
Chapter 158

" sometimes I feel so guilty like I am the one that killed her or surely the cause of her death, do you know how I feel on a daily basis?" I made my eyes looked crazed and wild

"Although I did not drive a stake into her, I feel like I was the one that strangled her to death. Not to talk of you that actually raised your hands on someone you call a good friend, and you punched him numerous times, if something had happened to him, how would you feel? Who do you think would be held responsible?, Would you ever forgive yourself?, Why! Why! Why!" I kept hitting him with my fist

I could tell that my words were getting to him,as his hands were fisted by his side and his breathing was becoming ragged and heavy. All he needed was a little push and he would break down and finally tell me all I needed to know. I knew my actions were wrong and improper, I would apologize to him when I was done and try my best to help him recover from any emotional damage that may have occured from my violent push,

" Do not tell me you actually wanted to kill him all these while, have you always been jealous of him?, You feel he is better than you?, Is that why you easily agreed to fight him to death?, Do you regret it at all, or is your heart actually like the color of your skin??m" I taunted him, made by eyes to be void of any emotions and pulled my lips up into an evil smirk,

All those words I threw at him, I got them from the last conversation I had with Itoh before she died. Those were some of the reasons she gave me as to why she hurt me and told me that our relationship was a mere farce and was all pretence on her part. The tears that were running down my eyes were real tears or hurt as it seems my brain was fully comprehending her words now and the fact that she is gone. The tears were a big contrast to the expression I had on my face but I refused to wipe it off. 

I was not shocked when he stood up in anger and pushed me away from him, so he could pace around the field, he would stand still sometimes, and let out a roar filled with pain and anger. I knew following after him then would do me no good, so I dusted myself up and sat down waiting for him to exhaust his anger and let the pain take over, then he would be malleable and reveal everything I actually needed to know. After a while of him pacing round the field, he finally broke down, tears were streaming down his eyes and he fell down to his feet. I smiled when I saw his actions, because he was at the point where he was useful to me.