
My Professor: I am his naughty slave

{Mature Content} "You look hot as always, sir." Yoo Na says flashing the other a sweet but teasing smile, she has been trying to gain his attention, all that was ever needed for her. Yoo Na, a sweet and lovely girl who went through bully and abuse ending up as a weak fragile girl, she has been trying to mend her broken and miserable life. She had lived her life twice before she ended up with suicide, she chooses to give up because she had no will to live. But that was not what was planned for her, she came back once, twice just to end up the same but now in her third chance, she is gifted with a huge surge of confidence and courage to win over her love and to become happy. "Just shut up!" Shin Jae whisper-yells being aware of the surrounding he was -in the school premises. Shin Jae was a guy who was about 6 years older than her and her professor. By nature, he had grown up being confined within with only his false demeanor erupting off. He was the teacher everyone feared, who would approach and piss off a cold rude person. "I will never!" Yoo Na says giggling to herself as she walks away to her class. Yoo Na was among the person to hate him for what he was on the surface but in her past two life, this very cold bastard she thought became her savior and her knight in white armor. And hence, he was her first love. He was her unrequited love, why? Because he had someone else in his broken heart which she was trying hard to win. "Remember who owns you." Shin Jae says through his muffled voice as he runs to her grabbing her arms and pulling her towards the corner which probably would get them into shadows, away from the sight of people. "You." She says happily but her smiles fade away when he says, "And put this in your mind, you are nothing but a slave to me." He walks away leaving that bitter smile on her face, she was used to hearing those words. "I know... but I am making you mine. My everything." Join me on the rollercoaster of these two characters who had been fighting with their life to go on, to be happy, to be loved. I promise fun and fun along the way but I need your help with that. Please read the story and be my companion through, I would love to hear from you all, and please do drop your views. If you want to talk to me then join me in discord, my account is Asin1961# Instagram: Author_asin13 I hope you would love to follow me for updates! The cover is from interest and I edited it with the help of my friends. Credits to the one who deserves. :) As this book is participating in WSA 2021, guys I would appreciate it if you all would support me, please!

Asin13 · perkotaan
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330 Chs

Why was I reborn?

"Tell me who they were. I am gonna make them pay." Jin grits his teeth with his palm balled into a fist, Yoo Na gulps looking away, "Um... do not worry. I will return them with interest. " Yoo Na says forcing out a smile while Jin heaves out a sigh.

"I cannot trust you anymore... I am taking you to school myself and meeting those bullies.!" Jin says with his brows knitted while Yoo Na sighs not knowing what to do, "Am I going today?" That was only the thing she could mutter.

Jin sighs with his facial structure slowly relaxing back to calm, "No, you do not look good enough to just go today. " He says caressing her head, "When uncle Choi called me and and s-said... that y-you were in h-hopital... you scared me to death. " He says stuttering as his emotional breakdown brings tears in his eyes.

And recalling that moment, he indeed was scared and hurt seeing his only family lying unconscious with injuries that she didn't deserve. Yoo Na felt bad for making him cry, it was because she didn't resist but what could she have done resisting them. It was one vs two and she was not confident she would win.

"I am sorry..." Sh mumbles grabbing his hand as she cries softly, she was regretting letting herself be so weak, she has continued caring about everyone else but him. Everytime she stood up there on the rooftop, she knew she was too selfish to stay back for him.

She hated being so selfish, she couldn't imagine him after knowing that she wasn't around anymore. How could she just think of abandoning her brother just for her happiness?She felt it heavying her heart.

"No... don't be sorry. Just be careful and believe in you brother. I will take you away!" Jin says a little desperation visible in his eyes, she could see he was hurting more then she was and how she was holding back for what? For someone who doesn't even care about her.

[Shall I leave him... and just run away far and live with brother?] She felt a part of her heart agreeying to her own questions but she hated how a little part of her was still dwelling around hoping that someday he would see her... differently.

"Yoo Na... let's not talk about it and just rest. I will ask uncle to bring you food. " Jin says patting her arms as he stands up with a smile, he diverts her with something else seeing how conflicted she was in her thoughts. He knew this was hard for her and he was wiling to wait, because her happiness mattered.

"I want to go home... do I have to stay?" She questions giving him puppy eyes, Jin presses his lips tight into a thin line, with a subtle nod he says, "I will go consult the doctor. Just stay here. " She nods her head and Jin walks out of the room leaving her alone fighting with her own thoughts.

[What should I do?] she questions to herself, she sighs with a pout forming on her lips. She tries to turn around but as she moves she felt her stomach aching and the wires disturbing her. She raise her hand up to see she had been supplied with Iv drip which was still about half left in the bottle.

She sighs lying flat and eyeing the door, a groan escapes her lips when she felt her stomach throbbing, she brings her free hand and raise the shirts up by her waist to see a large dark-bluish imprint left behind.

She winch when she remembers the pain she felt as they kicked her across her stomach, "They need to know what it is to be in my position. " She says with a determined gaze, "But what do I do actually? I just can't beat them up... I do not do violence until necessary. " She says mumbling sadly.

"I just need to find a time to do so or I need to stand up for myself and beat them instead of me getting beaten." She says with a laugh, "Should I take boxing class?" She laughs playfully questioning to herself.

Just the door opens interrupting her monologue session, she shuts her mouth looking at the door, seeing Jin walking in with the doctor she just stays calm.

"Morning, how are you feeling?" Yoo Na politely smiles at the doctor, "I am good, doctor. " She replies back as the doctor approaches her. "Really? Or is it a way for you to get a discharge?" The doctor jokes but Yoo Na gets embarrassed.

She flashes an awkward smile and says, "No... I am really fine. Just... a few aches here and there. " The doctor chuckle along with Jin making her flush, "Um..." She trails on her words but she shuts her mouth with no words coming after that.

"It's obvious to fell pain since you have been abused. We ought to call for police if you want... because this looks serious. " He says leaning forward and examining her wounds, her bruise against her stomach was exposed by her.

He sighs "I think you do not want to. But is it your boyfriend? If it is I would suggest you to break up. " Yoo Na blinks her eyes while Jin laughs in the background, the doctor frowns and chuckles when he realizes what it was, "Oh, I guess you don't have one. Sorry. " Yoo Na blush in embarrassment and with Jin laughing out loud didn't help her either.

"Shut up!" She yells glaring at Jin but the doctor flinch back at her sudden yell, Jin laughs out loud even more while the doctor clears his throat. "If you are feeling good then I will prescribe you some ointments. " Yoo Na smiles nodding her head.

"Thank you so much doctor!" Yoo Na beams happily with the thought of going back home instead of spending another day in the hospital.

"Make sure apply ice mask to your bruises and ointments on your brusted bruises. " He says scribbling down on the paper shit he was carrying, Jin clears his throat approaching close and watching the doctor scribble.

"Here!" The doctor says tearing the page and handing him to Jin, "Come with me and sigh the discharging papers. " The doctor continues and Jin nods his head following the doctor out of the room.

Yoo Na sighs out in relief with the news of going back, she hated being in the hospital. Everytime she visit the hospital she remembers the moment she lost everything. Her life, her parent, her identity and her existence... she was left with nothing but her body which belongs to someone else.

A drop of tear escapes her eyes as she recalled all those painful memories of her which she had buried within her- a past only she had access to. She brings her palm wiping the tears away, she inhales a shaky breath trying not to cry but she fails as another tear flows out.

"Why? Why did you put me in this situation...? If you had to give me a new chance and a new life..." she says crying to herself, and she continues,

"Why didn't you had me reborn before that accident happened. "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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