
Chapter 409

I decided to go in search of the Shaman again, she might be back in her tent again but when I got there, it was still empty. I squatted outside the entrance of the tent and used my fist to hit the ground a couple of time. This was a way for me to vent my anger a little, the pain helps to keep me grounded and not let all the information overwhelm me and take my focus away. I would have gone back to Tufa but that would be abusing his generosity and putting him in danger. I was told to maintain a low profile and I am very sure that there would be eyes on the lookout for me,

It was almost time for the people to gather. This was the event that I had been anticipating because this was where Donua would declare himself as a man of valor, capable of leading the people. He would announce to them how he bore the burden on himself to find them when he knew that the people were no longer at rest due to them missing. He would also use the avenue to undermine the present leader and how he should be made to give up his position to the virile ones,

This was the way I had thought it all in my head and actually the way it was meant to go physically but I had these daunting feeling that Donua would surely do otherwise. With bated breath I slowly walked towards the arena for it, it was not quite far since it was held in the middle of the tent.  After a while of being here, it had officially become a meeting ground of sort for us. Some people bumped into me due to their anxiousness to get there on time so they would stand in the best position,

This would give them the opportunity to see all that was happening without having to ask those in front. This was what I actually wanted but could not do so, so Donua would not catch me at once, I had to stay at the back to properly blend in. I gathered my hair as I walked there and wrapped it on the top of my head. I tore a piece of cloth from the bottom of my dress and used it to secure my hair further as I did not want any mishaps to happen there,

At last, I got the gathering. Even when they where free spaces that I could step into at the front, I still maintained my position at the back. It was also useful Incase I needed to make a quick escape and I had also promised Tufa that I would leave as soon as I set my eyes on the boys. So this would help me ensure that I carried the instructions effectively, than bothering people to let me pass by them, so I could get to the back and enjoy my life.