
My PP shall soar through all heavens!!

It all started with me buying a necklace... What went wrong? Well... I made the gods jealous, simply because their wife, their sisters, their crushes, and so on... Fell under my charm! Hahaha!! To stop me, they dared to imprison me in a universe far from any woman. A world where there are only wieners! At least, that's what I first thought... You see... My necklace wasn't just any necklace, and the world that I was imprisoned in wasn't just a world without woman... A world filled with the laws and scenery of Eastern fantasies. Not just any Eastern fantasy though... It was the world of immortal cultivation, but not the typical one... One day... One day I'll get my revenge on them all! ======== Disclaimers!! -This story is R18, and has some unique elements that encourages sexual interactions. -MC is a deviant, meaning, a hole is a goal, as long as it's not his hole. -Image within cover belongs to AXSENS ========

Sir_WendoS · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
296 Chs

A new starting point



A new day has arrived…

Host was not able to receive his promised rewards…


System universal taxing feature will be enabled…


New feature discovered!

Feature will be classed as a talent…

Talent: Rent collector

Details: What you sow will be collected.

>Host is able to collect valuables from an individual/individuals, if the said individual/individuals exceeds their payment time.




Talent: Rent collector

Skill created: Universal wallet {New!}

Details: What you sow will be collected.

-Universal wallet {New!}

>Host is able to store/deposit currency inside his wallet. Currency can be withdrawn into whatever physical currency host wants.


After I was teleported into the new and unknown place, a notification appeared a minute or two later. It was a notification that made me widen my eyes in disbelief, because if I wasn't wrong, the new talent of mine was simply incredible! It was a steal, and a feature that would make things more convenient for me! Literally a steal, because the system is actually robbing off of others, although it doesn't want to admit it. That's right system! You think that I won't be able to see through your so-called taxing? Ha! Not that I mind of course, since I'm benefiting quite a lot from it, hehehe…

'A wallet…'


'If there's a place that doesn't want to exchange with my PP crystals, it would be easy for me to exchange my crystals into something that they want.'

'Now… Is the system then taking my crystals, robbing a certain amount of foreign currency, and then giving me that stolen currency? Isn't that just blatant daylight robbery then?! But what if I exchange for PP crystals? The system will give me back my pp crystals I assume, and will keep the new currency of mine.'

'It's so confusing honestly…'

'Ah! I get it! Whatever the system doesn't have, it will steal! The system is basically a thief that steals my items and someone else's as well. Luckily though, I get something in return for having my items stolen. I mean, I guess that's the interest for the convenience of the system…'

"Hey! Hey you!" As my thoughts came to an end, I finally became aware of the fact that someone was yelling in front of me while swinging their arms.

"Huh?" I simply replied after I had realized that there was someone that needed my excellence.

*Sigh* "You're finally awake…" It was Laili who had been trying to get me out of my thoughts. Wait… The two sentences that she just spoke out sounds oddly familiar. Where did I hear it from again…

"Anyway… Welcome to the headquarters of the hood of assassins. Currently, we're underground, and above us is our diversion of a sect. As you already know, we are not a sect, but disguised as one, for the greater good." Laili proceeded to give me some explanation about the place that we were in, while we explored our way through the hidden headquarters of the assassins.

"Hmm… I see… You guys sure do like underground bases, huh…" I commented my thoughts about their syndicate.

"Of course. It is the most hidden place after all. Even tracking devices would have a difficult time finding someone this deep underground. The walls are too thick for anyone to easily find us, you see… Our walls our especially thick. Even to get here is near impossible, even if you are able to teleport. That's all I can explain about our security measures."

"Let me guess. Classified information?" I wanted to guess correctly, however, I was wrong.

"No. Security is just not my profession." Was the actual answer.


With that said, Laili continued to show me around while explaining a few other things, and Leslie was simply following along.

The headquarters. The place that I was at seemed like the inside of a temple. Pillars, smooth floors… The place wasn't big and empty however, and there existed many kinds of rooms instead. Some rooms looked like the aztec temples, others like ancient cathedrals, and only a few of the rooms looked like the council room of gods.

It was quite the interesting design, and I was genuinely impressed…

The temple looking kind of rooms was the place where some of their unique weapons were stored, and the cathedrals and the council chambers were all just rooms that is made for the members of the syndicate to have a discussion. Laili had mentioned that the council chamber is for the discussions that are more hectic. War and greater threats were the examples that she told me about.

When we were in the temple, Laili had told me that the reason for there to be only unique weapons stored within the syndicate, was because an assassin wasn't someone who would often stay within the sect. The unique weapons were hidden weapons, and the entire identity of the sect was that of one similar to a group of rogues.

You see… The assassins loot and buy their own weapons, but in actuality, they have their hidden weapons and their unique armory secretly with them, which are the types of items that only the syndicate produce.

The main reason why the syndicate was basically a sect of rogues, was because the assassins were more like adventurers and mercenaries. What was unique to the however, what that they were the type to even blend in amongst the various sects, because other than just rogues, they were basically infiltrators. The weapons that they carried publicly, was basically their fake identity, which they made through their own great efforts and tales. A disciple of some orthodox sect for example, but in actuality, they were more than just someone who would pick the orthodox's side.

A group of rogues, but one with a true purpose that no outsiders easily knew of, and a group that has a traditional and secretive method unique to them alone.

A syndicate…

*Cough* *Cough* "So what are the benefits really? I haven't heard of anything yet that would fill my pocket or make my PP satisfi-… I mean stronger."

Hello volume 2!!!

Sir_WendoScreators' thoughts