
My Parent's Regressed to Prevent me from becoming a Villain

A certain individual whispers. "No matter any timeline he always ended up destroying the whole earth." the entity who began to observed all Seojun fates on a panel that displayed. The entity wondered which path he will let Seojun go eventually after many times of tries. He ended up on the last resort. That is he will turn back time however he will use something that even Seojun would give up doing his goals. That is he made the parent's the one who regressed to take care of Seojun.

Taicho_Kuro · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 8

"Awakening of Heroes" 

Mana, a powerful energy that emerged during the apocalyptic era, became humanity's last hope. With the appearance of Dimensional Portals worldwide, hordes of monsters spilled forth, ruthlessly conquering every land. Despair settled upon the people, leading some to accept their grim fate and fade into oblivion.

But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. People discovered the strength to fight back against these otherworldly creatures known as dimensional species. They harnessed the newfound energy of mana to reclaim their world and purge it of the monstrous invaders.

Over time, humanity's tenacity paid off, and they finally gained the upper hand. With each new portal's appearance, they stood ready, battling the beasts that emerged. The founders of the first heroes, pioneers who had tapped into the power of mana, developed a core to store and channel this enigmatic energy.

Explaining the process proved challenging, as channeling mana through their core became a vital skill for every hero. Consequently, the founders conceived the idea of establishing the Hero Academy, a place where humanity could learn to wield mana and develop their cores, ultimately becoming heroes in their own right.

As the years passed, numerous young individuals from successive generations rose to fame, each possessing incredible abilities honed at the Hero Academy.

"[And again! Snow Witch and Blaze protect the city once more!]" A reporter's voice boomed, prompting the cameraman to capture the heroic figures battling a towering, four-meter-tall red wolf.

Having triumphed over the monstrous creature, the Red Hero, known as Blaze due to the fiery aura enveloping his body, stomped on the defeated foe. He glanced at the camera, offering a confident wink.

Beside him, the Snow Witch appeared nonchalant, her icy attire mirroring her emotionless countenance.

"They have successfully eliminated a Red Wolf, adding another A-Rank DS to their record!" the reporter exclaimed.

(Note: DS stands for Dimensional Species)

As two onlookers watched the news, they couldn't help but feel a tinge of pity for those who boasted about their talents. They remembered the far more menacing dimensional species that had slipped through the portals from other dimensions, exacting a heavy toll on the lives of countless heroes. These heroes might be strong, but the horrors they had witnessed were beyond comparison.

Feeling helpless, they sighed, yearning for the continuation of this newfound peace. An awkward silence settled between them. Jason turned down the TV volume, breaking the silence, and looked at his wife, Lee Min Ye, releasing another sigh.

Jason hesitated, attempting to change the atmosphere. "Honey, should we enroll Seojun in the Hero Academy?"

His wife's tired eyes suddenly alight with excitement, transforming into stars. She cheered up and exclaimed, "Really? We're going to enroll him? I thought you just making excuses during our earlier discussion. "

Teasingly, Lee Min Ye turned her head, wearing a sly expression that matched her wide smile.

Recalling their recent "discussion," Jason couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease. He had brought up the idea of enrolling Seojun in the Hero Academy when he was running out of excuses. Although it might sound like a feeble excuse, his wife's messed state quickly transformed into excitement, prompting her to hurriedly get dressed and head upstairs to see their son.

Jason pondered the possibility that his excuse might actually work. After all, he had considered the idea in the past, but to protect his son, he had chosen to enroll him in a regular school, neglecting to teach him how to control his powers to avoid potential disasters.

"Well, if he has the talent, why not?" Jason thought, a smile forming on his face as he absentmindedly placed his hand on his pants. For some reason, he had nearly run out of energy, and his wife's unusual enthusiasm today seemed connected to the earlier events.

And indeed, he was right. Lee Min Ye's frustration didn't stem from her husband's charm with the female nurses at the hospital; rather, it was a hunger for affection. It resembled the time she had conceived Seojun, filled with longing. Determined not to let him slip away this time, she couldn't contain her excitement any longer, using jealousy as an excuse to nearly exhaust her husband. Fortunately, Seojun was sound asleep, oblivious to the commotion. Moreover, they had soundproofed his room with a mana-crafted artifact during his infancy.

With a newfound sense of excitement, Lee Min Ye left the room and ascended the stairs to Seojun's room. It was almost morning as she gently knocked on his door, peering inside to find her son still soundly asleep.

Meanwhile, Jason finally had the opportunity to rest. Dark circles marred his eyes as he settled his body onto the bed, closing his eyes and pulling the blankets over himself.

"I survived..." As he murmured and fell asleep.