
Chapter 221

I gestured for him to raise me up, so I could look for a way to relieve myself and stop hurting my bladder further. He quickly understood that gesture and raised me up to my feet. Their leader was looking matured enough, although he did not speak out loud, one eye signal from him was enough to let them know that they were going out of order and needed to comport themselves agan. My standing up alerted a lot of them to the fact that I was awake. The leader stoop up and started walking towards where we were standing with all boldness and confident. I tried to make myself look taller and almost the same size as him, by straightening my spine and making me look taller than my actual height. When he finally stood in front of m, he did not say anything but kept on observing me. I was leaning heavier on the man besides me. It felt like a punishment as my entire body hurt so bad. The leader and I would both stare at each other, but we would avert our eyes when it becomes so obvious that we have been caught looking at each other,

"Is there anything that I can help you with?" He said slowly but clearly

I was so stunned by the fact that he speaks In a language that I understood, and that we could communicate clearly and that there was all possibility that he would be able to answer me too. I was becoming giddy with such information and asked that the man supporting me help me sit on the floor. Even after seating on the floor, I was still in so much pain, I adjusted my body into a more comfortable position that would help me give an account of what I want.

" I need to relieve myself and need a female, if possible someone to help me acquainte myself here" I told him.  I was pretty much excited to be able to talk to him, so my words came out jumble and unclear. So I took it on myself as a burden to repeat the statements and hopefully he would be able to understand what I need. He looked to the man that had approached me earlier, he said something to him via grunts and some unintelligible sounds but he understood what was said, as he replied back and went to do what he was asked to

It was then I knew and understand that they were not yet communicating with the language that the Masters introduced but was content with the old ways of communication. 

" We do not have any female with us but if you feel like you can not hold it in any longer, you go further away with one of my men" he said it so casually with a look in his eyes that indidcate it was a solution that was known by everyone, why did I raise it up again . I raised my hands to stop him before he finished his statement.