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I woke up feeling dizzy, I picked up my phone to see who's calling me this early in the morning.

I just hate people disturbing my sleep.

"hello, this is me. State your problem, and let me go back to sleep" I answered the person calling.

"Hey girl! you sound so tired, are you okay, and it's already 1 pm fyi?" Francine said on the other line.

she's the only person who could understand me, who gave me her time just to listen with all my angst in life, who went with me through ups and downs. Cliche may it sound, but I'm so thankful for her. If not because of her, maybe I'm already lost in life.

"Hello, girl! Ah, yes I'm so tired, I got drunk last night, how are you?"

"Are you free today? I wanna spend time with you" she said, how did she became so sweet? the world doesn't deserve someone like her, she's too good.

"Okay, I'll get ready in an hour, I'll let you know! Be safe, bye! '

"Good morning, missy. How's your head?" My Yaya greeted me when I came down to fix my stuff.

"Morning, yayay! Head hurts, but, I need to go see, Francine."

"How's she? It's been a long time since I saw her, and was the news true?"

"Yayay, you're being nosy, her story is not mine to tell, okay? Have you eat? What do you want to eat?"

"Sorry, missy, it's just, I can't believe it too, and I don't wanna eat anything, don't get too drunk! You were home late last night, thank God there's still some good people around the world".

"What do you mean, yay? "

Holy fuck, was I too drunk? Who brought me home then?

" A man brought you home, he was carrying you in a bridal style, I thought something had happened to you, but he said you were just too drunk that you passed out, and mind you, he looks kinda cute"

Oh my fucking goodness

" No way, omg, where's my car? "

" Really, Clarissa? Is that all you could think of? Instead of thanking the man, you're worried about your car? " she sarcastically said.

" No, ofcourse, I'm thankful, but I don't know him...and my car, it's my baby. " The image of my car being crashed has me nervous.

" Bye, yay! I need to go, I'll go get my car, and see Francine, I love you, yayay! " I kiss her cheeks.

She's more of a mother to me more than my mother was.

I called a cab, and went to get my car.

I'm still wondering who's that guy, maybe he's after something, cause let's just all be honest no one will do something good without an exchange.

maybe, he wants money, if I'll see him again, I'll pay him as a sign of gratitude.

we've arrived at the bar, and there I saw my baby! I felt relief to see that's there's nothing bad had happened to it. This is my most expensive purchase with my own money from doing drag races and risking my life. it's all worth it though, you will always be worth it, my 1968 Chevrolet Camaro!

I texted francine which restaurant we'll meet.

after half an hour we both came in close-time.

She went running to hug me after she saw me sitting in one of the tables.

This is my type of people, people who's not shy to make you know how much you mean to them. Many people looked at us, but she don't care, she hugged me tight, I'm not and affectionate kind of girl, but if you a friend like her, you'll hugged her back in an instant.

"I missed you so much, Cassy! it's been so long" she said as she broke the hug.

That's my cute nickname given by the people I love the most.

"gosh! let me breath, we have all the time of the day, to talk, and I missed you too!"

We sat down and ordered coffee, shakes and cakes.

Shakes are for her cause she's acidic, but she also love coffee.

"So, tell me, how's life lately?" I started the talk.

"Still the same, my parents forcing me to take up medicine or take over our business".

I just gave her a warm smile trying to comfort her. " girl, I saw your car outside! mind if I take a drive? " she excitedly ask.

without hesitation I shook my head. " I love you, franc, you know that right? but I love my baby more. " we both laugh, because we both know that she's a bad driver.

my mind travelled back to why she didn't go to college.

she decided not go to college because she was too pressured by her parents.

Not Surprise, she's smart, that's why her parents trusts their business to her, unlike mine.

"What you planning to do? " I ask out of nowhere to break the comfortable silence that we have.

our order came

" I don't know, I really wanted to pursue education, you know me, I always have this passion for teaching". she said as she sip on her shake.

I've known her enough to know that she always love teaching, she loves to teach kids.

I remembered one time, she snuck out of their house to join this teaching program in one of the mountains, where students were not fortunate to have an education.

She volunteered to teach,and sleep there for a week, her parents didn't know where she was, and when she got home, they took all her gadgets, money, car, and she was grounded for a month.

if she were my child, I'll support her, cause the world needs a person like her, who has a passion to teach.

" Why don't you make an agreement with your parents? they're like business owners, I'm sure they'll accept whatever offer you got, like tell them after they let you finish your course, you'll take over your company." I suggested, I don't really know if I'm helping at all.

" Maybe I'll do that, or maybe not. let's just not think of me, we're not here to talk about me, spill the bean on why did you get drunk last night?" she said sipping on my coffee

she can't stop herself from drinking coffee even though she's acidic.

" Well, guess what?"

"what?" she ate a slice of her cake.

She always eat a lot when we're outside cause her mom is forcing her to have a diet whenever she's on their house.

" I'm getting married!" I tried to make my voice as happy as I could.

But she looked at me with her wide eyes

" you're kidding right?"

" I wish, I'm kidding too" I can't hide the sadness in my voice.

she stood up and gave me a hug

" But why so fast? Do you want this?"

" What do you mean?Do you really think,I wanna marry?No way, but I've got no choice here, France. I need to do this, and maybe this is the way, I can have a peace too, perhaps, he will learn to love me ."

" Sorry, Cassy, I didn't know you were going thru something, only if I knew, I would have been there for you, like how have you been there for me".

I understand her.

" Oh come on, I'm not gonna die! I'm just getting married, and who knows, maybe he's a hottie, and we'll adopt you! " I said jokingly.

" I hate you, you really could still make a joke about this situations!" she gritted her teeth like she's gonna bite me.

The sooner we anticipate what's coming, the early we can prepare ourselves from disappointment. We just gotta make a joke about it, to make it a little not too formal to think.

" you know that my life is full of jokes right? let's drink?" I just laughed at my own thoughts.

"I don't drink,I need to study for the exam, I'm secretly studying elementary education" she whispered like her parents are around the corner.

I was taken aback.

"what? where? when? what if you'll get caught?" my voice sounds so concern, I know she'll get into trouble for this!

" Then, I'll be still be happy that I know I did my best to pursue what I love " she sounds free, like free from the burden she's carrying for so long. it makes her glow and happy.

" why not tell me sooner? "

" I was planning, but we got busy talking, and I forgot about it, sorry" she apologetically smile.

" you're crazy, you'll get your dad mad here, but either way, I'll support you ma'am! how come you're not busy though? " a smile appeared on my lips, as I'm just so proud to her on stepping up for her dream. maybe, I'll do that someday too! what do I want though? I really wanted to be an engineer, mechanical engineer to be precise. I've always been fascinated about machineries and of course cars. Although, I have a degree in business field, I still want to achieve something for myself. My dad doesn't show any support to me though, he said that I'll be just wasting my time. maybe, he's right.

" I enrolled online, and asked my profs for a little consideration, and I only go to school every other day, so my dad won't suspect a thing. "

that's so brave, I never knew she love this teaching so much that she'll risk everything she has.

" I'm so proud of you, sis! you're so brave! I love you so much! "

" thank you! We need to see each other every week just to have an update in each other's life, cause I'm still shock" her face still gives the look of 'still can't believe you're gonna get marry 'face.

so am I


she answered her phone and it's her mom

" I need to go, so sorry, Cassie, my mom is telling me to go home" she hurriedly pack her stuffs.

" it's fine, I'll just call you when I have time! "I hugged and kissed her on the cheeks.

I watched her as she go, thinking how brave she is to pursue the things she loves, only if I can be brave like her. I'm so happy for her, she's been thru a lot of shit, and she deserves this happiness that only teaching could give.

One day, I'll be brave enough, to pursue the things that I love.