
2. Infected

My eyes open to bright light My eyes adjust and I note that I'm in a lab wait "The fuck I'm I doing here"

Luni on my left reading a spell book looks up and just smiles then I see Sadi holding an injection with something that looks alive in it. I look left and see Roger torturing Yandre I turn a deaf ear and see the injection inches from my face

"IF YOU'RE GONNA GIVE ME A SHOT DO IT I dare you" I shouted and brought it down to a talk

Yandere hearing me,started talking saying "senpie they found me when I came down to look for you" I pretend to not hear then Sadi suddenly jabbed my arm through my sleeve

I stifle a scream which angers her "have fun dieing slowly" she said and on cue Luni takes a paper bag and tried to cover my head but I kept throwing it off

Then Roger comes over towards me, I tried to look scared but I couldn't then ended up angering him then he quickly grabbed my right shoulder blade

(Incase you didn't know the shoulder blade has a muscle tendon there

If someone was to press it, it will honestly hurt)

I couldn't move my arm to dodge it I was bounded to this lab table

"are you ready to scream" Roger said with not a hint of sarcasm, preparing for the pain that I hadn't felt in ages I put on a brave face which if it were a book it'll read "try me"

But he didn't have time for to try me. I fainted from to much adrenaline.....

I wake up to see Yandere dragging me somewhere "Leave my hand" I said almost weakly Yandere seeming almost shocked let go of my hand getting up a feel intense pain on both my shoulder blades "how long did he press my shoulder blades?" I asked "31 minute" a voice in my head said then Yandere said she doesn't know

then some random Chad came out of nowhere and started following us on every turn when we broke into a run he started chasing us

Yandere grappled onto a roof while I climbed the houses like a spider thanks to my outfit, we thought we were safe on the rooftop but he came up as well

The voice in my head said "You have every power even the wacky and weird ones" I honestly didn't want to test it but the voice said "Think of transforming so that all you have to do is think of the power you want to do" so I did then lo and behold I transformed into me but my body color was pure black my eyes were pure red and I had knives on my back as if they were wings Yandere screamed as if she saw a ghost and the Chad stared at me like he is willing to step on me

I thought of teleporting on his head and I did, surprised Yandere screamed even louder I swear I heard glass break the Chad tried to punch me but I quickly teleported back so he punched his head

Laughing I thought maybe I can do Goku's Kamehameha standing in the pose I started doing the Kamehameha which scared the Chad to the extent that he froze then I ended by pushing my hand forward as if throwing something and shouted "HAAAAAAAA" Then a blue streak of light passed through him gradually becoming bigger till it completely covered him,when I stopped he was nothing but ashes "hehehe" I laughed nervously as I thought of transforming back. Yandere was traumatized and fainted "better get her home" I said to myself