
Chapter 168

When he finally woke up, we both drank the herb concoction, then decided to fill up our jars of water and go in search of some fruit to serve as food for us on the way. I was wary of this journey as we had no idea where they were or what awaits us on the way as everyone could not just disappear at once. Some of the thoughts that came to my mind too was that they went back to base and left us behind, I could understand their reasoning for doing so, were it to be true, because we were both sick and would have been an additional burden to them on the way back to camp,

I decided to divide the chores between the both of us, I sent him to source for food while I went to get our jars filled with water. I did not want to relieve the experience I had while searching for fruits the last time, which was why I sent him, since he was a man. The thought was funny to me because I would regard him as a child at some point but when it came to this, I regarded him as a man because of his sex and not his age. We decided to meet at the entrance of the camp, when we were both done.

When he left, I decided to pack some clothes because I did not know the weather ahead of us, it was possible that it could get very cold later on and it was better to be prepared. I packed them all up and rolled them into a bundle, then created a strap which I could use to hang it on my shoulder for easy carriage. Then I took both jars and headed in the direction of the water, I did not know how long it would take him to source for enough fruit and mine was fairly easy which was why I was not in a haste while preparing for it all and took my time to ensure that we had all we needed for the journey.

When I arrived, I set my bundle with the jar on the ground, tied my gown up to my mid thigh so it would not get wet, then waddled into the water. I stood there under the sky for some while, just absorbing the peace and quietness I could get, because I did not know when I would get such an opportunity again. When I felt like I had dallied enough, I went back out to pick up the jars so I can fill them up. When it was successfully done, I created space for it in my bundle and placed them in. We needed both of our hands free as much as possible, so we would be able to go faster and cover more ground.

We certainly did not need anything that would act as a draw back to the journey and delay us further from the goal.