

Japan, the one country that I would always dream of during my slumber. The beautiful cherry blossoms, the amount of sceneries that comes across every corner of the country, the amount of unnatural but colourful variety of desserts, lastly I'm amazed at how most locals respect their culture. Do you get it? I'm obsessed with Japan.

What's the cause to my obsession of Japan? That's easy, it was a beautiful sunny day during my childhood when I was 13 years old that my father introduced me to an anime called, "Naruto". I didn't take a liking to it but soon after the series of that anime ended. It being a popular anime, fans demanded for a second season, and it happened, the next season called, "Boruto", came out. I'm someone who loves a little romance when it comes to anime series, books or movies. My younger self judged a book by its cover, a picture with only two girls and a couple of boys caught my eye. That is when I started watching the series, and it led to me watching other types of animes. I started watching more romance, reverse harem animes, one thing in common that I noticed about these two genres is that, the places the anime features is beyond my expectation. In one romance anime, it showed a beautiful pond with a small curved up red bridge with rose bushes on the sides across the large bed of water. The surrounding area was an eye catching garden. Another common area that would be featured in both genres is a shrine. Shrines are surprisingly gorgeous, at least thats the result I get from researching. The more I watched, the more I knew about this country called, Japan. Oh yes, I also gained a hot anime boy obsession too, yea, I love them, hehe. That is how my obsession came by.

That was when I was 13. Now, I'm 22 and yes, I have already booked a plane ticket to Osaka, Japan. I heard that that area has loads of cherry blossoms, unless I'm wrong that is. Well, whatever, Japan here I come!

Little did I know, my anime boy love would come into reality once I landed in Japan...

It's a prologue ok? I know it's not that long but you can't expect much from a prologue, from me at least. The romance between the two has yet to begin. :D

Rosella213creators' thoughts