa

After not receiving a text for a couple of minutes Issa disappointedly put her phone down on the kitchen table. She was a bit upset that he hadn't told her bye before he stopped texting her, but she got over it pretty quickly. With a sigh she got up from the table and placed her dishes in the kitchen sink, she couldn't be bothered to wash them right now. It was her turn to wash the dishes tonight so she would do everything at once then.

She grabbed her coffee cup from the table and took a sip, savoring the flavor. It wasn't her favorite type of coffee, she was more of an iced coffee type of girl, but it had been recommended to her by a friend so she gave it a shot. The drink is a latte macchiato with a caramel drizzle. She found it delicious but she could only drink it occasionally as it was a bit too sweet for her. (I know absolutely nothing about Coffee)

With her coffee in hand, she made her way up the stairs of her apartment and towards her room. Her room is on the far right of the apartment, opposite her current location. But she didn't mind the walk because she had the master bedroom. She had lucked out in the room drawing that she and her friends did and won the room.

She couldn't have been happier, the master bedroom in this apartment was topnotch. It has its own large bathroom- with a shower, bathtub, and a separate room for the toilet. A walk-in closet that had more room for clothes than she could ever use, and a personal balcony overlooking the city. She loved sitting on the balcony at night looking at the city skyline with a nice drink in hand.

Issa made her way up the stairs and down the hallway to her room. She went directly to her desk and, after a moment of mental preparation, began reading and sending emails. Something she hated but needed to do.

Issa's room is split into two sections separated by a three-fourths wall. The first section is where her gaming setup is with a bookshelf behind it that has all the knick-knacks she has collected over the years. The next section is where her bed and everything else is located. The room is very spacious, even with all the shit she has, she still had plenty of room to move around and do yoga if she wished.

While Issa was working on her emails for the day her mind wandered off to that night she spent with Kam. It was something that she had been thinking about regularly. It was not just the sex she was thinking about either, it was the connections to him that she had felt. She had thought it was just physical attraction at first but as the day progressed she wanted to be around him more and more.

It even got to the point where she lied about a friend bailing on her just to get him to go with her to a convention she had been given tickets to. In truth, she had canceled another date she had planned to instead go out with Kam.

He had been on her mind constantly and if she wasn't holding herself back she would have already canceled her plans for the week just to hang out with him. But she couldn't do that, not anymore.

So she settled for playing games with him. That way she would be able to spend time with him, and hopefully appease the urge to drop everything she had going for her just to see him.

Issa's thoughts about her feeling toward Kam eventually took a spicy turn towards the last time she saw him. As she played the things they did over and over in her mind she bite her lips and her eyes went unfocused.

For a moment, she had gone back to that night to experience the pleasure she had received again. But she managed to pull herself from her thoughts and focus back on the email she was typing to one of her sponsors. But in the back of her mind, she couldn't wait till after the convention.

She finished her emails after another ten minutes of work and once she was done she checked her phone to see if she had any texts. There were a couple, two from her manager about some possible deals and another from a group chat with some of the other popular streamers.

It was from someone she didn't really know, she only had him by his streamer name 'Beastly', so she ignored the text and put her phone away. With a sigh, Issa got up from her desk and went to the bathroom to do her business.

As she was washing her hands she heard a familiar rhythmic knock on her door.

"come in Raven!" she shouted from the bathroom. "Good Morning Issa" A tall, thin, pale-skinned woman with raven black hair entered her room as she yawned her greeting.

Raven walked into Issa's room heading straight to her bed, where she plopped down on her back.

"Woow your up? Didn't you stream till like three yesterday?" Issa exaggerated as she came out of the bathroom after drying her hands. She leaned against the doorway watching her friend.

"four" Raven sluggishly corrected as she flipped over onto her stomach.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't you stream till four in the morning?" Issa corrected herself

"mhm," Raven grunted out as she nodded her head into the bedsheets.

"Ok, now what are you in my room for?" Issa asked as she took a spot next to the tired Raven.

"shoot, hour. need, 'ffeine" Raven mumbled through the sheets.

Issa nodded and rubbed her friend's back "So you've fucked up and now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Ok, ok, I understand. Well, I have half a cup of coffee on my desk if you want it."

With a zombie-like grunt, Raven pulled herself up the front of the bed and hobbled over to Issa's desk, and took a drink from her coffee. After tasting it she gave a satisfied nod before turning around, slowly and silently leaving the room.

Issa watched the whole process with an amused expression. She walked to the still open door and spoke down the hallway "you could've at least said thank you!"

"Thank you" she faintly heard Raven say before she closed her door to get ready.

Issa laughed to herself before closing the door and heading back to her desk. She first checked her phone again to see if anyone had texted, she had received a few but none worth responding to. So with a depressed sigh, she checked the time.

It was currently 11:30, she had planned on streaming a little early today as she had plans later on in the night. And while she would love to stream while playing with Kam, she hadn't told him about her job and she didn't think it was fair to have him on stream without him knowing. It's also illegal. So she couldn't stream them playing together.

She could tell him and then ask if he was ok with it, but she didn't feel like it was the right time. She wasn't comfortable enough with him to tell him something as important as that. She had pulled the trigger too early before and it had backfired tremendously. She had also waited too late to tell someone, putting a large strain on their relationship. She was hoping this time she could find the right time to tell.

'It's a little early, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to start now.' she thought to herself. She had planned to start at twelve and then end at two-thirty giving herself an hour enough time for the shoot she had at 3 with The Factory, but since she wasn't doing anything she figured she might as well start now.

Then, if she had time and felt like it she'll go live again after the shoot until five. And then at six, she'll hang out with Kam. Her stream today would be much shorter than she usually did, but her fans would have to understand.

Issa then messaged all of her moderators through Community letting them know that she was going to start streaming in a couple of minutes. She then posted notifications on all her social. She first posted on Community due to a sponsorship deal she has with them and then to the rest of her socials about ten minutes later.

During that time she sent out a text in the streamer group chat asking if anyone had a spot open for Excalibur, a popular battle royal, or if they wanted to join with her. She didn't receive anything back for a few minutes.

By this point, she had already started her pre-stream and was waiting for more people to join while she did her make-up. After a few minutes of putting on some light make-up, he checked her phone to see if anyone had responded, fortunately, a friend of hers had a spot open in their group.

She told them to give her about ten minutes and she would join them. She wanted to spend a few minutes catching up with her stream. After receiving an affirmation she put her phone down. And after a couple of breathing exercises to calm her nerves, she turned on her webcam and began her stream.

"Heeey guys! How's everyone doing?" she smiled as waved at the screen. Before she could say anything a wave of notifications appeared on her second monitor lettering her know people had joined her community or donated.

"Thank you all so much for joining and donating! I love you all so much, muah!" she blew kisses at the monitor.

She would always be thankful that people were willing to spend their hard-earned money on her.

"Alright, so I have bad news, nothing serious. So, today is going to be a shorter stream because I, and the rest of The Factory, have a shoot in like haha two hours. So, yeah. But I promise it's worth it though you guys are going to love what we are doing!" she held up both her hands as she gave her reasoning.

As she spoke she started seeing one of her emotes being spammed in the chat, AlluSad. Which was a picture of her as a sad Smull (think of them like a bull and mushroom hybrid, but the size of pigs), a creature from her favorite game Dragonflight.

"But! I do plan on playing a little afterward if I'm feeling it. So stop spamming AlluSad, you're making me feel bad. But it will only be short. " she whispered at the end. Turning all of the AlluHappy's that were showing up back into AlluSad. Causing Alluring to have a little giggle fit at the whole thing.

"You guys are spoiled! Good!" Alluring laughed out and then paused to read her chat.

For about a minute she read and talked to her chat until a donation that interested her popped up on her second screen.

"could you tell us why you aren't streaming longer milady? I mean after the stream!" the robotic feminine voice repeated the message sent.

"Thank you for the dono…AlluringsGymS0ck, uhhh ok. I could've sworn I through you in my hamper, but nice to see you've gained intelligence and ran away from me. Hope you're doing well!" she joked at the comment, laughing to herself at her terrible joke. After laughing a few seconds she leaned back in the chair and continued to play with her stress ball

"But yea, I can tell you guys. It's nothing serious. I just have plans to hang out with a friend. This person isn't a streamer so I don't feel comfortable just putting them in front of…65,000 people. " she paused to check the number of people in her chat.

"That's not fair to them and it's not fair to you guys. Plus, actually, that's not important" she then stopped to read her chat.

croissantkangaroobee: A friend ooooo what type of ~friend~

Muffincat: who is this person that is taking our precious Allu time away, huh? I just want to have a brief talk with him AlluKnife AlluKnife2 (this one has blood on it)

GreenPea8766476: The council of Alluring can agree to your terms today, on the account that you stream TWICE as long as normal tomorrow. These are the only conditions we accept! *AlluPlead AlluPlead AlluPlead*

Chinatownsweetpotato: Plus what? *AlluCurious*

P!ut0Undergr0und: I wish she would go on a date with me TupoBeg(begging pig)

CheesePuff420: is this person also the reason you're so happy? *AlluKnife AlluKnife* just wondering for a friend, I promise I won't do anything *AlluKnife AlluKnife AlluKnife*

" CheesePuff I'm gonna need you to mind your business," Alluring reprimanded, basically admitting it was true.

[5000 more comments asking about the tweet]

Seeing that her chat was starting to take a turn for the worse, something she had gotten used to as she had gotten popular, she decided to change the topic. She messaged the lobby host waiting for her telling them to send the invite.

"Alright, guys we will be playing some Excalibur for a bit with…Graceful, Teeny, and Silky" She then joined their voice call. And for the next three hours played Excalibur with them. Until it was time for her to head to her shoot with her Organization.

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A review would be helpful too. 

Regardless, thanks for reading and as always your feedback is welcome.

Sloth_Incarnatecreators' thoughts