In the year 2097, humanity faced a new terror. Cities were destroyed by horrible monsters that came through the dimensional doors. To counter this new terror, humans began to awaken magical abilities and dove into the gates to destroy the oncoming waves of beasts. One student in particular became orphaned due to one of these dimensional doors. He was considered one of the weakest, and was bullied due to his inability protect himself. While being beaten up in an alley one day, the area went into chaos as a dimensional door opened, trapping him and others inside. He was face to face with death when a sudden beam of light came down. "Is this how I die?" the student thought. Waking up in a hospital later, his wounds were healed as if they were never there in the first place, and a strange screen was appearing in his vision... "Welcome to the Plunderer System" Follow Milo Fenix as he uses the system to fight back against his enemies; his weak old self, the beasts, even humans. Will he achieve his goal of becoming the strongest? Will he be able to overcome his past self as someone who was weak? Will he be able to protect the ones he cares about? Find out by reading My Plunderer System. . . . First ever time trying to write a novel so any feedback you have is greatly appreciated :) -Kowatch24
When hearing his class ranking, Milo couldn't help but be pleased. Rank A was the second highest rank available, and although the school's ranking weren't consistent with the true rankings handed out by the GAA, it set him up to be successful in school. Not only this but it would place him in a class with other strong ability users where he could pick and choose the ones to plunder.
Following his ability evaluation, Milo decided to head back to his dorm to try and scout out some abilities that may be useful in the future. And on his way, he passed a group of three students picking on another student.
"E rank weaklings like you should cater to the every need of us B rank students!"
Milo chose not to get involved as he was unsure if he could take them all on, on his own. But then a familiar face got involved.
"Leave him alone!"
Krista came running out of nowhere and put herself between the three bullies and the student they were bullying. The minute she stepped in between the student and the group of B ranks, Milo was sure he'd have to get involved. There was one thing worrying him though. He had never been much of a fighter and although he was technically a higher rank than the group of bullies he didn't know how to fight them off.
Just as he was about to get involved, one of the bullies sarcastically shouted,
"Oh no, another C rank student, we're so scared."
"Adding another punching bag isn't gonna do shit to stop us," another student said, rearing up his fist.
As soon as it looked like Krista would be in danger, Milo's body moved on its own. The student's fist started swinging towards Krista but just as it was about to make impact, a strong force jerked the bullies arm back.
"Who the hell is this?" One of the bullies in the back said.
The bully who had his fist caught, tried to pull it out of Milo's grip but was surprised to find that it wouldn't budge. This was the result of Milo raising his strength stat, he still hadn't used his reinforce ability yet. The bully then decided to try and punch Milo to release his grip, but when he went to punch him, Milo moved his head to the side avoiding the punch entirely.
"Is it just me, or this this guy slow?" Milo thought.
After avoiding the punch Milo knew he couldn't take the situation lightly and decided to hit the guy back, this time using reinforce on his entire body. He swung an uppercut and before the bully could react, his fist connected with his stomach, Milo wasn't aware of how strong he had become but it became apparent when the student was lifted off his feet and three feet into the air.
Once the punch on the bully landed, the other bullies froze and looked at the ranking on Milo's holo. A low ranked student wouldn't be able to pull off something like that.