
The biggest change

The magic…

This is the big difference between the universe known in his 'dream' and the universe where Blue Star is located. It is no wonder that at the time of his encounter with 'God', who was still strangely fresh in his mind, either because of the passage of time or the power of the person encountered. He had clarified that the universe of the 'Earth' was not the weakest, but not the strongest too.

Now she understands why it wasn't the most powerful. She can't help but imagine how the weakest universe must be. On 'Earth' there was nothing special.

On Blue Star, magic makes important changes. It is created from cosmic radiation, which can pass through the atmosphere in the same way as light. This is the only explanation Luna could imagine explaining her existence based on her 'dream' which luckily did some research on this subject.

This cosmic radiation, which by chance is more beneficial, than deadly. Allows the entire population, to naturally benefit from an improvement in strength and immune, as well as to increase the lifespan of a 'normal' person to 500 years.

The cosmic rays contained in solar radiation also allow the creation of a magical mineral that interacts perfectly with magic. It is formed, following a more or less long exposure, a high concentration of the solar radius on a fixed point and a significant accumulation over time. Note that the more natural ore there is in an area, the more lush it is in magical energy.

Magic energy, which is quite simplistic, is the name given to Blue Star to the theory that Luna has just drawn. They didn't do much research to find out where the magic comes from.

Land and water, absorb and retain magical energy more easily. They also make it possible to cause the formation of magic minerals other than with the sun's rays, if the amount absorbed is sufficient.

The magical energy absorbed in the earth and water contributes to the development of living beings, thus having richer food and purer water charged with magical energy. Which have the effects, depending on the type of food or water and their levels of magical energy, a greater and faster regeneration of the magical energy contained in the body. But above all, the most important thing is to increase the chances of becoming a mage.

Indeed, there is a small percentage of chance, 1% of the blue star population, that the magical energy contained in the body before the age of 6 can modify DNA, another theory of Luna. From the 6th birthday, anyone can become a mage, provided that this DNA modification has taken place.

To activate the DNA, you have to go to a recovery room, which is in all the major cities of the kingdom. To do this, you have to reserve a place by mail and pay a fairly high amount of money to the people who posted at the entrance of the building while showing them the birth certificate of the person concerned.

You should also know that the chances of becoming a mage are greatly increased, if one of the parents is a mage, or if the 2 parents are mages the child has a 99% chance of inheriting the DNA modification. Provided that, it absorbs a sufficient amount of magical energy.

The mage, or more commonly known as the Elemental, allows this person to control the power of an Element. There are 7 types: Fire, Water, Air, Lightning, Earth, Cold and Neutral which is called Sage.

It is important to know that in addition to the Elementals, there are what they call Warriors. These are people who have not had the chance to have the DNA modified at the age of 6, but thanks to rigorous and regular training with a diet rich in energy magic rates and a suitable breathing method. They were able to bypass DNA modification to become a variant of an Elemental, but who cannot master an Element. This technique is extremely expensive, the duration is uncertain, and it does not have a 100% chance of success, even if everything is perfectly done for a lifetime.

The Elementals and the Warriors, both have a lifespan equal to 550 years. A Mage can also become a Warrior if he trains and feeds enough, they are called Magus, they have a lifespan of 575 years.

A Magus is the most powerful being in Blue Star. He has the elemental advantages of the mage, but also the strong constitution of the Warrior. They have a higher reserve of magical energy, but they have a greater appetite.

Elemental magic is divided into 3 categories; Basic affinity, passive skills and active skills.

Elementary affinity is, as the name suggests, they are in harmony with their element. A fire element will be able to control the fire, or resist a high temperature against magical energy, depending on the duration of use.

Passive skills are improvements that cost them nothing, they can be activated or deactivated according to the elemental. Without increasing the consumption of magical energy.

A Fire elemental will have more powerful magic.

A Water Elemental will have a higher regeneration of magical energy.

An Elemental of Air will have the opportunity to slightly direct his fate after throwing it.

A Lightning elemental will cast spells faster.

An Earth elemental will have a stronger body.

A Cold elemental will have less magical energy consumption.

A Neutral elemental will have the opportunity to enchant the object held in the hand as a runic engraver, but the accuracy and effectiveness of the runes varies depending on the enchanted tool.

Active skills are the spells of the elemental, they are created from the mage's imagination. However, the consumption of magical energy is proportional to the effect of the spell as well as its size. Of course, the spells are of the same element as the elemental.

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