
My Reborn Fiancee Helps Me Cultivate

Mo Xiuluo, the male protagonist of the story, gets transmigrated into a strange world where people cultivate immortality. Bounded by the Heavenly Demon Protection System, he suddenly found out that he had a fiancee? And she is the reborn Empress of the frozen Heavens? By protecting his wife and signing in to her every month, the system gives him some extraordinary treasures that are lost in the heavens. But… These rewards seem to be a little too evil? [Ding! Host got the Ashura Great Demon Sword!] Mo Xiuluo: System, I am a man of Righteousness! [Ding! Host is rewarded with the Unholy Body!] [Ding! Host is rewarded with Blood Art: Nine Moon Slash] [Ding! Host protects Bing Dong’er! Rewarded with: Burning Heart Technique!] Mo Xiuluo: This seems fine…

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19 Chs

Spirit Cores

Seeing the system rewards, Mo Xiuluo fell into a brief moment of silence.

His doubts were confirmed with the opening of the gift pack, meaning that his system is turning him into a demonic cultivator.

The only question is, why.

Mo Xiuluo didn't think any further and felt his heart beating as he thought of the consequences of being a demonic cultivator. Mainly he was worried what his fiancée would think of him knowing that he's a demonic cultivator.

'Will she think of me the same?' Thought Mo Xiuluo, and a hint of pain appeared in his eyes.

After taking a moment to calm his thoughts, Mo Xiuluo took a closer look at the Asura Great Demon Sword after taking it out of the system space.

It had an aura around it, and had a red blade and was black with red engravings.

He could sense an evil and dark energy within the sword. It was like a dark energy was slowly seeping out of the sword and was being suppressed by an unknown force.

It was an ominous sword, and made the hairs on Mo Xiuluo stand.

Mo Xiuluo could also notice that his soul was feeling stronger.

'Could it be because of this sword?'

He tried to absorb the blood red energy from the sword and found that his soul was absorbing the evil qi and was becoming stronger, and was even feeling pain.

"I guess that I will have to try this later." Said Mo Xiuluo, putting away the sword in the ring his father gave him not too long ago.

"Now, what about the spirit cores?"

Mo Xiuluo stretched out his palm and summoned one from the system space.

Suddenly, a white glass ball appeared on his hand, and was about the size of a tennis ball. It was smooth and had a slight warmth radiating from it.

"Spirit cores, used for weapon making and general crafts that require energy like flying boats or an alchemy furnaces. Then you also have the use for demonic cultivators..."

Mo Xiuluo felt the Qi and life energy in the spirit core, and was amazed. He knew if he tried to absorb all of this at once he would most likely die due to his poor strength.

"This is just a rank 1 spirit core. I wonder what a rank 10 spirit core looks like." Said Mo Xiuluo.

At this moment, a knock came from his door.

Hearing this knock, Mo Xiuluo put away the spirit core in a flash and straightened his posture as he walked to the door.

Opening the door that was cold and hard to the touch due to the wood being covered in gold, he saw a woman.

The woman had a red phoenix robe that showed off her curves and had a similar silver strand to Mo Xiuluo, but had red hair instead of black.

She had a fair complexion, and her facial features were sharp.

"Eldest sister." Mo Xiuluo called out.

In the Mo family, there are three older siblings that are all girls. Although he is the eldest son of the clan, the second child is only five years old at the moment.

The eldest sister, Mo Xiaoluo is known for her war-like attitude, and is very strong. The second child is a genius alchemist and is known to be a gentle flower.

The third child is Mo Xiuluo's twin sister. Though she lacked talent, she had an unrivaled beauty and was considered the number one beauty in the empire.

"Hehe, I heard that you're leaving to go to the Horizon Sect? And you're also getting married?" She said, putting her arm around Xiuluo's shoulder and pulled him close.

Mo Xiuluo could smell a faint scent of blood coming from her body which made him tense up.

"Your current strength, well to put it bluntly, is quite weak." She said, smiling.

Mo Xiuluo's eyebrows creased and looked at her, and she giggled.

"Oh, don't be mad. Here, I have something to help you with your little problem." Said the girl, took out a jar of blood, and put her mouth close to his left ear.

"With this, you shouldn't have any troubles with your fiancée in the future."

With her lips barely touching his ear, her hand held his shoulder tight.

Mo Xiuluo felt chills running down his spine, and didn't dare move a muscle.

"Don't tell anyone, this is my personal stash."

Suddenly, she put the jar into his hands, and he saw the jar was full of blood, which was fresh, and still warm.

Mo Xiuluo had an odd feeling, and was confused as to why his sister had blood with her.

"This blood is filtered with a bunch of Qi. Though it might seem a bit demonic, it's all beast blood."

Mo Xiuluo nodded his head and thanked his eldest sister. This is just what he needs if he wants to refine the spirit core.

"Also, don't expect anyone else to come give you gifts for your marriage. They're all currently busy with other clan activities." Mo Xiaoluo said, leaving Mo Xiuluo alone in his room.

Mo Xiuluo looked at the jar filled with blood and scanned his room.

He was looking for something that could dump the blood into right away, but the only things in his room were his bed, desk that had nothing but books on it, and a mirror. His walk-in closet only had clothes and had nothing to store water in.

Pondering for a moment, he quickly left his room and ordered a maid to get him a barrel filled with water and bring it to his room.

Not long after, a maid brought him a barrel filled with water.

Mo Xiuluo took out the jar of blood and the spirit core, but his eyes kept on looking back and forth between the two items in his hand.

'Should I refine them both at the same time?'

He held both objects up in the air and gritted his teeth and made his decision.

'Refine both and maybe I can refine another spirit core before I leave to the Horizon Sect. At that point, I'd almost be in the Foundation Establishment Realm, catching up to my fiancée.'

With a clear set of goals, Mo Xiuluo dumped the jar of blood into the water and took off his clothes, revealing his four pack abs and toned body.

Jumping into the water while holding the spirit core, creating a splash of water, he quickly entered the state of meditation.

Though, it wasn't easy. 

The pain brought to him by simply entering the water was painful enough, but also devouring the life and Qi from the spirit core brought it to a whole new level.

Even if he had the Unholy Body that removed all the negative effects, the pain brought by the Qi and life stretching out his veins and muscles was enough for him to scream in pain. 

Mo Xiuluo's figure was covered in blood, making his red whine eyes even more evil.

After an hour of refinement, the water in the barrel was halfway full, and the spirit core no longer had that bright white light coming from it anymore.