
My Reborn Vengeful Flower!!!

PROLOGUE: A magnificent field of lush and shadowy flowers came into the view of a beautiful young girl. The rain descended fiercely on her porcelain cheeks and trembling lips. Fluttering her wet butterfly lashes, she looked at the man who was kneeling devotedly near her feet and confessing his ardent love. "I love you so much, my precious! Do you know what you have done to me when you stepped into my life?... You made me known the existence of the word love! I love you beyond the capability of myself, that the word hardly holds any value. Please don't leave me, because I love you more than life! You are my whole world, my everything, more important than any relation! She stood under the thundering rain, her mind completely blank. THUD! THUD! THUD! All she could hear was her heart beating painfully fast, blood pumping into her veins, as she thought. Why! Why now? Why am I listening to the same words again? These words hold no meaning now. If what you promised was true, then why did you do that? Where were you when my life got shattered? I was deep pain, crying endlessly for respite..., where was your love, then? I was a fool once..., never again! She gave a deep smile, holding him flush against her. Her nails sliced his skin, drawing blood. Red! The same color which she saw at the time of her death. Now, she is back from her ashes, with a desperate need for this red..., the blood of her enemies! Amid nature, they stood surrounded by flowers, deeply immersed in themselves. Flowers!!! There are many different flowers on this earth. Fragrant flowers, cute-looking flowers, beautiful flowers, withering flowers, poisonous flowers..., but there is a type of flower that everyone should fear, a dangerous flower that destroy lives. Do you know what it is??? A Vengeful Flower!!! She is that reborn vengeful flower..., HIS VENGEFUL FLOWER!!! *** "Leave me!" She struggled against his hold. "I will never leave you, my dear Fenhua! You created this devil; you satisfy it! Don't you dare hide from me, for I will catch you even from the depths of hell!" Yan CheungWei smiled darkly. "This i-is... Obsession!" She put on her last struggle before losing her senses! "Then, obsession it is! My love, you are bonded with me till eternity!" He retorted, hugging her to the bed! "Remember, baby! You are always mine... always!" *** Li Fenhua, a naive 18-year-old girl, who tasted the cruel twist of fate and died unjustly! Her innocence lost; her last kin perished in the hands of vile humans. She vowed to avenge them, crying blood tears! Yan CheungWei, a DEVIL to Li Fenhua! On whom she swore revenge for his betrayal... or is he really...?! Is everything, we see with our eyes and hear with our ears is the TRUTH? To know, come find out the intense roller-coaster ride between Yan CheungWei and Li Fenhua! *********************** WARNING: *No Rape* *Slow Burn* *R-18* MC/Female Protagonist in this, is to some extent Anti, and strong, so be warned. She is Evil, innocently Sinister. This story does not jump into the Rebirth theme in the very first chapter..., it will unveil methodically. Here, there is no particular MC, as both MAIN CHARACTERS are equally vital. This story is suitable for any region. Everyone could easily understand. P.S. This is a rebirth story, which comes with sweet love yet strong revenge. There are many flowers, *cough* intense variations in this, with lots of supernatural stuff and twist and turns. Dive into it to find out. P.P.S *Blushes* Try this story guys and let me know your views, please. Please try my other novel too, it is a short love story. You will surely enjoy it! Love, Uma. You can also follow me on insta@ author_uma discord@ mona_keshwari#6520 Facebook@ https://www.facebook.com/Keshwarimona [NOTE* The pic in cover is not mine, credit goes to the up-loader of huaban, if the the up-loader demands it, it will be taken down, it was written as free pic.]

mona_keshwari · perkotaan
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16 Chs


Yan Meilin was both surprised as well as delighted at Fenhua's outburst! This was something she was anticipating from god-knows-when! Rubbing her palms to hide her glee, Meilin put on a solemn face.

Why??...why can't Yan CheungWei kiss her and what right you have to kiss, hmm?? What are you to him?? Yan Meilin cornered Li Fenhua further, making tears spill from her pretty eyes.

"That m-means Wei sir will… I...I don't... what right…??" Li Fenhua was mumbling incoherently with moist eyes, which made Yan Meilin's heart clench!

This is not what she wanted, for Fenhua to break down! She just wanted both, CheungWei and Fenhua to realize their love. So, she hurriedly rushed to set Fenhua, free from grief.

"Huahua baby, come here!" Meilin pulled at Fenhua, making her sit beside her... then she cupped her cheeks lovingly and explained in a soothing voice!

"Calm down, baby! Your Wei sir will not kiss anyone... he is only yours... but, have you ever thought, why are you hurt to this extent by the very thought of Ah Cheung being with someone else... huh??"

At Meilin's question, Fenhua stared at her blankly!... Yes! Why is she feeling hurt… why does her heart bleed like it had been cut with a sharp knife at the thought of An Roulan and CheungWei being together… why does she want to destroy anyone who came in between her and Wei sir… why???

"You wanna know why?? This feeling is called jealousy... you are jealous! Jealous, because you are in LOVE! You are in love with your WEI SIR!!!"

Fenhua was left baffled at Yan Meilin's words! She looked around in a daze as she processed the soul-stirring words.

Lub dub…Lub dub!

Throat parched, Fenhua clutched her racing heart…Is she in Love?! Is this love? She is really in love with Yan CheungWei, the Capital's most desirable man! Her confidant… her pillar of support since she came to the city?! She gasped as the realization dawned upon her!

YES! She is in LOVE!


Li Fenhua jumped, pulling Yan Meilin along with her.

"Yippee!!!! I'm in love! Jiejie, I am in love with Sir!" Fenhua's happiness knew no bounds, as she twirled happily, shouting on top of her voice! Her merriment infected Meilin, who danced along with her.

Both were delirious in joy when suddenly a thought struck Fenhua!!!

"But… what about Yan CheungWei?! Does Wei Sir love her like her…?!"

Unconsciously, Fenhua voiced out her thoughts to Meilin, causing her to smile.

"That's your work to know, baby!" Yan Meilin patted Fenhua's cheeks and left on her own to fight her newly found feelings...

*Aishh! Love is the most beautiful feeling on the earth* thinking so, Yan Meilin left with a spring in her steps!



At the same time, on the other part of the city, a stylish silver Porsche crashed into an electric scooter coming from the opposite!

"Fu*ckkk! What the…!"

An angry voice of a young girl greeted Lin Jainyu as soon as he got off the car to check the situation. Adjusting his cuffs, he strode forward towards the scene. Nevertheless, the sight which came into his view caused him to stand in a daze!

A short girl around 18 stood with hands on her hips. She had a fair complexion with a mole near her plump lips… her slender body with a scrunched up face formed a cute yet sexy picture!

*What a beauty…!*

This was the only thought left in Jainyu's chaotic brain. However, a honk followed by the same angry voice broke his trance!

"You Mo**** Fuc*** As**le! Are your rich eyes filled with trash?! Why not hire a driver for your wealthy ass?!"

Blood rushed to Jainyu's brain as he heard those words. All the thoughts of appreciating the beauty thrown into the gutter!

Shaking from angry, he thumped the car bonnet(hood)! Never had he seen such a girl with an angelic race and an evil mouth!

Eyes red with rage, Jainyu shot. "Shut the fu*ck up, you crazy lunatic! What the hell do you think of yourself, huh! It's your mistake to stop the bike abruptly in the middle of the road. Instead of apologizing, you had the gall to spout nonsense?!"

"Aww, Mr. Richie Rich is stating traffic rules now?! I clearly signaled with hand. The girl shook her hand in a gesture at him! You blind bas**rd! What… No words Fuck**rd?!

Puffs of smoke left Jainyu's ears at those vulgar words! Not able to control himself any further, he unleashed his fury!

"You stu*ck up bit*ch! Got a problem with my money?! Come beg me, I might throw some pennies! Or you could just use that potty mouth for useful things instead of spouting shit!"

Jainyu wanted to continue with his tirade when a loud ring from his mobile stopped him. Wiping his face with his palm, he messaged back to the ringer. That person was Cheungwei, urging him home to discuss work.

After that, Jainyu filled a check with the amount that could buy a new bike and threw it at the girl's stupefied face!

"You…!" The girl's words were cut short by Jainyu.

"Here, take it! If not for my work, I would have sued you for that nonsense you spouted. Pray…! Just pray that you wouldn't meet me again! If that happens, I will show you hell then!" With that Lin Jainyu left in a hurry, not hearing any response from the girl!


The next few days continued with Li Fenhua coming in terms with her feelings…! She tried every possible thing to gain Yan CheungWei's attention! Wanting to read his feelings for her, but every time something or rather, someone would spoil that! Yan CheungWei, being emotionally challenged, does not help either!

To make matters worse, An Roulan continued visiting YM with some or other reasons like business, meeting grandma, catching up their college days with Yan CheungWei, and discussing beauty tips with Meilin...blah blah blah...! These things made Li Fenhua's insecurity reach new heights day-by-day… seeing An Roulan near Yan CheungWei every time makes her blood boil! However, CheungWei was not able to read them as he took her actions as regular naughty antics!

Li Fenhua(st)- These days, Wei sir is not even paying any attention to me! All-day, he is busy with that Makeup bag discussing some bullsh*t project! Amitabha Buddha, what should I do? Please show me a way…! Think Huahua, think! There must be some way to grab his attention…!

Yes, idea!

***To be continued***

Pre-cap: Jealousy continues, attention-grabbing and NEW ENTRY!

P.S : Swear words are removed due to policies of Webnovel, as sometimes novel will be locked, sorry!