
My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Akira Kuromiya is just an average high schooler who gets killed by a robber. He wakes up and is now a chicken!? Even worse he becomes the familiar of a girl who"s apparently the heiress of a powerful clan. That was for a short while though, as he was abandoned and woke up to find out he, now she, is trapped in a deadly magical forest with all sorts creatures trying to kill her. The world she finds herself is one of magic and monsters like the manga she's been reading. Akira, now Hinotori is trying to live her life as a chicken in another world! Tags: Isekai, Adventure, Action, Weak-to-strong, Monster, Evolution, System, LitRPG, Yuri, Overpowered MC, Harem, Demons The book is quite slow paced, with some arcs seeming quite useless and boring. However, I promise, every arc is important and I urge you to continue. If you can't, I won't try to stop you because the choice is yours. Over the few months this story's been up I've come to notice one common comment. The MC is stupid. Well, that's just how she is at the the beginning. A selfish entitled brat who believed the world was against her(previously him) after some mistakes she made. I mean, what's a story without personal growth? The character growth is slow and annoying, but it's there. MC will have to learn to make the bigger and smarter decisions with not only his life on the line. If you also can't wait to see a person change, that's fine too. I can't change your mind on that. All I'm saying is give it a shot. Anyway, that's it for my blurb!

Rados47 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
361 Chs


Day 19

Once we discussed matters with the Spider king, we decided to head back today, but Diane ordered us to stay here for a bit. She sent me a secret message that she was waiting for something to happen and I understood her perfectly and was impressed with her quick thinking.

So today was spent testing out my skills. There was a very interesting development today, for my skill [White Viper Scales] became [King Viper Scales]. Now they weren't white anymore. They had a silvery allure to them and were way stronger than before. Coupled with my [Slime Body] I could now absorb a high amount of shock before taking any damage.

The spider king came to bother my process. I wanted to sack her, but I couldn't be rude to someone helping me out. I decided to plant some spawns. I planted a lot. It was practically a garden and I was expecting about fifty of them to come out. Even the little guys would be helpful as cannon fodder. No more getting attached to twigs.

It hurt a bit, but I would simply have to move on from the original twigs. They were dead and gone now. I also left my [Stealth] on at all times now, because I realized I hadn't built enough proficiency with it. I didn't know what skill the spider king had used and the agent too said there were no skills that completely erased one's presence so it was most likely a unique skill. That got me scared.

I tested out the [Centipede Armor], but if anything, it was more like a hindrance than anything. Fine, my body was covered in some cool looking centipede armor, but then I had some long armor extension from my behind going for about three meters. Walking was a bit hard and flying was very difficult. Control and getting off the very ground became way more difficult.

Next was [Beetle Armor]. No. Just no. It was the most unsightly piece of armor I laid eyes on, so I would never use it even though the defense it gave me was better than the one the centipede armor gave me. [Acid Spit] as its name suggested was a chunk of acidic saliva. [Compound Eyes] made my head hurt a bit seeing as I wasn't used to that kind of vision and [Stinger] was only to be used for suicide attacks. The bees really were unfortunate creatures, no?

I tested out my [Size Manipulation] and became three times as big as I normally was, so the spider king jumped on my back, asking me to fly her around. This girl was being annoying. I wanted to grab her and fling her into the wall or something.

I also ate a lot of fish today, got the skills [Camouflage] and [Allure], and talked to the spider king a lot. She was actually very interesting. She said when she was born she was scared that she might get eaten by her mother and that led her to pulling off some pretty insane escapades, overthrowing her mother and then becoming the spider king. She said it took her three months to do all of those. According to the agent, a month in this world was forty-two days, so that was quite amazing. Not even a year back in my world.

Then, there was the oddest and most annoying thing that happened.

[System Error!]

[System Error!]

[System Error!]

[System Error!]

[System Error!]

There was a sharp striking pain in my head. My head hurt like hell. I felt like it was going to split at any moment. Almost as if it were being sawed through at that very moment.

I let out a pained yell.


It was faint, but I could hear the spider's voice from my side.

[Attempt to fuse unique skill [Analyst] with skills [Auto Mapping], [Heat Sense], [Mana Perception] and [Goggles] refused by System Master #####]

[Attempt to fuse unique skill [Analyst] with skills [Auto Mapping], [Heat Sense], [Mana Perception] and [Goggles] refused by System Master #####]

[Attempt to fuse unique skill [Analyst] with skills [Auto Mapping], [Heat Sense], [Mana Perception] and [Goggles] refused by System Master #####]

[Attempt to fuse unique skill [Analyst] with skills [Auto Mapping], [Heat Sense], [Mana Perception] and [Goggles] refused by System Master #####]

'Attempt…! Refused…!? System master!? AAARRGGGHHH!'

It appeared my attempt to fuse skills had been refused by a certain 'system master' I had never heard off.

But why? And why now? Didn't I do this some days ago? Why was this supposed 'system master', now refusing it when it was left with only 1 more day?

[Implementing Penalty….]

The last thing I remember hearing was something about implementing a penalty. I just passed out on the spot.


[The skill [White Viper Scales] became [King Viper Scales]]

[Due to the unique skill [Evolver], Hinotori acquired the skill [Camouflage]]

[Due to the unique skill [Evolver], Hinotori acquired the skill [Allure]]

[Hinotori was punished by the system master #####]


The East, War Monger's Fort

The audience room, a place that most of the denizens of the east referred to as the execution chamber. Why? Well it was simply because if you wished to die, you just need to walk in there. The owner of that chamber was not well known for his subtleness.

Rather, he was well known for his violent temperament and how those who usually sought an audience with him ended up dead. To seek an audience with him was the same as to go to complain and the master did not like to listen to others complain. He had made it very clear after he rounded up all the denizens with issues and killed them without batting an eye.

A heartless beast. That was the master of the chamber.

Now in that very chamber were four creatures. One was the master, two were his guards and the other was a fool who knew not his place, or so was what others called him. Who was this fool? He went by the name Derbyshire. A satyr and the leader of a herd of roaming satyrs with the name the Roaming Satyrs.

He bowed down and first offered greetings to the existence before him

"Oh, Mighty Tyrant! War Monger Krull! Ruler of the East! Unmatched god of war!-"

"Enough! I hope you did not come here just to flatter me!"

The being. No, the Tyrant said to him, his voice explosive with power. This caused Derbyshire to quiver and almost fall back. If it weren't for the numerous situations he had encountered, he would have just stood there, completely speechless.

"N-no, I came here to express m-my gratitude for giving us the opportunity to flee."

"… Is that it?"

The old satyr lifted his head up and met the blood red eyes of the mighty ogre. He immediately sensed the danger he would encounter if he said that was all, so he then shifted gears.

"N-no! I have something else I wanted to tell you!"

The tyrant looked impassively at the fickle existence before him. It wouldn't take much for him to kill that existence if it further wasted his time.

"What is it?"

He decided to humor the satyr before killing him.

"I-I have brought news of the West's forces and how they plan to fight back."

'Hmmm? I know the west's creatures sacked the envoys, but there was no mention of the wench herself participating in this. Does this mean that wench has decided to fight back?'

He thought.

No. It couldn't be. The tyrant of the west had showed absolutely no interest in the forest ever since she had been made into a tyrant. She would only kill the humans who dared to enter her portion, however if it were other creatures she would turn a blind eye. The fact that she refused to attend the meeting to celebrate her becoming a tyrant was proof enough. Not even he, the War Monger Krull could refuse Goliath's invitation, yet that newbie did so without even batting an eye. It filled him with so much rage and hate towards her.

It made absolutely no sense that she would suddenly be interested in the west. The satyr had to be lying.

"Hmph! You better speak the truth now or else!"

If he wasn't speaking the truth and Krull found out, he would die. If he told Krull that he was lying he would die. The only way out of that situation was for what he had said to be true.

"I swear, it's the truth!"

The satyr tried to defend his claim, while cowering before the tyrant.

"As if that wench would suddenly be interested in this matter! Speak the truth or die now!"

"Sh-she's not the one orchestrating the self-defense."

"Huh? Kuhahaha! As if there is anyone dumb enough to stand up to me, War Monger Krull!"

"T-there is…"

"What was that?"

The satyr's claim made him even angrier.

"I said there is somebody who is leading the West against you."

The old satyr who usually carried an air of confidence, now wore an air of fear. Some could say it was because he finally realized the true depth of powers he was trying to play with.

"Who is that?"

The ogre tyrant asked in a cold voice that showed his displeasure.

"A-A bird! S-she calls herself Hinotori."

"A bird!? A simple hen!? Now I know you are trying to insult me. I shall kill you here and now!"

He had planned on getting on the tyrant's good side. He attempted with Minerva, but she didn't even spare him a glance. Now he wasn't planning to fail with the ogre tyrant. Because failing this time meant death. In a literal sense.

"W-wait! It isn't a regular hen. She was Minerva's pet!"

"Oh? So you are saying that Wench's pet decided to stand against me? Kuhahaha! Truly, this is an attempt to provoke me! That wench has truly annoyed me! I shall fight her and kill her myself!"

And so, the War Monger declared, with a mighty roar that shook the chamber.

"Very well Satyr. I shall listen to you."

And with that said, Derbyshire began to reveal all the information he had received during the emergency meeting the leaders of the West had held.