
The purgatory. Pt2

Kelvin looked at Zafira with shock in his eyes.

“Eat me? What the f--k? Just where are you trying to take me?!” Kelvin asked

“Calm down,” she said. “When we go in, keep your eyes forward, don’t stare at anyone, and never let go of my arm understood?"

“O..okay,” Kelvin said, he tightened his grip on the

demoness’ arm.

“Very well, you may proceed,” the man said.

The brick wall behind the large man rippled like a huge stone dropping into a pond, the wall suddenly swirled in a vortex glowing in purple light, it was a gateway.

Kelvin had no clue what was on the other side, but he was about to find out.

Zafira strode forward, and Kelvin walked at her side, not before trying to calm down his raging heart.

They stepped into the portal and Kelvin felt himself

jerked forward at high speed, like a rocket boosting into space.

Only a few seconds passed before Kelvin found himself in a small square room.

The room was empty, save for Zafira, himself, and