
The Lair

"Here we are!" Zafira said.

"Here? But there's nothing here." kelvin was puzzled, he was staring at a concrete wall?

They were under one of Chicago's many overpasses, the traffic roar was deafening.

The fetid space showed no sign that anyone had been down here for quite some time.

Moldy piles of litter and debris lay scattered across the uneven ground, this looked like home-sweet-home for a troll.

Zafira gave Kelvin a sultry smile. "Looks can be deceiving. You should know that by now."

She placed her hand to the concrete wall, it responded vividly to her touch, purple glyphs glowed like bright street lights and spun on the wall in a psychedelic clockwise whirl.

The glyphs became a portal, a gateway, which opened to reveal a hidden room, without a word, Zafira stepped through the


"Hey! Wait!" kelvin shouted after her.

He had better follow her before it closed, he thought. Kelvin took a running start and jumped into the glowing wall.

On the other side, he fell flat on his face.

He looked up and saw he was in a large room and the roar of traffic was gone, replaced by a soft string quartet melody from an unknown source.

Kelvin stood and surveyed his surroundings, it was not what he had expected to see in a demon's lair.

The room was clean and elegant, it was like an upscale studio apartment, aside from the lack of windows.

A dignified leather couch faced a glowing fireplace, two leather armchairs stood


Across the room he saw a modern kitchen with a high quality brushed-steel appliance set: French door refrigerator; gas range with oven and microwave; over-sized dishwasher.

Shiny kitchen utensils hung over a clean granite countertop and he couldn't help but wondered, why would a demon needed a kitchen?

In the corner to his right he saw a large glassed-in shower stall with multiple shower heads.

The space was large enough for a group of friendly people.

In the far corner was a king-plus-size canopy bed with pink mosquito netting, perfectly made-up with a red comforter on top and large fluffy pillows.

Zafira stood on one foot in front of him, she shucked off her knee-high black boots, one at a time, and then peeled away her sheer black stockings.

She slipped out of her designer leather jacket and little black cocktail dress without any regard for Kelvin viewing her impossibly beautiful naked body.

The wings on her back folded outward and stretched the length of her couch, then relaxed behind her.

Her horns were fully extended with her her tail dangling on the floor.

"Ah!" she sighed, stretching her exquisite limbs.

"It's good to be home. I don't have to worry about keeping up appearances here."

Even though this was not the first time Kelvin had seen her naked, or even the second, he was still in awe of her.

She would be the perfect model for any high-fashion magazine, if not for her large

blood-dark wings, curved rigid horns, and long black slinky tail.

"Make yourself at home," Zafira said, relaxing on the couch, she stretched her legs comfortably.

Kelvin decided to inspect her dwelling.

First he approached the refrigerator but hesitated opening it. "What does a succubus drink or snack on?" kelvin asked himself.

He pulled the French doors open to find absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, it was well-stocked with fresh fruit and vegetables, cases of soda lined up in the bottom, various condiments, and even ice cream in the freezer.

"Were you expecting severed heads and leech extract in there?" Zafira asked, giggling to herself.

"Uhnnn yeah" Kelvin answered truthfully

A/N:I'm still accepting gifts and golden tickets, and guys I'm not allergic to votes also. Thank you.)