

in a world where magic is essential. Elza The princesses of Estrella's kingdom don't have magic powers. Everything changes when the spirit of herself in another universe gets transported to her body. that turned out to be the strongest mage warrior on her world.

reno_wpu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs



After a few hours of riding "KLANG-KLANG" sound of a bell ringing out loud from the distance. I told the driver to accelerate the carriage. We've finally arrived at ROMAN-KOVA ROYAL ACADEMY.

*Screech* the carriage descended in a hurry. I and Una were running, luckily we arrive just as the student gather in front of the statue of the academy founder. They're looking at us for a moment, and after we join the lines we continue to pray in front of the statue. Then we began to enter the academy.

I entered with a big smile since I was lucky enough to avoid my engagement. I guess fate has taken sides with me.

*Clap-Clap* the sound of all the academy senior student lining in both sideways welcoming us the new student, as we march in the center of it. At the end of the line, we stopped. A brief moment of pause then, a giant flash out of nowhere emerges. The giant flash turned into a grown-up female. She wearing a majestic robe, a round hat, and long curly hair.

"Greetings, welcome to roman-kova royal academy. It is a place where this kingdom's future leader is forged. You as nobles have the obligation to guide the kingdom in the near future. My name is Luthien Den Lyse, you may call me Miss Luth. I am your headmaster."

Then, Miss Luthien looked at me for a moment who is in the back of the line. She smile "congratulation princess elza." all of the students looked at me. miss luthien continues to speak "You finally awaken your magic."

Miss Luthien claps a little afterward a horde of birds carrying a scroll appears. they drop the scroll toward the students.

"Those scroll is the direction for your entrance ceremony. You may open it."

I and Una opened the scroll. The content is each of the new students must demonstrate their magic in front of a lot of people.

"Okay that's all, you have 20 minutes to prepare, As we make preparation for the stages. Oh forgot to mention the academy map is located in the back of the scroll, Have fun."

*SWOOSH* miss Luthien and all the senior students are gone in an instant, They're using teleportation magic. Immediately I grab Una's hand and went to the bathroom.

"Una take care of my body for a moment okay."

Una nodded Then, I drink the sleeping pills. After I fall asleep. The other me takes over my body. Last night both me and the other me and also Una were experimenting my condition. in those experiments, we discovered that 1) in this flower realm I can create anything based on my imagination and it is not affected the real world, 2) if the other me falls asleep or is knocked down the sphere will automatically suck her back into this realm. That's all we can find for now. Due to time, we can't do another experiment. So, while the other me replacing me in the entrance ceremony I will be having fun here.

Una watch my body as the other me began to regain her consciousness.

"so how is it? which Elza do I talk to right now?"

the other me smiling smirkingly. "the not useless one."

we get out of the bathroom. I Watch the surrounding closely and take a deep breath. "…well the building looks the same, the air, the concrete."

"is in your world Roman-Kova academy also exist?" Una asks me.

when I am about to answer Una's question, a senior student reminded us that the ceremony is about to begin. So we're in a hurry to the location. the entrance ceremony is held in a square shape arena, with the audience surrounding you. the senior student sits in the middle until the top row, while the new students sit in the bottom, and finally, 3 VIP chairs are on the top.

*Swoosh* Miss Luthien appears again in the arena. "when your name is called proceed to the arena and demonstrate your magic ability. Oh before that let us welcome our VIP guess"

all of us looking at the top. The teacher standing behind the VIP seat, then Everyone was surprised when My father the king of Estrella kingdom came up.

"Welcome, your majesty." Miss Luthien bowed welcoming my father.

Miss Luthien cast a summoning spell. She summons 5 medium scale 6 meters stone golems.

"for each of you can exert all of your magic potential, I will not control this golem and have it easy on you. They have their individual thought when it comes to combat. Very well the demonstration starts from the front row and good luck."

Miss luthien leaves the arena. one by one each new student demonstrated their magic combat capability by facing the golem. One thing I notice is that as every student defeats the golem, the next one the golem gets more difficult. This means it learns so, it will be much harder for the last-row student.

Finally, it is Una time while I am the last one after her.

"It's my turn."

"good luck Una."

Una faces off with the 5 golems in the arena. she charges with a bow made with her mana. As she charges the golem scattered and some of them threw smalls rock on her. Una swiftly dodges it, one at a time. in the middle of it she creates a mana arrow bullet. with high precision, she shot the golem on its head one by one.

it is my turn now, everyone was looking at me seriously, especially my father. as I walked into the arena calmly. Before this, last night the other me telling me about her condition, how my relationship with my father in this world. Things were quite different, this is my new reality now.

The golem gang up on me. I grip my fist tightly, *SOKA VILNIS* I said it at the same tempo as I punch the air, and instantly obliterated the golem into pieces. In Less than a minute I defeated the golem. Everyone looks at me so vividly. Later on, as I was about to leave the arena from a distance at first the noise was heard so faintly. Then it becomes more and more clear. A footstep coming closer to me a male figure appeared. long to shoulder blond hair, wearing official knight uniform a coat, black leather trouser, red robe slung over on his shoulder. turn out it is zinnia big brother, his name is ANGELO VON ANDER.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. if you have an instagram check out my illustration friend sign_wolf.art he's the one who designed cover for me.

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