
The torture. Pt1

"Let me take care of him." she whispered in his ears.

Kelvin looked at her with tear-filled eyes. “I want

him to suffer. Not have the pleasant send-off you

have in mind, I want him to wish he was never born.”

Zafira wiped a tear from Kelvin's cheek. “Do you

remember what I told you when you asked what

happens when I take a soul?” She asked

“Yeah. You consume their energy until nothing is

left. So?” Kelvin replied

“The process takes a very long time, imagine

being trapped in a cell for decades with no way

out. In the cell, insects slowly eat away at your

body, stinging and chewing at your flesh. Even

when you’re nothing but bones, they continue to

chew at you, and you feel every bite. That is

precisely what it’s like when I consume a soul.”

Kelvin envisioned what Zafira’s scenario would feel

like, and to him It was not vicious enough.

In his opinion, he wanted more.

Still, it was far worse than anything he could do

to Vincent.