
Chapter 148

As it turns out, I was not wrong. Not long after she was becoming irritated with my presence and I was not doing anything but standing there. I was only waiting for her to be irritated to the point where she leaves the lake, so I could follow behind her. If I leave first it means I loose and I can not afford to that, but any longer I may not be able to feel my legs again. She finally turned to face me and raised her brows my way, I also raised mine back to her with a shake of my head like I was confused. I was startled when she drew me in by my clothe neckline,

"Do you have a death wish or something?, What do you want from me?" She asked me angrily

I pouted as I looked at her, why was she so easily riled up, I literally did nothing to her. Now I know why she is always alone and invisible, she has serious anger issues and could kill someone if she wanted to.

"I only came across the view and wanted to enjoy it too.  I do not have any other intentions past that" I had a facade to keep up with and I will not stop now

I had to show her that I was not afraid and could stand my ground. Her chest was heaving already and the movement entranced me, I kept thinking, is it possible for the chest to pop when it gets to the limit and no more air to let in or out?. When I saw the look she was giving me, I had to come out from my day dream

"I am not in a mood to be triffled with? I believe you sought me out for a reason, what do you want from me" she was barely restraining her anger and had her hands raised,

I am sure she either wanted to punch or slap me, it could probably be the both of them but this was where she was wrong. While I had been looking for her to befriend her then, I purely came here because it called out to me, it was just a coincidence that I found her here.

" I do not know who you think you are my dear, but the world definitely does not revolve around you so do not try to flatter yourself, you are nothing special" I stood on my toes as I replied her patronizingly, so she feel the impact of my words.

I could tell she was hurt by my words, while I felt my words was a little bit extreme and regret saying them, it was just a reflex reply to all the questions she asked me continually. Must she be the one that I came her for?, While I would have loved to stay and continue squabbling with her, I remember I left two sleeping boys behind, it was almost time to for me to check up on them.