
Chapter 201

I closed my eyes and let my body relax. I felt the next tug take me further than the rest, I knew then that before Girl would come back, I may be gone already and there was no way that she would be able to catch up with me. It kept taking me deeper and deeper until I felt it stop forcefully like someone was tugging it from my end. The jolt made me to open my eyes, I thought I had gotten to the destination and was about to see my captors. I was so shocked to see Girl with her hands on it, trying to tug it back probably to create more time to do what she wanted.  I expect her to bring out a Sharp rock or stone that would be able to cut through it and let me escape from this blasted situation,

"What do you think you are doing? What is that in your hands and what do you think you can achieve with that" I cried out pointing at what she was holding,

At this point I regretted the fact that she raised my hope up again, I had already accepted my fate and now she came to ruin it all. I have to put more efforts to convince my brain to give up on us been free and accept that we may be killed just like the master's guard. I looked over at where she was, only to find her giving me the stink eye and looking non challant about the entire situation. I do not blame her, she would not understand because she was not the one tied down with her life hanging on by a thread and not knowing what awaits her later one. I just turned my body away from her,

"Can you just stop acting like a drama queen, for once in your life." She asked angrily ". If you do not have the knowledge of what is in my hands, ask and I will educate you" she told me

" Me? You called me a drama queen?" I asked offended. I turned my body back towards her in anger, so I could see her face as she replied. How dare her insult me?, Does she know what it is like to be in my shoes presently, and I feel so helpless and can do nothing but watch her play and gamble with my life. 

" Keep shut already and let me work. We can continue this little spat after I get your ungrateful self out of this" she raised her brow at me, waiting for me to argue with her again,

I huffed and folded my hands on my chest, then turned my face away from her. I could hear her striking the two stone against each other, I think it was not going according to her plans because she was huffing in annoyance, the more she struck them against each other and no reaction from the Stone or from the ropes