
My brilliant idea

"It's a deal, but, I want to see your progress." Was the goddess's reply to my demand.

'Let's go!!'

We f*cking did it!

The goddess is too stupid to realize my plan, or, maybe, I'm just too much of a big brain! Hahaha!

U-uhm! Alright, let's continue with the conversation, shall we...

"Like, spying on me?" I went on to ask the goddess.

I obviously didn't want to leave her waiting for too long. Who knows if she might change her mind and add extra demands... Of course, I wasn't stupid to react too quick to her reply as well. Because if I did, she might find me a little bit too exited, and as a result, she would think that her condition is too low.

I know that I'm being too cautious right now, but, this is a once in a lifetime deal with a god, and also the kind of deal that I definitely did not want ruined.

It's going to be a daily free loot for me if I my plan goes perfect! So, why should I screw up such a glorious opportunity?!

'Glorious opportunity! Let's go!!' Such thoughts of joy roamed inside my mind, as I awaited an answer from the demonic goddess.

Is she going to admit that she'll be spying on me, or is she not?

"Similarly, yes." She admitted

"I know what your leader has said about us, and indeed, that's true. We don't mean no harm however, and only seek entertainment. In this empty plain, void of many equal to us, life is dull. Tedious sceneries will not do, as we've seen many normal sceneries of life within our lifetime."

That was her excuse to her murderous schemes...

"To me, we are no different than your kind, who do not care about stealing a mother's eggs, just for the purpose of drowning in the pleasantries of the taste buds. As a matter of fact, we are better, because to us, you mortals are like grass that cry upon being cut. Void to our sympathy, and only beneficial for our priorities. Do you understand why we do what we do? It's not that we do not care. It's that mortals serve no other purpose than to entertain us…"

And that, her reasoning...

Not going to lie, that was one helll of a long speech... She's kind of right though. Which is exactly why I am using my big brains. It is all in order for me to become the grass that is capable of leeching off a higher being. Hehehe…

Anyway... No matter what she said, and no matter if I did agree or not, to some of her words, I still made sure to show her the same arrogant expression of mine.

Basically, the point was to show her how indifferent I was to her words, and how I didn't have a single thought about what she said.

My act of arrogance was done professionally, and if I'm not wrong, I might even be capable of receiving an Oscar on earth.

'Hehe... Thank you again, Xiayen, for making me improve my acting skills. I'll be sure to drive you around on bed whenever I get to meet you again. Heart Heart.'

"I see… I can allow it then , but, because I want at least a bit of privacy, let me decide whenever you get to watch me." Was my answer to the goddess's condition of wanting to watch me.

"Hmm… I understand your concerns. Secrets like your knowledge of true gods, which you still haven't told me about… Also, no, that won't be possible. I can't know what you're doing, if I can't have a constant connection with you. How will I know if something is going on at a very moment..."

Such was the goddess's concern.

I've got to say… She's quite a nice demon or whatever. Didn't she just say that she viewed mortals like grass. Yet, she's being a bit contradicting, obvious from the way she is showing me a sense of mutual respect. She might be acting of course, but that doesn't deny the fact that she's giving me a good trade right now. So, basically, she's being quite the great character right now, and honestly, I'm starting to like her a bit...

Still going to milk her though. By that, I mean sucking her dry...

Oh my goodness, that still means the same in a wrong way.

I mean robbing! I'm going to rob her! Nothing sixual!

Cough Cough

After a minute or so, I finally came up with a good idea that could aid me in the protection of my privacy. Yes, it has been more than a minute since me and the goddess had been standing still, looking at each other in silence. To her, it must have seemed as if I was contemplating. I was indeed contemplating, since I had to, in order to progress with my brilliant plan.

"Oh! I have an idea." Were the words that came out of my mouth after my mind had generated a big brain but not so original idea.

"State your, idea…" Was the goddess's reply to my bright words.

"Why don't you create some kind of device that can broadcast a live recording to you. A device that I will bring with me, which I can turn on and off upon command. That device, which is invisible to the eyes and power of mortals, and is able to float around, in order to record me from every angle. Isn't that brilliant? You can watch me from every angle, and I can even tell you what is happening, which will certainly entertain you more."

That… That was the only idea that I could come up with. The only idea that could help me progress my plan.

A live streamer.

Since I am already decent at doing that, apparent from the way I can talk to you all as if I'm crazy, it should be a really good plan, right?

I mean… I had livestreamed on earth as well. It's just that I didn't do it so often.

So, yeah... Definitely a good idea!

I sure do hope that the D goddess has the ability to make such a device though… Because if not, I'll be in trouble...

"Hmm… I believe I've seen such devices possible in some worlds before. Let's see…" The goddess answered.

Another few minutes of us standing in silence passed, yet again.

"Alright. It's possible." She finally answered after the long seconds of her pondering.

"Of you go now. Just call the name Artia whenever you want to connect with me. Good bye, have fun."

Before I could say anything, the D goddess sent me off.

It was quite sudden for sure, but that didn't matter. Because, after hearing her soft voice and sensing her smile from the way she spoke, I felt glad.

'It seems that the demonic gods, aren't so bad…'