
Chapter 461

I must have slept off right there, I really do not know what woke me up, it must have been the sun rays shining directly in my eyes. I was all alone and there was no food placed behind me. It is very possible that these people are new to this, so they do not know how guests should be treated. I was so hungry and it was also making my head hurts but that may also be as a result of the injury that is on my head. I was famished and I knew that if I did not go in search of food and I keep waiting for them, I may be dead and all that would be left for them is a corpse,

I felt a lot better than I did earlier, although I was still weak but I could control my motor skills. I could stand on my own and walk for a while steadily before getting tired. It was enough progress to make me happy and with that thought in mind, I decided to go in search of what to eat, I was definitely scared of what I would find on the other part of the tent once I open it, .I know I am behaving like a kid but I am not able to help. I walked over the tent and opened it, although I enjoyed the evening sir yesterday, seeing to he clear weather and having the sun shine on my face, it gave me an extra burst of energy that I never thought of. I peered both sides, left and right, but I could not find anyone. It is also possible that this is a trap, the moment I step outside, I would be ambushed but you should all know by now that I am a risk taker,

I boldly stepped out, I stood there for sometime waiting to be ambushed, but when I saw that no one was rushing over to capture me, I decided to continue on with my journey. This was not a normal camp and it wasn't built like the one where I was taken from, and also those with the masters. The tent I was kept was the only luxury that was over here, the rest were made of woods and leaves were wrapped around it. I actually wondered the person who brought the idea that I should be kept in such a comfortable place alone,

" Going somewhere?" A voice asked me,

This is why it is good to be at alert at all times. If I was focused I would have known that I was not alone and I have caught someone's attention. I really do not know how to respond to this so I would not be digging a deeper hole for myself. Since he was behind me, I was not able to see his face but I would recognize his voice anywhere. It was obviously the same person that came to me in the tent