

Chapter 296: Leveling Up and Gaining Loot!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the pitch-black depths of the ocean, a large ship which was enclosed in a bubble was slowly moving forward.

"Right, this place is fine!"

Merlin immediately stopped the Ship of Nikola. He was now thousands of meters below the surface of the sea, far away from the Kurdmansla Islands. Not even a Great Wizard would be able to find him.

After solving the crisis of the Kurdmansla Islands, Merlin did not choose to leave but instead stayed in the Ship of Nikola in order to obtain a detailed understanding of the ship.

"Mmm, my Mind Power is at the peak of the Third-level. I can construct two more Second-level spells."

Through the Mind Power duplicate in the Bell Space, Merlin's Mind Power had grown at a great pace. He was now able to construct two more Second-level spells. However, he was in no rush to do that. He wanted to understand the Ship of Nikola thoroughly and would need a period of time for that. During this time, he would also try to increase his Mind Power in order to break through to the Fourth-level.

At that point, he would be able to construct the four Second-level spells that remained, and level up to a Second-level Spell Caster in one swoop!

As such, Merlin silently closed his eyes and began familiarizing himself with the Ship of Nikola.


"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

Merlin gradually opened his eyes. He glanced at the Bell Space at his chest. There was a tremor, along with scorching energy coming once again from the Bell Space. This was already the third time.

"Hopefully, this time my Mind Power will break through to the Fourth-level!"

Merlin drew in a deep breath as his eyes shone with a light of anticipation. He had been on the Ship of Nikola for more than three months. This was the third time the Mind Power duplicate in the Bell Space had reached its limit.

Despite having merged with the Mind Power duplicate twice already, Merlin's Mind Power had still not broken through. It was as though the limit did not even exist.

"Mind Power duplicate, combine!"

Merlin quickly fused the Mind Power duplicate of the Bell Space into his Mind Power. He was familiar with the fusion process, so in no time at all, he was slowly beginning to fuse with the Mind Power duplicate.

It was a hurdle to go from Third-level to Fourth-level Mind Power and a very difficult hurdle at that. Therefore, Merlin was not anxious. With the Bell Space, his Mind Power could expand continuously by fusing with the Mind Power duplicate. This was much faster than the ordinary Meditation Method.

Thus, Merlin only had to wait patiently. Once the right conditions were fulfilled, his Mind Power would quite naturally break through to the next level.


At last, after Merlin combined with the Mind Power duplicate for the third time, his Mind Power became like a tide of water bursting out from the floodgates. An entirely new sensation emerged in Merlin's senses.

Everything before his eyes seemed much clearer than before. He could distinctly feel the movement of various Elements in the air, which seemed to shimmer with life in a vivid manner.

"Have I broken through?"

Merlin felt a rush of glee. The breakthrough of his Mind Power had occurred as the conditions were right. Since the accumulation of his Mind Power had reached a sufficient level, it had naturally broken through.

This significant boost of his Mind Power also seemed to make it easier for him to control the Ship of Nikola.

"My Mind Power finally underwent a breakthrough. Following this, it's time to construct the four remaining Second-level spells!"

By now, Merlin had constructed two Second-level spells – Darkness Tide and Earth Veil. However, if he wanted to become a Second-level Spell Caster, he needed to construct the four remaining Second-level spells.

Merlin had already prepared for these Second-level spells back when he was in the Dark Magic Region and could construct them at any time.

"The Matrix, analyze the Spell Model of the Second-level spell, Sea of Purgatory Fire!"

Merlin first began to construct the Second-level Fire-type spell, Sea of Purgatory Fire.

With the help of the Matrix, alongside the fact that he had abundant Mind Power, Merlin had almost no chance of failure. As a result, the construction of the Spell Model went very smoothly.

The Second-level Fire-type spell "Sea of Purgatory Fire" was successfully constructed!

The Second-level Wind-type spell "Light Breeze" was successfully constructed!

The Second-level Thunder-type spell "Lightning Flash" was successfully constructed!

The Second-level Ice-type spell "Ice Seal Zone" was successfully constructed!


Other Spell Casters might need to spend a long time deriving their Spell Models even if they had sufficient Mind Power. Moreover, they would need to keep an eye on the stability, the compatibility, and other aspects, so it was time-consuming. They would require a few months' time or even a few years.

It was this challenging and complicated process of derivation that hindered the majority of Spell Casters, resulting in them being unable to construct new Spell Models no matter what.

However, Merlin did not need to concern himself with these matters. His only concern was to have sufficient Mind Power. With that, he could rely on the Matrix to construct Spell Models freely and consistently. Therefore, in a mere ten days, Merlin successfully constructed the four remaining Second-level spells.

The instant he completed constructing all the Second-level spells, Merlin clearly felt some indescribable change occurring in his Awareness. It was a subtle change, and Merlin would not have been able to perceive it in the past.

Nonetheless, after his Mind Power had reached the Fourth-level, it had become much keener, so he detected the change in his Awareness right away.

Beneath the numerous Spell Models, his Awareness seemed to be broadening slowly.

Initially, his Awareness seemed to have no boundaries, but in fact, most of it was a blank space. On the other hand, the construction of the Spell Models seemed to have further illuminated an area. The more Spell Models he constructed, and the stronger the Spell Models were, then the wider the illuminated area became.

Merlin did not know what this change in his Awareness actually meant, but it seemed that there was nothing abnormal about his Spell Models, so he did not worry about it. 𝓁𝘪𝑏𝓇𝑒𝑎𝑑.𝑐𝘰𝑚

After having constructed many spells consecutively, who knew how long it would take to transform Magic Power through the Spell Models alone? Thus, in general, many advanced Spell Casters, after constructing their spells, would use elemental crystal stones to build up Magic Power at first.

Merlin was no exception. He still had plenty of elemental crystal stones after using them the last time. However, having constructed four Second-level spells all at once, he had used up a large number of his elemental crystal stones.

"I don't have many elemental crystal stones left... I didn't expect that I would use so many elemental crystal stones just for Second-level spells."

Merlin felt somewhat helpless. His Second-level spells were the best among their level and were able to build up a lot of Magic Power. However, at the same time, they used up a great number of elemental crystal stones as well.

Merlin, being in the pitch-black depths of the ocean, had no way of obtaining elemental crystal stones. Nevertheless, he had a plan. During these three months, he had already achieved a thorough mastery of the Ship of Nikola.

Merlin discovered that before the three obstacles of the Ship of Nikola, particularly in front of the first and second obstacles, there were piles of dry bones. They used to be Spell Casters who had been roped in to complete the obstacles of the Ship of Nikola but who died instead.


With the Ship of Nikola under his control, a mysterious Runic Magic Circle rapidly surfaced on Merlin's body. In a flash, he appeared before the first obstacle.

There were many skeletons that had crumbled into white dust at the lightest touch. It was evident that a long time had passed. Nonetheless, even so, the rings did not deteriorate with the passage of time. The space within these rings was extremely stable and would not suffer any damage unless it came under the attack of a powerful force.

Merlin's target was these rings. He picked up a few at random and quickly searched them with this Mind Power.

"Mmm, not bad. There are many elemental crystal stones as well as Spell Models and potion materials."

"Eh? This one has some robes along with some rare treasures."

Merlin looked through all the rings. They were mainly filled with elemental crystal stones, some potion materials, and alchemy materials. Still, this was only the first obstacle. Spell Casters who could not even clear the first obstacle had weaker capabilities, so it was natural that they did not have much good stuff.

Very soon, Merlin came to the second obstacle. There were fewer bones yet Merlin had higher expectations for the rings here.

Those who were able to reach the second obstacle would have had greater powers, so of course, they would have more valuable items. Therefore, Merlin quickly began to pick up the rings on the ground and looked through them carefully.

"There is quite a number of elemental crystal stones here, and some stronger spells too."

"Robes, and more than one at that. Hold on, what casting tool is this?"

Merlin looked through many rings in a row. In one of the rings were many casting tools, many of which Merlin had never seen before.

The owner of this ring must have been wealthy when they were alive in order to possess so many casting tools. However, when one was trapped in the Ship of Nikola, it did not matter how many casting tools one had. The second obstacle did not allow the use of casting tools.

In this ring, the most eye-catching item was a belt which appeared to be glowing with a very faint green light. At a glance, Merlin was able to recognize that this was a casting tool as it was emitting obvious Elemental fluctuations.

As soon as he thought of that, Merlin immediately retrieved this green patterned belt from the ring and lightly fastened it around his waist. It appeared to fit him but did not seem to have any special features.

Since it was a casting tool, he would need to use Mind Power or Magic Power to activate it. Therefore, Merlin enveloped the belt with his Mind Power, but nothing changed even after a long time.

As Mind Power was unable to activate this casting tool, Merlin decided to use Magic Power. First, he used Fire-type Magic Power. He mobilized the Fire-type Magic Power within his body, and it quickly surged into the belt.

However, it did not serve any function, so Merlin proceeded to use Earth-type Magic Power. Still, nothing changed.

At this, Merlin gradually began to furrow his brow. It was a good thing he had more than two types of Magic Power. Thus, he mobilized his Ice-type Magic Power and Wind-type Magic Power next.


At last, when Merlin channeled his Wind-type Magic Power into the belt, it began to tremble slightly. At the same time, Merlin felt a fierce gust of Wind Elemental fluctuations. His body seemed to be carried by a breeze and he abruptly rose into the air.

"This... This is a Flying casting tool?"

Merlin stared down at his gradually ascending body and irrepressible expression of glee appeared on his face.

Chapter 297: The Flame Prison

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Merlin was currently floating in mid-air. Wisps of Wind Element were wrapped around him, supporting him. This proved that the belt was indeed a Flying casting tool.

The belt must contain a mystical power which could cast a Wind-type spell. In that manner, it lifted the Spell Caster into the air, achieving the effect of a Fourth-level spell.

A Flying casting tool like this was very precious. It should be known that Flying spells could only be achieved by a Spell Caster who had reached the Fourth-level and constructed a Wind-type spell.

For Spell Casters below the Fourth-level or for Spell Casters who were Fourth-level or above but did not construct Wind-type spells, a Flying casting tool like this made things more convenient, and might even indirectly improve their battle prowess.

Merlin further explored the powers of the belt. Its flying speed in mid-air was nothing to shout about, but it was much faster than Wind of Freedom that he used. It was around the speed of a typical Fourth-level Flying spell.

Moreover, although the belt required the supplement of some Wind-type elemental crystal stones, this amount was nothing much to Merlin, who now had many rings and a large sum of elemental crystal stones.

This Flying casting tool was the best item that Merlin had obtained at the second obstacle. Some of the other rings might have some precious materials, but they could not compare to this Flying casting tool.

Ever since the era of the Molta Empire, the most glorious age of Spell Casters had passed, much of alchemy's legacy had been lost. Casting tools were a part of alchemy as well, and it was rather difficult to transfigure a Flying casting tool.

Therefore, when Merlin was in the Dark Magic Region, Sterling House, and Fort Udon, he had never seen anyone with a Flying casting tool. Therefore, this belt was considered quite a treasure.

After plundering the rings at the second obstacle until nothing was left, Merlin felt a vague feeling of even greater anticipation. In a flash of his figure, he headed toward the third obstacle straightaway.

Merlin had previously heard the Flame Being mention that in over three thousand years, only three individuals had made it to the third obstacle. Merlin was the fourth one, but besides him, no one else had ever completed the third obstacle.

Spell Casters who were able to reach the third obstacle must surely be extraordinary Spell Casters!


Merlin's figure appeared before the third obstacle. He swept his gaze across the ground but frowned because he did not see any bones or rings before this third obstacle.

Merlin remembered very clearly that the Flame Being had mentioned that other than Merlin, there were three others altogether who had reached the third obstacle.

However, those three did not manage to complete the third obstacle.

Merlin recalled what the Flame Being had said in detail. The Flame Being had mentioned that one was a real freak who had five types of Pandora Demon Abilities but that person used up all three chances to complete the obstacle and was cast into the Flame Prison.

As he thought of this, Merlin's eyes shone, and he muttered in a low voice, "That's right, the Flame Prison. How could Spell Casters who managed to reach the third obstacle die so easily? There was even a Seventh-level Spell Caster among them. They must've been thrown into the Flame Prison because they failed to clear the obstacle."

The Flame Prison – this had been repeatedly brought up by the Flame Being. Furthermore, according to Merlin's conjecture, this Flame Prison was surely on the Ship of Nikola.

However, Merlin might have complete control over the Ship of Nikola now, but he had not discovered any such Flame Prison.

"The Flame Prison should be a 'prison' set up by the Legend Nikola. Since it's a 'prison', it must be well-hidden and sturdy in order to prevent people from easily escaping."

Countless thoughts flashed across Merlin's mind, following which he searched every corner of the Ship of Nikola once more. Moreover, he looked out especially for spots which were dense with Fire Element.

However, after a period of searching, he still did not discover any Flame Prison.

Nevertheless, Merlin did not give up but switched to another way of thinking. He searched for the place with the highest concentration of Fire Element on the Ship of Nikola.

"The place where Fire Element is the most concentrated at is where those Pillars of Flame are!"

The first thing Merlin thought of was those Pillars of Flame which were made by condensed Fire Element. The place with the highest concentration of Fire Element on the Ship of Nikola was surely where those Pillars of Flame were.

However, Merlin had never been to that area. Still, in order to locate the Flame Prison, Merlin decided to pay the place with the Pillars of Flame a visit.


"As I expected, what intense Fire Element!"

Merlin appeared in a room that was fiery-red. He looked all around. The place was filled with gigantic Pillars of Flame which were emanating an astounding scorching heat.

Merlin walked all around and discovered, by chance, that there was a thick, heavy metal door in this room filled with flames.

If Merlin had not come here himself, he would have no way of discovering this metal door.

Although Merlin controlled the Ship of Nikola, he could only see the numerous Pillars of Flame from a cursory look without gaining a clear understanding of these pillars' details.

As he looked at the large metal door now, Merlin's spirits began to lift.

"What's behind these great doors? Could it be the Flame Prison?"

Merlin approached the large, metal doors and looked around, but there were no mechanisms or anything of that sort. He began to consider the possibilities. On the entirety of the Ship of Nikola, Merlin, who possessed the Flame Maxim, was, in fact, the master of the Ship of Nikola. He was completely able to enter any place on this ship. 𝓵𝙞𝓫𝒓𝙚𝓪𝓭.𝒄𝓸𝓶

As he thought of this, Merlin fiercely simulated the Flame Maxim in his Awareness. The Flame Maxim emitted strands of its force, and Merlin cried out hoarsely, "Open!"


After the force of the Flame Maxim was released around Merlin, the thick solid metal doors began to gradually open.

The metal doors opened, and in a flash of his figure, Merlin had stepped inside.

It was a spacious and empty hall. In the middle of the hall, there was a circular area which was surrounded by sixteen enormous pillars. Dense lines of runes covered the pillars.

There was even a trace of the Flame Maxim's force which Merlin was familiar with.

The sixteen enormous pillars practically formed a massive Runic Magic Circle, enclosing the circular area. Inside the area were flames which danced and surged furiously.

"The Flame Prison. This must be the Flame Prison!"

Merlin felt a rush of glee. The flames, within the circular area surrounded by the sixteen runic pillars, evoked a sense of familiarity in Merlin. This force was similar to the Flame Maxim's. This demonstrated how terrifying the flames within the area were. The moment one stepped in, one would be turned to ashes.

As for why this parched heat was not felt in the hall, it was most likely thanks to these mysterious runes which trapped the flames firmly in the circle. This formed the terrifying Flame Prison. Any Spell Casters who were unable to complete the third obstacle, and were not killed by the Flame Image, would be thrown into the Flame Prison.

"Such frightening flames – I'm afraid that no one would be able to withstand them. If the three Spell Casters who made it to the third obstacle were cast into the Flame Prison, they must be long dead. The question is whether those rings are still here or not?"

Seeing how petrifying the flames of the Flame Prison were, Merlin felt rather uncertain. Although rings were not easily damaged, in the face of such flames that had a similar force as the Flame Maxim and were surely created by the Legend Nikola himself, it was unlikely that a Spatial Ring would remain intact and undamaged.

Nevertheless, Merlin thought he might as well try. He headed toward the Flame Prison in order to get a clearer look.

As soon as he neared the Flame Prison, the runes on the sixteen pillars transformed into a large runic net which obstructed Merlin's path. Based on the strength of these runes, Merlin guessed that even Great Wizards would find it hard to blast their way through.

However, the Flame Maxim in his Awareness was the foundation of the entire Ship of Nikola's control, so he released the force of the Flame Maxim once again. Instantly, the runes which were blocking Merlin vanished.


Merlin did not hesitate at all. Even though he felt a burning gust of energy after the Runic Magic Circle had disappeared, he still stepped into the Flame Prison.

The flames in the Flame Prison were extremely terrifying. Merlin did not dare to be careless in the slightest and constantly simulated the Flame Maxim. He discovered that the mere wisp of force from the Flame Maxim was completely able to suppress these raging, surging flames. It was because of this that Merlin dared to step into the Flame Prison.

Merlin walked into the Flame Prison casually. Under the Flame Maxim's suppression, the flames of the prison were unable to touch him at all.

"Someone is thrown into the Flame Prison again?"

Suddenly, an old voice came from the middle of the Flame Prison. Merlin's footsteps paused instinctively, and his Mind Power flared up.

"Is someone actually still alive?"

Merlin immediately became very cautious and began to head toward the voice. Finally, at the bottom of the thirteenth pillar, Merlin saw a Spell Caster who was tenaciously hiding beneath the pillar, his body curled up into a ball. The flames of the Flame Prison were burning on his body, yet they were blocked by a layer of similar flames.

Merlin narrowed his eyes slightly. He surmised almost instantly that this Spell Caster was one of those who were cast into the Flame Prison. As for the thin layer of flames, they moved with obvious Elemental fluctuations. This indicated that the Spell Caster was casting a spell, perpetually counteracting the flames of the Flame Prison.

However, this astounded Merlin. It was almost an impossible task to be constantly fighting against the flames of the Flame Prison and surviving until now. Not even a Great Wizard would have such a tremendous amount of Magic Power to sustain this.

Just as Merlin was sizing up this mysterious Spell Caster, this person lifted his head, revealing an unkempt beard and an aged countenance.

When he saw that the flames around Merlin seemed to be suppressed, the expression of this aged Spell Caster shifted greatly. In a trembling voice, he said, "That's not right, you're not a Spell Caster who's been thrown into the Flame Prison. Speak, who are you really?"

The aged Spell Caster's eyes were initially weary, but they sharpened in an instant and fixed firmly onto Merlin.