
My Poor Hubby Doesn't Need a Sugar Mommy?

Cassie Blake, a stubborn and competitive prodigy, runs away from home because of an arranged marriage. Using her intellect and skills honed throughout her life, she makes a Top 100 company in the country from scratch. All to just escape her marriage. However, as she grew older, she realised there is no way to escape it. Worse, she has no relationship experience... ... "What do you mean you're now a sugar mommy?" Skyler massaged her forehead as she glared at Cassie. "You were the one who said I have no relationship experience so I decided to be in a relationship," Cassie shrugged. Skyler gave a deadpan look to Cassie and turned to look at the handsome hunk named Austin who Cassie had picked up from streets. Literally. "I need a break from all this." .... Hey, author here, so I'm not good with synopsis so hope you read the chapters before dropping. It's a humble request from me. Thanks for reading!

Lilith_Pendragon · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


Cassie ran down the stairs at a speed that would have shocked most athletes. She jumped the last stairs and headed directly towards the garage.

She narrowed her eyes, hearing the footsteps getting closer, and clicked her tongue, 'They are catching up. I only have a few minutes before they lock the whole damn city.'

Cassie knew her father had already ordered that the city be locked from everywhere the moment she had escaped. However, that would take a few minutes, and she needed to escape within those few minutes; otherwise, she would be trapped here for eternity.

'Dad already knows I have plans of running away now, so he'll definitely increase the security from next time. It'll become nearly impossible,' Cassie smiled. 'Guess I only have this chance to escape this damned marriage. Like hell I'm marrying anyone.'

She was just a 16-year-old girl, and the moment she heard that she was engaged from birth, her rebellious side woke up, and she decided to escape the marriage.

There was no other choice.

Cassie finally got into the garage and entered a black sports car. It was one of the fastest cars in the world, and she knew only this car could take her away.

She opened the garage shutter and heard some shouts, but she just stepped on the accelerator and left the grand Blake Mansion.

"Young Miss! She escaped, we need to tell Master about this."

"He already knows and has ordered us to chase her. We can't let her escape the city."

"Yes, once she's out of the city. We wouldn't be able to bring her back." 

"Why is that? The Blake Family has connections everywhere, and they can locate here no matter where she is."

Ten guards stood in the garage with assault rifles in their hands and talked, looking at the leaving silhouette of black sports car.

"Because Master and young Miss has a bet. If young Miss succeeds in escaping the city, then Master will not try to bring her back. Basically, if young MissMiss leaves the city, she can do whatever she wants."

"Oh! I see."

"See my ass! Now hurry up and give her a chase."

Cassie smiled, looking at the two helicopters hovering in the sky, 'Dad, oh my Dad, you really are going to any lengths to keep me here. Heh, as if that will work.'

She pressed on the accelerator, increasing the speed even more as the car shot with a sonic boom on the highways. 

'Huh! What are they doing?' Cassie raised an eyebrow, looking at the two helicopters. They were doing something...

'Shit! Did they plan to send a rocket or what?' Cassie cursed and held the steering wheel tightly. The next moment, an explosion happened, sending shockwaves and debris flying all over.

The explosion happened a little distance away from where Cassie was driving. It destroyed the highway, essentially blocking Cassie's path.

'Like hell, it's enough to stop me,' Cassie grinned, slamming her feet on the accelerator as she changed the gear to the top. 

The car shot at the explosive site and entered the rising smoke. She saw a small clear path at the corner of the road, which was safe even after the explosion. She easily crossed the destroyed road and laughed.

This was exciting. 

After that, the helicopters tried to destroy the road again, but Cassie was prepared this time, so she was able to pass them rather easily.

She laughed, maneuvering through the broken debris. Soon, she could see the tall walls of the city and smiled. However, that smile soon died as she looked at various cars coming from all sides. She could even see some cars racing ahead of her towards the city gate.

"Babe, this is a matter of your reputation," Cassie patted the steering wheel and grinned. "You can't let these worthless cars get ahead of you, can you?"

She took a deep breath and activated the boost set on the car for a temporary increase in speed. The car instantly became a blur and approached the city wall at such a speed that even Cassie had difficulty seeing what was in front of it.

"Haha! Catch me if you can, baby. Catch me if you can." Cassie sang her favorite song and left behind the cars following her. It was normal since they were, in the end, inferior to Cassie's car.

Cassie stopped the boost and brought the car's speed to normal again. It wouldn't be good to die because she slammed her car into the city walls, would it? That would be quite a headline in the news.

"Hmm, should have expected this," Cassie hummed, looking at the rows of people standing in front of the gate with their guns pointed at Cassie's car.

"Heh, as if Dad will allow gunfire on his own daughter," Cassie scoffed, keeping the speed constant.

However, what happened was out of her expectations. The guards opened fire on her car the moment she got close. Startled, she ducked and looked around in fear.

'Agh! Of course, they will open fire; this car is bulletproof. They just needed to slow me down,' Cassie cursed, but she couldn't change anything now, not at least with the car.

Because of her shock, she couldn't control the car and had gotten off track. Now the car couldn't go any longer.

'Tsk! It's so close, like hell I'll let this opportunity pass,' Cassie stopped the car and got out. She cracked her neck and grinned.

"Now try to shoot," Cassie said, walking forward with her arms open wide. She then remembered something and looked down, 'Oh yeah! My clothes aren't bulletproof.'

But it was fine. The guards wouldn't shoot, but they would attack her. She was prepared for that.

'But no point in fighting so many people. I just need to step out of those gates,' Cassie thought, bending down. Then, she kicked her feet on the ground and shot at the groups of guards who had dropped their guns to stop her.

She reached the first guard and dodged his punch. Then, pivoting on her shoes, she gave a karate chop at his neck. She didn't even stop to look at the results as she dived into the sea of guards and skillfully avoided as many as she could.

Whenever a guard blocked her way and she had no way out, she dispatched the guard quickly and moved on. She was a prodigy and had the top tutors for everything.

Taking on these guards one-on-one wasn't a problem, but there were too many in number. She needed to get out of this encirclement before she got too tired. And that was bound to happen because there were too many people stopping her way.

Cassie clicked her tongue and punched a guard in the face, breaking his nose and making him watch stars in daylight. She then spun and kicked his body as it slammed into other guards.

She slammed her elbow behind her at a guard and ran. She jumped using the broken-faced guard's body and flew over many guards. She was very light, so it helped her, and she easily got out of the encirclement.

She panted and ducked down to avoid a kick coming at her. Staying in her position, she spun with one of her legs wide open. The leg hit the guard who had tried to kick her and lost balance.

Using the change, Cassie ran at full speed at the gate that was almost closed, 'A little more, just a little more.'

Sweat dripped from her forehead as her heart pounded rapidly against her chest. She could hear the footsteps behind her, but she didn't have the time to look back.

Every second counted because the gate was almost closed. 

"Like... hell, I'm staying here," Cassie said, pushing her body to the limit and increasing her speed even more.

And finally, just when the door was only a meter away from closing, Cassie jumped outside and landed on the hard road.

"Haah!" Cassie panted as she put her hands on her knees. That was exhausting. She didn't even get the time to breathe properly. But it was all worth it.

"I'm out," Cassie grinned and turned around to look at the giant metal gate. At the top of the wall, just above the metal gate, a middle-aged man stood.

He smiled helplessly and shook his head, "Get her the car. She will need it to leave the country."

Cassie grinned and flashed a middle finger to the middle-aged man, shouting.

"Like hell, I'm marrying just anyone."