
My Other Half (The Werewolf Saga)

/Important things to remember before reading my work/ /1. This new version of werewolves are different as I have applied the Theory of Evolution to the werewolves./ /2.The world’s background is set in modern day Earth, where most of the supernatural beings have already been exterminated by The Hunters in the past./ /3.In this novel, supernatural beings such as werewolves have evolved to become more human. Because werewolves were hunted in the past, they learned to evolve and adapt just like how all creatures adapt in their new environment./ /3.The werewolves in this novel will no longer transform into hideous creatures to exhibit their fearsome strength. Instead, it will become their innate ability from the moment they are born along with their healing abilities. The only thing that will change in their appearance is the color of their eyes such as Gray, Red, Black, White, and the rarest of them all, Gold./ ------------------------------------------------ Cassey Rohan is a daughter of one of the richest families in Oregon. One day, she is forced to try and work as one of their employees for a day where she meets an unusual man around her age. After an expected turn of event while working, the man managed to save her from harm. Ever since then, Cassey finds herself wanting to see him more, and ends up learning that he will attend the same school she will attend, so she decides to be his friend. Little did she know that her decision will be the biggest challenge she will experience yet.

SageTorus · Fantasi
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4 Chs

A Strange Man

It all started during our summer break after graduating from middle school. As a child of one of the successful families in Oregon, I am expected to take over our family businesses all over the country. This is why I hate going to school and that is all because of the responsibilities that will be passed on me when I have older siblings that decide to do their own thing, and the worst part is that our parents even approved it.

Leaving only me, the third child of the Rohan family to take over our family business. At first, I thought it was a pain and the thought of doing something like my siblings did came to my mind. Little did I know that my parents had already seen that coming and told me off before I could even bring up my plans.

Without any say in anything in my entire life, although everything was given to me ever since I can remember, I feel like I am living in a prison, and it is very depressing. 

But that all changed when one day, I was forced to try working in one of our businesses as an employee just so that I know the feeling of working like everyone else. That is all because my father wants to get a hold of the essence and understand our business just like our employees. 

And just like any other day when my parents decided everything for me, I hated it but I went there anyway. And the moment I arrived, I was greeted by our butler who briefed me of everything that would take place. I will not have anyone to assist me, and must do any work in my field just like all the employees. 

I can already tell that it would be a long day, and it had to be one of the least favorite business that my family is handling, and that is warehousing.

'I was told that it would be easy, but to think that it would be like this. I will never obey them again.' I said to myself, regretting not never disobeying them even once in my entire life.

Though the warehouse where they want me to work as an employee for a day was small, the work is not a joke at all. I can see some female employees lifting large crates with goods, that alone I can already tell that it is too much for me to do.

As our butler led me to the orientation room where I am going to be given and oriented for my work for the day. I saw how busy it was for a small warehouse, I unknowingly wished to have it easy. 

'This is where you will be oriented, young lady. Have a great day! Please do your best!' Our butler says with an overjoyed expression. I could not say anything to his face and just stared at him blankly until he left.

'Do my best, my ass! I did not want any of this!' I said to myself and still kept a calm demeanor since my father will hear everything if I try to make a scene.

'Calm down, self. You can do this! This is just one day of work! You overcome every difficult position your parents have put you in! This is not different!' I try to be positive as much as possible even though I'm already nervous.

When I entered the orientation room, I saw someone wearing a uniform like I do. All their heads turned to me, and the manager who was going to brief me about my work, instantly flashed the fakest smile I've seen my entire life.

'Now that we have the last person for the briefing, we will start now. Please take a seat, young miss.' he says with an annoying smile on his face. Although this is just a work for one day, I can already tell that it is going to be a long one.

'Judging by the look on his face, I can already tell that he wants to suck up to me. Typical thing that most people do just to get a promotion.' I said to myself. I have never been wrong in my entire life. I can say that I am good at judging people and that must have been the reason why my parents want me to take over our businesses rather than let my older siblings.

And I was not wrong, the manager gave me the work that's the easiest out there, and that is a clerk.

'Our clerk called in sick today, so I would like to give that work to you for today, young miss.' he says with the same annoying smile etched on his face but the moment he turned to the boy who seemed to be the same age as I am, his expression changed. And he ended up as a worker.

'Talk about being plastic to the next level.' I immediately went to do my job as I was told without looking back to the manager.

The day went by incredibly slowly, but my workload doesn't seem to be hectic compared to the others working inside the warehouse. It is then that I realized what happened.

'He pulled some strings. I knew it. Although I am incredibly irritated that I have to work here as I am only forced to do so, it irritates me that people want to get on my sweet side by doing unnecessary things.'

The held same paper with only a few goods listed until lunch. And staring at the same items on the list irritates the hell out of me. I am the type of person that even when I am forced to do something that I am not good at, I will still try to deliver the best as much as I can, and clearly the manager is looking down on me.

'Compared to the others in this warehouse, I feel so useless. What is the point of making me work when all I do is this!?' I said to myself, irritated that I have to deal with someone that wants to get on my sweet side. I can't take it anymore, and so I marched towards the manager's office to give him a piece of my mind when all of the sudden, the one that was with me during the orientation called out.

'Are there any goods that are yet to be inspected?' he asked, covered in sweat.

Although we have been inside the orientation room earlier, I have not seen his face clearly, and now that I do, he is quite the handsome face. Taken aback by his beauty, I failed to notice that I have been staring at him for an unusual amount of time.

'Miss? Are you feeling unwell?' he asked and took a step closer. My face slowly turned red and replied in an abrupt manner, 'I should be the one asking that, you are covered in sweat.' 

He just stared at me, unaware of how he was sweating bullets. And just then, someone walked up to me and handed me the new list of items that needed to be checked.

'Well, I guess we have new items to be checked now.' I said, and his face immediately lightened up and the idiotic look on his face disappeared. It is as if he only lives to work. 'What a strange person.' I thought to myself.

And never did I expect that I was right. He is abnormally strong for his size. The giant crates of goods that should have been lifted with forklifts, he is lifting them all using his body alone. It really left me speechless.

'Hey, are you seriously going to lift everything by yourself?' I asked, and he just responded to me and said, 'I was told that the forklifts were out for maintenance, so I guess I have to make do with my body.' He said that with the same idiotic look on his face.

'Bullshit. I saw forklifts standing outside the warehouse before entering and they are not even being repaired!' I got the feeling that I was being spied on and when I turned to my right, my gut feeling proved to be correct. An employee immediately hid away from my sight the moment I turned my head. My blood immediately reached boiling point.

'These bastards are really asking for it.' 

I've had enough of this bullshit and decided to go to the manager's office for their bullying. But before I could voice my disappointment, I heard a cracking sound coming from my right and I heard an employee shouting in front of me, his mouth yelling danger. And before I knew it, a stack of crates were falling right above me.

My body froze and I could only close my eyes in fear, unable to react to the sudden danger. Out of nowhere, I felt someone grab my arm right before the crates came crashing down on me.

'Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?' I opened my eyes and saw the same sweaty employee who was with me. He doesn't show it but I can feel it behind his voice, he is hurt. Just then, I felt something warm fall on my face, a droplet, and when I looked for the source, it came from his head.

He is injured, and I was not able to see it because of how close our faces were to each other. 'You're bleeding,' I said, he did not answer and just tried to look away. 'He must have seen his blood drop on my face.' I thought to myself, and then realized something. I unknowingly turned my face away as well, 'That's it! Our faces are too close!' Even though it was a serious situation, I can't help but be flustered.

Not long after, the crates covering us were moved out of the way. I should be happy that we were saved, but I got even mad. Instead of treating the one who was clearly injured, the manager brought the nurse to check up on me. Me, who doesn't have any injury, was the first one to get checked up on.

And instead of getting praises, the one who saved me got scolded for not placing the crates properly. That infuriating sight urged me to do something that I was not supposed to do, but I know I have to do it.

I walked up to the manager who was scolding my savior and called out to him, 'Manager.' He immediately turned to me with a fake smile on his face, and said, 'Yes, young miss-?!' 

I slapped him right across the face as hard as I could. Although it was inappropriate for me to do that, I thought it was necessary to do so to try and teach him a lesson.

'What are you doing?' I asked, everyone was staring at me for what I did and I don't regret it, for I know I did what was right.

Right before I could give him a piece of my mind, I heard someone call out, 'What is going on here?' I turned back only to see my father walking inside the warehouse.