
Chapter 261

It was him!

I wiped my eyes with my hands to ensure that I was seeing correctly but the results were still the same. It was definitely him! Although he looked thinner and dirtier than the time I had last seen him, there was no denying that it was the same person that was in front of me. My eyes were tearing up already and my breath coming out in gasps, I tried to place my hands over my mouth to muffle the sound as I was still in hiding, there was no way I was definitely going to reveal myself to them despite how much I wanted to approach him.

I really wanted to approach him and ask him a lot of questions, such as what happened?, How did it all get to this point?. I alone knew the pain and guilt that I had harboured inside me as a result of him, there was no day that my thoughts does not go his way. Was this an opportunity that a diety up there was according me to make restitution and a means of showing remorse?, It was definitely a risky undertaking but I made my mind up that I was going to take it

He looked more mature in the space of few months, gone were some of those fat that were in his cheeks while we were back at base, he actually looked more like a man now, a famished and poorly treated man. He had a should length loc on his head, it looked unkempt and very dirty, I am not sure that fingers would be able to run through it. He was wearing a gown like clothe, one of the shoulders of the gown were hanging off his frame to show that it was way too big for him, his collar bone were protruding outward and definitely not in a good way.

All my thoughts of hunger immediately stopped and my priority shifted immediately. Would he actually recognize me if I come close to him? Or does he actually harbor anger against me which he would vent out whenever he comes close to me?, I would gladly take anything he throws my way as long as I can ensure myself that he is alright and with me now, I promised myself and whoever was listening that I would not be as reckless as I was in the past

I would ensure that I take very very good care of him. Just as I was about to figure out a way to make him know that I was here, his legs got tangled in the chain and this sent him spiraling downward, since others were attached to him, they also went down with him too. It would have been funny to look at if not for the fact that I knew the masters would not take it lightly on him. My intuition was correct when I saw the one with the whip was walking towards him.