
chapter 3

-Hey, get away from my boys, otherwise I don't know what to do with you-???

- Umm... I'm sorry

- What you heard, don't touch my boys. If not, then you will see what will happen to you.-???

- Your name..- Me

- Sujin. - Sujin

- Oh, Sujin. First of all, these are not your boys and you cannot own them. 2. I am the captain of their team and a friend (not a friend yet, but at least they made me close) and I want to get closer, but I don't want to, and 3. Keep your mouth shut, otherwise I will shut you down. - Me

she stood there for a while and then said.

- What right do you have to tell me this, you bitch? - Sujin

she blocked me on that. I went and first hit her in the face and then spit on her.

- You will call me again and then I will kill you. And I said it as if I wanted to kill her

- You cow will regret this - Sujin

and passed.

I looked over there and the boys were fired up. Maybe they didn't expect that from me.

Niki's POV

A girl came in. she would be a fan for sure.

shee said some things to Emma and then what she said to her.. it just surprised me

- Oh, Sujin. First of all, these are not your boys and you cannot own them. 2 I am the captain of their team and a friend and I want to get closer and I don't want to and 3 keep your mouth shut or I will shut you up. - Emma

I just looked at the boys and they were in this situation.

That girl said some things and then got accepted for it.

- Emma thinks she is very big. It's self-righteous and nothing more, I told the boys

They scolded me as if I had said something wrong.

But deep down I was thinking about something else.

Emma's POV

The boys stood there in surprise except Niki.

I don't know why he is acting so cold.

Maybe if I'm a girl... he's not the captain or...

And Jake interrupted my thoughts

- Emma, was that you or your twin? - He looked at me and laughed. - Jake

-😂😂Well, she show her place - Suno

- Well, now you can have fun. It's like you saw someone fighting for the first time.- I said

And I got a smile from Niki. I don't know why but he saw something. I also unconsciously looked at my clothes and screamed.

It turns out that during the fight, Sujin tore my clothes. I immediately ran to the changing room and put on another T-shirt.

I got dressed and left the changing room, cursing at the same time

- fuck my life. Why, at least now, it was not possible for this bitch not to come in now. fuck my life.

- I didn't think you were so rude babe.??

Who is this?

Niki's POV

Emma ran and I followed behind. When he came out he said

- fuck my life. Why, at least now, it was not possible for this bitch not to come in now. fuck my life.

- I didn't think you were so rude babe.

she suddenly turned around and kicked his leg in the stomach.

When she saw me he stood petrified and then said

- Oh, it's you. I'm very sorry, I really didn't mean to. Please forgive me, please don't force me..

- I heard, but now you got away from me. - Me

- Cold-hearted bastard - she said quietly and thought I wouldn't understand, but I understood everything.

- What did you say? .- I cried

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

hwangelly_creators' thoughts