
Chapter 496

She is definitely brave and passed it down to her son, now I fully understand where he gets it from, his will to do whatever he wants and not care what others say. It is also an addition that he has the brute strength required, so if the matters do not end up the way he wants them to, he resorts to force at the end. Force is not always recommended and should never be the first choice, but it guarantees answer and obedience faster than any other means. Some would argue that obedience that emanate from force, would never amount to respect,

I am of the opinion that although it is not a willful obedience but it can still be regarded as respect. Force and fear keeps people in their lane, whenever they think of the sanctions that are attached to disobedience and flouting, it is easier to obey the laws. This was also the same strategy that the masters are using on us, they keep us subjected to them with fear and Force. We see the things that happen to those that do not obey or those going against them openly, after watching such gruesome sights, for the fact that we want to remain alive, even when we are not happy with their rule, we keep shut and do what is required of us,

" I need you to be on your best behavior as we step in there. Do not speak unless you are spoken to, this is very important!" I really do not know why he is fretting but the rules are simple enough, do not speak except spoken to, I have this already.

I let him know that we should continue on, since he has advised me already, it would be foolish of me to flout the laws. From the way he kept widening his eyes as he spoke, this must be an important person. He told me to stay behind him, with that he went ahead to knock and announce his presence to whoever was in the tent. I was already becoming restless and tired the longer we stood there without any response from within. I was almost about to tell him that we should leave and come back again the next day, or Later on.

" We should leave, I do not think I can remain patient any longer and the person is not willing to come out " when I said the person, I pointed my hand at the tent entrance.

I have said it that today must surely not be my day, I turned towards the door I was pointing at, and a woman was standing right there, so it as if I was pointing my fingers at her. She definitely did not looked impressed with me and I know that it would take a lot of time to let her know that she misunderstood whatever she must have heard and return to her good grace. The Elder's son only had a frustrated look as he watched the encounter.