
Chapter 12

 When we walked to one of the tents, he opened the flap, went to him, and seated on the brown oak table present there. I stood before him, he kept on glancing at the paperwork before him so I used the time to look around.

On the desk there was a bunch of paper like mine too, I guess those applied for a pass too, other little trinkets cluttered his desk.

"Why do you want a pass, Elena?"

I didn't know if this was a trick question and if there was a right or wrong answer for it. I mean, I thought I answered and passed the gate and that was the important aspect but it seems I have another hurdle to cross over.

," I need it to be able to apply for a work and get work, without it I basically cannot get in here without a gun pointed at me"

Since he was staring at my eyes, I hoped my eyes reflected my words in them and that I was saying the truth. I hope he didn't think me a spy sent by people. The silence was in the tent felt like it was swallowing me whole, he just keys on staring at me and I had no choice but to stare back despite me wanting to look away from his gaze.

"I will approve your pass and even grant your work permit so you can start working immediately" he kept on looking at me sternly as if he was trying to communicate via his eyes. I just swallowed my put, there was a feeling in me telling me to just run back home and end this facade of bravery I am putting on, but I have come this far and can't afford to back out now, I won't.

" Thank you, thanks a lot, I appreciate"

I was filled with so much joy, it was as if for the first time, things were falling into place for me. Everything worked out in my first trial, I thought if mother, would she be proud of me because of how far I've gotten? Or will she be,!angry that I'm putting my life in danger?

" I hope you know what you are doing and that you made the right choice"

Although he said it with a smile, his words sounded ominous like there was a hidden meaning underlying his statement which I have to decode.

" I know what I am doing and this is the best choice right now for me and my family"

My words may sound defiant but I was tired of everyone telling me what I should and should not be doing. He just smiled and his smile was becoming increasingly annoying to me because it felt like he was mocking me without saying the words outright

"When you step outside the tent, there will be a guard there, he knows what to do already so he will take you directly to the servant's quarters, good Luck Elena".