
Chapter 58

 He went behind me and tore away the torn up part of my clothes that covered my injuries. I was so scared with regards to his intention but that was nothing I could do to stop him at this point in the state that I am. He used the water and some of the Cotton which he carefully selected to remove the unwanted parts, to clean my wound up. It hurts badly but I had to bear it as it was for my own good.

After cleaning it up, he positioned me to lie down on the heap of cottons harvested,

" Just because I work for him does not mean I have lost my humanity. Lie down here for a while nobody will come in, when it is time, I will pick you up so Theresa would treat you completely" with that he left.

I was not able to thank him properly before he left the shed, I did not know how long I stayed there before he finally came to pick me. When we got outside the shed, he put his mask back on.  He now had an indifferent expression on his face but I knew better now that he cares and only does that so as not to implicate himself. Itoh walked in front of us as we left the plantation. He took me to the lake side and left me there.

It did not take long before I saw Maman running towards me with her herbal pouch hung on her kneck. It was very easy for her to access my injuries as I was already lying on my front, with the clothes covering it torn away. After studying it, she muttered something and brought out a rag from the pouch which she dipped into the lake and used it to wipe the injuries.

She brought out a native balm from her pouch, it was wrapped with leaves. When she opened it, the smell was so bad, I had to hold my breath. She slathered it on my back over the injuries, my lips bled as I bit on it in other to stop me from screaming out. She kept blowing on it but it did nothing to relieve the hotness I felt there. After a while the pain came down, she mashed up different types of leaves which she spread over the balm. She helped me remove my gown and used water to cleans parts of my body. She used my gown as a bandage to wrap the wound.

After putting on a fresh gown which she brought with her, she gave me dumpling to eat, I stared up at her shocked and wondering where she got if from. Did she smuggle it out of the mass center? That was so dangerous,

"The guard that brought you here gave it to me to give to you. That you had not eaten anything and you need food to heal faster" she told me quenching my worries, I ate it up in silence.