
Chapter 282

"It did not go the way i planned. But I am still optimistic that when we talk next, everything would finally be resolved. He still refuses to acknowledge the fact that it is actually me" I knew I was whining then but I could not help it. His behavior and refusal to acknowledge me, hurts a lot more than I would have thought,

Naki just laughed and scribbled some words in the air, her movement were a bit fast, so I could not catch any of it. I urged her to write it slowly so I could follow her movement or at least tell me what she wrote, but she actually refused to do so. 

"I am sure you sought me out for a reason. Come on, tell me what it is. We may not be able to solve all your issues, but we can start from somewhere" seeing her like this would always put a smile on my face because it astoundes me every time I witness it. Before now she was always someone that was closed off, she would be in the midst of people and not stand out. She does not show emotions as she believes it makes her look weak but now she can pull me into an embrace at any moment, does not hesitate to comfort me if I need it and also put my needs above a lot of things now,

"Why are you smiling?, Did you just want company or you wanted someone you can make attached to you and later leave them hanging and stranded?" The smile on my face died off immediately, all these snarky comment made me realize that she was still holding a grudge against me and we have not yet gotten past it. The  only way we can do this is to have a sit down and hash it all out and the earlier the better. I was so happy that we were already seated, no time like the present. It does not matter that I may catch a cold, what actually matter is that I gain I trust back, I was also grateful that I had not revealed the main reason for my search for her, she would have used it as an excuse to get out of this

"Let's settle things once and for all. You do not know what happened, that is why you think I left you. I would never do so willingly"

"Sure someone held a gun to your head and asked you to abandon me and follow them, I believe you" her words were actually sarcastic, she stood up and wanted to leave

"Sit back down, I will tell you what happened and you will listen, so you can stop making baseless assumption" from the tone of my voice, she must have known that I meant business then, as she sat back down albeit grudgingly. Then I proceeded to tell her all that happened on that day, it is up to her now