
Chapter 137

What I saw when I they finally came into my view shocked, stunned, suprised me and any other adjective that I could have used to describe it. It was so unreal and unbelievable. I had never once believed I could witness it, tears sprung up in my eyes at once. I wanted to observe them without being noticed, so I made sure I was hidden from their views. The guards and my people were playing around in the water together, I do not know how to put my thoughts into words, but there was no division of sides between them but were all mashed up together despite the fact that there was still space to contain thousands of people

They were all laughing happily and splashing water on each other playfully. This has always being the end goal for me , bringing it to their cognizance that we are all one, humans! With flesh covering us and blood running through us. There should be no strife as to who is supreme or who is above each other, we could all exist and cohabit together in harmony if only they are willing to drop their stance and pride and get it into their heads that we are not the animals they portray us to be,

Since they had not seen me, I decided to go back to the camp, I would return later at night time when it would be free and empty, then I could do all I wanted. When I got  to the camp, with nothing to do and no one to talk to, I decided to explore my artistic side. I do not regard myself as a singer, as I cringe myself when I hear the sound emitting from my mouth. I decided that since I can not carve on a piece of wood like Buna, I could try to draw on the ground.

This was a journey that was new to me and I had never embarked on it before. Although I can remember doing such as a child with the few group of friends that I had but it did not hold any meaning or value behind it. Buna's work reflected the future that he wanted and the life that he had planned out, what I wanted was something that would hold such a meaning too. Since I was drawing on the earth, there was all possiblity that it would be cleaned up before the next day but before that I want to leave my Mark on the world, it does not matter if it would only stay for one minute or be forever imprinted on the earth.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and slowly let it out, this was meant to center me out. With my eyes still closed, I started to draw, the picture was so vivid in my mind so all that was left to me was to recreate it with my hands on the earth. I let my mind guide my hands.