
My Rejected Mate

Alisha_pradhan_21 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

First meet

Alina's pov~

Classes were like usual... I went home that evening fast as my parents told me..."mom... I am home..." I said as I entered the house. "Hey sweetie...how was your day? All good..." mom asked. "Yes..." I replied with a smile. "Ok then there are some snacks on the table...eat them and get ready for the party...I have kept your dress on the bed..." mom said going upstairs. "Ok.." I replied. I quickly ate the snacks and went upstairs to get ready.

I took the dress and wore it. It was a nice yellow color dress with flowers around it. I looked myself in the mirror and I was looking like a doll. I smiled.

"Sweetie come down fast...we will be late..." mom shouted from downstairs. "Ok mom..." I shouted back.

I reached to the party. Cellia was already there. I went and started to talk with her. After a while Alpha came in the middle of of the hall and said "Attention everyone ". All looked at him. " As you all know my son will go to training tomorrow...so I organized small party for his farewell..." All clapped. "I would like to call my son...". Suddenly a boy came toward him...he was Alpha's son James... It was my first time seeing him. He was tall, handsome, he had a black hair with brown eyes...He was beautiful. As I was admiring him suddenly he looked at me. Our eyes met. I don't know why but I felt something... I don't know what but something magnetic.... But he immediately looked away. I became sad. I wanted to see him more.

After a while party was going in its way but I was feeling uneasy... I felt like I missed something....Then suddenly I heard a voice "hey" I turned. I was amazed. It was James... "can you come with me for a second?" He continued. "Ok" I replied quickly.

I followed him. **maybe he also felt that magnetic pull...**. He was walking ahead and I was behind following him.

James pov~

When I was going down something hit me...a smell of rose and honey....it was so sweet smell...Even if I didn't had my wolf I could tell that she was here...my mate...That world would make anyone's heart filled with joy but not for me. I got scared... I was just going to get my freedom now this...I don't want to take any responsibility now.... I want my freedom... I don't give a damn think about this mate... When I reached there I started to scan the area....then I saw a most beautiful girl in the yellow dress....Looks like she also felt something when she saw me....Our eyes met...She was not too tall, cute and had grey eyes and brown hair....Just by looking at her made me feel attached... I quickly looked other way....

After a while I decided to reject her and make her reject me....that will be good...we both will be free... I went towards her when she was alone....I called her and made her follow me...she didn't mention anything about mate. Looks like only I can feel and smell it... I took her outside. I stoped at side of the pond. I turned and looked at her. The moon light was hitting her face...her eyes was brighting in the moon light...she was looking beautiful...Without any recognition I told her" You are beautiful..." She blushed. After that I cursed myself that why did I just say that. I have to end this...

I took a long breath "what is your name?" I asked. "Alina....Alina Dafferen" she replied. "Alina did you felt a pull between us?" I asked. She blushed and nodded. **God why was she blushing so much...she looks even more cute when she blushes...Ahh...just get it over James...** I sighed. "Alina look we are both kids and I want to get free...I want my freedom..." she looked at me confusedly. "You see I can feel our mate bond...we are mates..." A smile appeared on her face"really" she excitingly replied. "But I don't want mate..." I said. Her smile immediately fade away. "So I James Richard...son of Alpha caleb and luna Miya rejects you as my mate..." I said in one breath. She was shocked. She fell on her knees.