
Chapter 3: The Investigation

As the man closed the door behind him, he flicked out his cellphone and called his assistant. "Luigi, investigate the missing ring of the Princess. Find where is it now and who instigated this scheme. I expect this report on my desk tomorrow as soon as possible", Gilberto grittingly ordered.

"Yes sir Gi", Luigi answered with sweat on his forehead. His call instantly woke him up from his groggy state. He knew that whoever offends his master will meet his doomsday soon.

Rings! Rings! Luigi snatched the gold phone from the table again and says Hello sir Gi".

"Don't make any mistake of calling her Princess Grace. She kept pretending she is Mia. Let her be and don't be caught by her unless i said so. Do you understand?, Gilberto told him in a firm voice.

"Yes sir Gi, i understand", Luigi answered. What the hell is Princess Grace up to? this thought worries Luigi more for her sake.

A man in black suit opens the back door of a maybach for Gilberto and he sat inside with a dark frown on his face. Thinking hard about it, he had an inkling who is the schemer but who is his backer? Who is the mastermind? Is the mastermind's ploy against me or against her? Several questions popped up in his mind. Thinking hard, several people came to his mind. He thought, "i just need a conclusive evidence related to this and my plan will be rolling and implemented to drag you down in the guts of hell."

His driving assistant peeked through the rear mirror and saw his face darkens for a a few minutes. He silently thought, "whoever pisses my master will meet the end of his luck. This he-devil is luckier than the demon itself when he stepped up his game. I pity the person who pissed him off with Princess Grace's matter. He knows how his master loves the woman at an early age. He pestered his parents for his betrothal and waited for years until a man named James came into the picture catching the fancy of her beloved. He investigated this man and he did not like him. As much as he wanted for his fiancee to enjoy her freedom, it is time for her to know him as a man without bias .


Unbeknown to her, Princess Grace's security is provided by him when she turned sixteen years old as requested by his parents. They constantly worry about her well-being, hanging out with friends after school, staying late at night in the library and in school, and an unspoken threat of kidnapping which her parents hid from her so she can enjoy her life as a normal human being.

When her security reported to him that she escaped from their radar, he immediately opened his laptop. His hands moved so fast like winds dancing like a shadow, typed a string of codes and there appears a red dot on a map. Luckily her cellphone is open, and he found her location.

He immediately gave an order of her whereabouts while running down to his car. He is thankful to his assistant that he secretly got her cellphone with the help of her parents to put a chip that can track her whereabouts. Gilberto thought to himself, hmm his assistant Luigi deserves a raise for his advance thinking...