
Chapter 285

" it fits you, and it is thick, so it would give you a bit of warmth and from the looks of it, they have already set up a fire, just stay close to it and you will be fine." She fluttered over me like a mother to a child. I do not understand why she frets so much, I would be alright, all I needed now was a warm food in my tummy. I am always amazed anytime my stomach cries out for food, because it should be used to staying hungry already. We do not always have food available to us. 

I gently clasped her hand between mine to still her movement, and assured her that I was fine and nothing was going to happen to me. She looked me over with a stern face, as if trying to ascertain that what I was the truth, she must have been satisfied with what she saw, as she gestured for me to stand up, so we could leave the tent. The first thought I had immediately we sat down with them was, where was Boy? He was not seated with the rest. They were passing the basket around, it had assorted fruits in it but despite how hungry I was, I just could not bring myself to pick one up. I was definitely tired of eating fruits. I smiled as I passed the basket on to Naki, when she saw that my hands were empty, she raised her brows up in question, but I just shook my head in response. She picked some fruit From that basket and passed it on to the next person,

The remaining parts were actually boring to me so I zoned out, but I heard them talking about the next step for them, where they should go next? And how to ensure they would not be caught again.  There were a lot of conflicting suggestions amongst them but eventually they were able to resolve it all. I became bored with it all because I knew when they would decide to move on, I would not go with them. I had a different path to take but that does not mean I hate their decision to remain in hiding and fold their hands and do nothing. But we are all entitled to our decision as it is our lives, I would not force my desires on another person, so they would not hate me later on.

The main reason I stood up and excused myself, was because I wanted to go in search of Boy. Naki wanted to accompany me but I stopped her, she should have fun and let loose, this was the first time I have seen her interacting with people in a gathering, why would I want to drag her away from it?. I did not know where he was, but I decided to let my legs lead me. If at all I could not find him, I would enjoy the peaceful scenery