
Chapter 454

" from merely looking at you, I expected more. But who do I have to blame than myself when you fall below par?" The wearer of the boot asked me,

I was more than tired of people judging me by an assertion they had of me before they met me and when I do not act in accordance to the view they thought I would, they start to belittle me and make me feel less than I actually am. Why should I be held accountable for whatever thought they had conceived of me in their minds before they met me?. I was not going to take it from them again, First it was Donua and now him,

" You are right. You have no one to blame but yourself, you should have tried to know me better before forming an opinion " I definitely do not know where I got this confidence from but it was what I needed,

"You still have some spark left in you. Maybe you are not a total failure after all" I was trying to place his tone but I could not. He was not sounding like the masters neither was he sounding like us,

"I am not a failure and I never would be" I growled out to him,

"Are you sure of that? I mean, you have failed already, look at you right now, on the ground, unable to get up without assistance, unable to help your friends and you caused their pains. Tell me what do you call that?"

I do not know how he got hold of all these information but he was hitting too close to home, why would he kick me down when I was already down. If there was a way to burrow myself into the earth underneath me, I would have done so a long time ago. I was actually torn within me,

 A part of me actually agrees with him, I was a failure and I deserved to be called that. How would I be able to help the people when I am unable to save myself and those I hold dear. The other part of me was quite angry with the title, I know that I am more than that and I would prove it to him by getting up. I  tried my best to get back up, I do not know if it is because of all the words he had told me before, I was not able to get on my knees before I fell back down,

His boisterous laughter killed all the hope that was burning in me. He circled around me for a while, then placed his boots on my head, pushing my face into the earth more, I tried struggling against his hold but it was fruitless. I had tears running down my eyes but I refused to show it to him, I rather he continues to push my head deeper into the ground, than for him to use my tears against me again